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Posts posted by Honeth

  1. So guys, I wasn't sure where to ask this so I'll just put it here. I'd really like to hang a few Cosmere related posters up in my bedroom. The thing is, I cant find any store or site that sell them. Sure there are a handful of posters on Brandon's site and I've checked them out but does anyone know any sites with more variety? Thanks for your time guys :)

  2.   Following Harriet's statement that a new studio has acquired the right for The wheel of time, what are your thoughts on the matter? Should they try to make it happen or the sheer length of the books in addition to the short time the story takes to conclude (3 years) just make the project impossible? They could go for an animated version though I'm not sure if that would work either. At least that way we won't have actors aging beyond the age of their roles.

  3. Thank you for clearing this up for me. Do you know whether they appear in any other books besides those you already mentioned? Also the line i was talking about is not from Secret history (I though so too before i finish the novella). I remember the line you quoted here and it's not the same. I'm not sure where it was from I remember someone saying here that it was the last line of a book? Novella? I don't know. 

  4. Having recently read The band of Mourning and The secret history, and having read more than a few posts here, there is just something that I need help with. 1st, who were the two people Klesier met( a woman and a man whose names I don't remember), the ones who pointed him towards, what I assume were Elantrians? 


    And secondly somewhere here I read that at the end of a book?/short story?, there was this line, "We Selish will get a shard of our own", or something like that. At the time I assumed it referred to the secret history but that was not the case

  5. Hey people, nice to meet you all :)

    My real name is Panos but here I'll be using "Honeth", the name of a character in one of my stories, since my all time favorite "Steelheart", was taken.


    As far as my reading is concerned, I have read all of Sanderson's works except the Rithmatist series and a few short stories. Also I haven't managed to get my hands on the White sand graphic novel as well.


    Ok so, having recently read The band of Mourning and The secret history, and having read more than a few posts here, there is just something that I need help with. 1st, who were the two people Klesier met, the ones who pointed him towards, what I assume were Elantrians? 


    And secondly somewhere here I read that at the end of a book?/short story?, there was this line, "We Selish will get a shard of our own", or something like that. At the time I assumed it referred to the secret history but that was not the case.


    Anyway, I'm really happy to join this community and look forward to your replies :) 

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