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Posts posted by emu

  1. I submitted two pieces to the Mistborn gallery a few days ago. Both are still listed as "pending approval", which I thought maybe was normal and that the mods hadn't seen them yet. But I just posted a SA piece without any problem or "pending approval" messages. Is there a bug of some kind? Thanks!

  2. Hi all!

    As the title says, I was recently invited here at JordanCon, specifically at the MTG tournament where Brandon was playing. I'm a huge fan of Mistborn and The Stormlight Archive, and while I'm not as active online as I'd like to be, I do post a lot of fan art on my art blog.


    I'm excited to be here and be a small part of the community. When I can, I'll be contributing fan art. Aside from that, I may or may not poke my head into a discussion now and then, but mostly I'm content to draw and listen to audiobooks and play around with headcanons. :)

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