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Posts posted by dbulick

  1. On 1/9/2023 at 1:02 PM, Stormtide_Leviathan said:

    Yeah those all seem reasonable. Seeing other spore eaters would be cool, but I doubt we're seeing too much more of Lumar sadly and aethers elsewhere seem to work a little different.

    (Also side note- I expected the Sorceress to be a Midnight spore-eater who managed to control her infection.)

    It wouldn't surprise me if aetherbound function similarly to the spore eaters, but with a better measure of control.  The verdant spore eater appears to be involuntary.

  2. 12 hours ago, Karger said:

    The whole planet is likely artificial(12 moons).  I imagine that the dead spores can dehydrate when on land and this creates water vapor.

    You are probably right, I had it in my head that the moons are artificial and the core aether on them struck a deal to chop up the planet into sections

  3. On 11/10/2022 at 0:19 PM, Leuthie said:

    What if Sazed invited Autonomy to send an avatar to Scadrial to aid in creating his own avatar to better deal with the dichotomy of his Shard? Trell is the avatar of Harmony, acting as Discord. Trellium is Autonomy's Godmetal, used by Autonomy's avatar to facilitate the separation between Harmony and his created avatar, something Harmony wouldn't be able to do on his own. 

    Probably a little convoluted, but better than the entire series being predicated on an attack on Scadrial by Autonomy.


    Is Atium invested enough that if left alone for a very long period of time it would gain sentience on its own?

  4. 1 hour ago, Bzhydack said:

    Dont think so, because extra bit of Ruin was always materialized as Atium, and Southerners are direct descendants of people who were already in the South during Final Empire Days. Harmony of course could manipulate theirs spiritwebs to add some Ruinous to them, but I dont think he would. Entire society driven by Ruin is little bit dangerous, dont you think?

    Yes the excess ruin was siphoned off as Atium in the past.  Do the Kandra still have a large store of Atium?  As far as I know we haven't seen where that is going yet correct?

  5. This has been something that I have thought about for a long time, ever since the end of era 1.  We know that there is extra Preservation put inside the people of the basin (maybe the whole world, maybe not).  What if the excess Ruin lies within the southern Scadrians?  Harmony knew that to be balanced he needed to dump it, it worked out well having Preservation within humans.....so why not having a population with excess Ruin?


    Probably crazy.

  6. 2 hours ago, CognitiveShadow said:

    Could be! Maybe it’s Discordium? And Harmony is secretly having a “Fight Club” problem with himself, going behind his own back and switching between acting as Harmony and Discord and losing his memory?


    but not sure this all makes sense with the off world Trell lovers we’ve seen

    The ole dual identities.  If that weren't being explored with Shallan, I could see Sanderson going this way.

  7. 16 hours ago, Requiem17 said:

    My instinct was the same, but unfortunately I have to obsess over it with these weekly chapters ugh. 

    Reddi says "this time" implying that someone has come to Wayne looking for money before. We don't yet know if Wayne picked up gambling or investing in the wrong things, he may have. It seems out of character because he's never seemed interested in making more money. If this is the track Brandon is taking Wayne's character though, Wayne has really imploded his life. The only good thing going for him now that MeLaan and he are over is the constable job with Marasi, and that has signs of being over soon as she's wishing for the next big adventure/challenge. 

    I really hope it's the opposite though. Allriandre returning the money and we get some closure there makes the most sense as to why he's running. If Sophie why is Wayne running away? It'd have to be a strings-attached sort of sum. Not sure what the strings could be.

    I feel like Wayne owing people money isn't so much that he borrowed or messed up with some investment, but more along the lines of he just doing whatever he wants took something without paying.  Like he "traded" a old meant bun for something more expensive.

    My initial thought too was it had to do with the little girl that Wayne was messed up over as well.

  8. On 4/26/2022 at 10:41 PM, Trutharchivist said:

    I must say that I don't really get that - care to elaborate?

    Great choices! Though I disagree with the last one. Gaze isn't, in any way, a big, slow person, and that's how chulls are seen in Roshar. He's not a whitespine or anything. Perhaps a skyeel.

    Jackal's are kind of the African/Egyptian version of a fox in mythology.  They are seen as tricksters.  The jackal seemed cooler than a fox?

  9. I like what you are saying.  My personal head canon is that they are not trying to collect all the different magic systems, but they are trying to collect Connection to all the various shards.  I feel like they traveling planet to planet to in order to have offspring that will be connected enough to each shard to be able to take up the big A when the time comes.

  10. On 2/24/2022 at 3:03 PM, DougTheRug said:

    Ah, this WOB makes me think that all of the different forms can. Now, would a Fused+human be different than singer+human or one of the higher forms+human? 

    Do the genetics of the Singer change based on what form they are in?  Assuming they reproduce sexually, would the sperm and egg change depending on the form?  I would tend to think no?  My guess is that the Horneaters and Herdazians are different just because of divergent evolution.  They probably started off pretty similar, but over years diverged.

  11. I was just thinking about this while I was in the shower this morning(don't judge).  I didn't realize that the kickstarter pulled in that much already.  I wonder what the cost of producing that number of books is?  I wonder how much money he typically will get from his typical book deals for like a Mistborn book?  This method of distribution might be more lucrative than traditional distribution.

  12. 44 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

    There is also honey and flax and wheat. All unknown to Rosharans. And frankly if you suggested to a Rosharan to eat an insect's predigested vomit, you'll get a reaction to is incompatible with a compliment.

    Now something to keep in mind, this is Hoid telling the story to someone from another planet who probably speaks a totally different language.  While telling this story he has to adapt the references to make sense to the person he is speaking to.  It is entirely possible that honey/wheat/flax don't exist on Tress' planet.

  13. 4 hours ago, Ixthos said:

    Part of me wonders if Trellium could be an alloy of two or more metals, so if some of Ruins investiture could be in Trellium along with some others and that is what is interfering with Harmony's ability to identify it. Still, I agree, it most likely is another Shardmetal

    I agree, it most likely is.  For some reason when I was taking a shower the other day after reading chapter 1 and 2 of the Lost Metal, I was thinking about the excess of ruin out there and what it could still be doing.

  14. Do we have confirmation that Trell is an avatar of Autonomy?

    Do we have confirmation where the extra bit of Ruin that Harmony is?

    What if Trell is that extra bit of Ruin that has been taken up by someone, or is being used in a way to cause issues?  It could make sense within the story that there isn't outside shardic influences on Scadrial yet.

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