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Posts posted by AliasSheep

  1. Just now, Ammanas said:

    @AliasSheep After you finish Hydrogen Sonata you might want to give Against a Dark Background a try. I believe its is strongest non culture book.

    I'm planning on reading them all, so I will get round to that one!  The next M. Banks book I plan on reading though is Feersum Endjinn because I picked it up dead cheap at a second hand bookshop, so I actually have it to hand to start reading.

  2. 1 hour ago, Ammanas said:

    A lot of fans look over this one, but I feel its one of his strongest Culture books. Enjoy! My three favorites are Surface Detail, Player of Games and Hydrogen Sonata.

    My favs so far are Look To Windward and Excession.  I'm lead to believe that The Hydrogen Sonata is gonna be one of the ones that I especially like (though I adore them all (except for Inversions) of course).

  3. The meteor hit hard.  The first strike caused devestation - but it was only the beginning.  Wave after wave of smaller projectiles, combined with the dust covering the atmosphere, conspired together to, bit by bit, kill anything and everything.  It was over.  Creation had been for nothing.



    Nobody won!

    But like, seriously, no one was even close to their win conditions.

    I do apologise for the utter mess that this game has been from beginning to start, and I'm grateful to everyone for not going off on one at me.  You're welcome to look in the Spec Doc for my reasons as to ending the game early (or.. late, as it were).  It's not pretty.  Again, I'm sorry.

    I hope you all enjoy the rest of your time in SE - I probably won't play again (even though I definitely recall swearing off playing before...).  You can catch me on the discord - come talk to me about the horrors of US imperialism, mathematics, or cute animals.  Your choice.

    Here's to making SE history.

    Doc links:
    GM Doc -  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SBs5tiPaX6hi39qrcJSq9v5ScUzM2biXOaNO8pX4yUg/edit?usp=sharing
    Spec Doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dl7FZoqsF6QtBK1NpOn5iV83Vp_sH7KM84CKnSVYE9U/edit?usp=sharing
    WorldBringers Doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CSoH2FdRXayvn4YrYb4ikBMWeOlQUGQWhquZDoRP8iU/edit?usp=sharing
    Agents of Chaos Doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rXAXaM_bpdYFpsjtcpZvJhJO5ZUrLbSmHb7wohJP5qM/edit?usp=sharing
    Brotherhood of Peace Doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c9boo_ANTEs4CZ1HKOJ8xoDHwRa9JvhvAeOleyJin3M/edit?usp=sharing



  4. "All humans are descended from one pair of ancestors, Rangi and Papa, who are also called Heaven and Earth. In those days, Heaven and Earth clung closely together, and all was darkness. Rangi and Papa had six sons: Tane-mahuta, the father of the forests and their inhabitants; Tawhiri-ma-tea, the father of winds and storms; Tangaroa, the father of fish and reptiles; Tu-matauenga, the father of fierce human beings; Haumia-tikitiki, the father of food that grows without cultivation; and Rongo-ma-tane, the father of cultivated food. These six sons and all other beings lived in darkness for an extremely long time, able only to wonder what light and vision might be like." Maori Creation Story


    No rules were voted in!

    The Rule Submissions for this turn are:

    #1 - 

    The Brotherhood can convert no more than three people in addition to those converted when the faction came into existence during the course of the game. If they have made these conversions, and target someone they would normally have converted, nothing happens.


    I know this won't matter too much now, but I'd still like to fix this anyway. also, if allowed, I'd like to use my secret-keeper power on this one.


    The Rules, as of Night 5:




    The Agents of Chaos
    Win Condition: Create enough chaos
    Abilities: Can use each ability in the game once

    Agents of Chaos may be part of other factions as well.  They have a doc to communicate in.
    The WorldSmiths
    Win Condition: Have the most items by the end of the game

    Abilities: Each night the WorldSmiths can kill someone.  When they kill someone, an item is created and given to the killer which contains one of the victim’s abilities or traits (such as access to a doc or a role ability) as decided by RNG.  The person holding the item is then able to use that trait as if it were their own.

    Items can be given away for one action during the Night.

    The WorldSmiths have a doc in which to communicate in called Celestial Abode.

    The Brotherhood of Peace
    Win Condition: Remove all kill roles and items from the game

    Each cycle, one of the members of the brotherhood can proclaim their peaceful ways to someone else. This has one of several effects, depending on the target chosen.

    If the target has an item that allows for a kill, that item is removed. If the target has more than one such items, all are removed.
    If the target has a role or faction ability that allows for performing a kill, that players is instead role-blocked for a cycle(if the player has both items and roles, he only loses the items, and is not role-blocked).
    If the target is faction-less and did not have a role/item that allowed for performing a kill, they are converted to the brotherhood of peace.
    The Elementalist role does not count as a kill role, though it can be used as such. An Elementalist converted to the brotherhood can not use their element to kill.

    A person can only be targeted once by the brotherhood in the course of the game. The brotherhood has a temple dedicated to peace, in which they can meditate on their peaceful ways (in other words, they have a faction doc).

    Stereotypical Villager
    Overly paranoid, highly xenophobic, and poor losers, they win if they remove all other factions with a mechanically achievable and game-relevant win-con.





    Gunsmith (Unique)
    Win Condition: Hand out all their guns and have them be used before they die.  They must also complete all their faction’s win conditions.

    Abilities:  The Gunsmith starts with 5 guns.  Each night they can give any number of their remaining guns to players of their choosing.

    Using a gun:  If a player has a gun, they may post in the thread at any time “I am shooting [player name]”.  Their target then dies if they do not have any protection (this does not bypass both lives) and thus must stop posting and PMing.  If a player who does not have a gun does this, they instead are the one who dies.

    Potato Master (2-3 players)
    Abilities:  Each cycle you may gift a player a potato.  The potato takes on a randomly decided form out of Raw, Baked or Mashed.

    If the potato given was Raw, then the player it was given to is roleblocked for a cycle.
    If the potato given was Baked, the receiver gains a one-time roleblock ability.
    If the potato given was Mashed, the receiver gains a one-time role-scan ability. 

    After having died, a player with the Strong-Willed role has the ability to make a final post at any time until the end of the cycle.  They are not given access to the dead doc until after this post is made or the end of the cycle has happened, whichever occurs first.

    Each night, a player with the Paranoia role may activate their ability. If they do: If they are attacked that night, they survive the night and execute an attack against all the people who attacked them.  If they are not attacked that night, then they die.

    Dungeon Master
    Each night a person with the Dungeon master role may do two of the following:

    • Create a mob of NPCs, doubling their votes for the next day.
    • Influence the dice, choosing a player and redirecting a random action targeted at the Dungeon Master to that player instead.
    • Deny a player's request, roleblocking them for the Night.”

    You are assigned an element.  Provided you can justify it thematically, you may perform any action that is cleared with the GMs.

    Secret Keeper
    Once per cycle, the Secret Keeper may introduce a rule into the game that is guaranteed to come into play, provided the GM allows it.

    Odium gains a kill action that they may use at night.  They must be the last person alive.  No faction may win until Odium is removed from the game.

    General Abilities



    Role Proposal
    Each turn, a player may submit a rule proposal in their GM PM.  In the following write-up, all the rule proposals are anonymously presented to be voted upon.  The three proposals with the most votes are incorporated into the game, starting the next turn.

    Rule Votes
    Each turn, a player may submit a rule vote in their GM PM.  This vote must select one of the rule proposals presented that turn that the player supports.  The three proposals with the most votes are incorporated into the game, starting the next turn.

    In addition to being able to vote for a rule players, also get a single vote against a proposed rule each cycle. This counts as -1 to its total votes.

    If a given rule has 0 or fewer votes, it won't be passed, even if it is technically in the top three proposals by merit of being the only rule etc.

    At any time, a player may submit an order to propose to another player.  This order is unblockable and unredirectable.  A player who has been proposed to may then submit an order to accept the proposal.  The proposal expires at the end of the following turn.  If the proposal is accepted, the two players are then considered married.  This is irreversible.  The two share all traits, including but not limited to, access to docs, win conditions and faction abilities.  This remains true even if one of the pair dies.

    At any time, a married pair may submit an order to adopt another player, requiring consent from both parties.  A player who has such proposed to them may them submit an order to accept it and become adopted.  In addition, a fourth player must also submit an order to acknowledge the adoption.

    The married pair then becomes aware of their adopted child’s roles, alignment and items.  They are also added in to any PMs the child is a part of or becomes a part of.  After 3 cycles, the adopted child may choose to end the arrangement.

    PM Creation
    During a night turn, a player may create up to two PMs each with up to three players in them.  All PMs must include at least one GM (AliasSheep or Stink).

    Infuse spheres
    A player may put any number of their uninfused spheres out in the highstorm during the night turn.  These spheres are then returned to them the following day turn, infused, unless the spheres are stolen.

    This action does not expend an infused sphere.

    Steal spheres
    A player may target another player during the night turn.  If that player had spheres out in the highstorm, then the first player gains those spheres the following day turn rather than the player whose spheres they originally were.


    Passive Rules



    Each player has two lives.  If a player has two lives, then if they would die, they instead lose one life.

    Each cycle there is a 15% chance that all rules, including but not limited to: win conditions, probabilities and item effects, will reverse.  There is then an 85% chance that the rules will switch back.

    If a player receives no votes, that player is Boring. Boring players can't be targeted by other players because no one pays attention to them. Further, since no one pays attention to Boring players, no one is affected by their actions. No one pays attention to their votes, because they're so boring, unless they vote on themselves, which makes them interesting, and stops them from being Boring.

    Each player starts with a random number of pancakes up to a maximum of 5.  Each day turn, a pancake is consumed.  During the night, one action may be spent to gain 2 pancakes.  If a player runs out of pancakes, they become Hungered.  A Hungered player may not vote and may only use their night actions to gain pancakes.  If a player remains Hungered for a whole cycle, they lose the ability to talk in the game thread and may only use their actions to gain pancakes or create PMs.

    If a player claims their role, either in the thread, PMs or in a doc, they die the turn after.  Their items as a result of this death are then divided randomly among the people they had PMs with.  A player may however, affirm or deny another player’s guess of their role.

    Each player starts the game with 5 infused spheres.  Each action they take uses up a sphere, changing it from infused to dun.  They can be infused again using the “Infuse spheres” action.  

    Random Redirection
    Each night, a single action from any player is redirected to a random target, though it may not affect the original target.

    Family Ties
    A player many not kill, attack or vote for their spouse, their adopted children or the spouse or adopted children of their adopted children, and so on down the family tree.  If a player does attempt to do so, any votes are cancelled and they are roleblocked the next turn.

    If a married couple has a win condition that would require one to kill the other, this particular case no longer applies, and they can win without killing each other.

    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half
    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half must at all times be referred to as Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half.

    Each player is assigned another player with whom they have a Vendetta.  As a part of a secondary win condition, they must attempt to play a direct part in that player’s death, be that through lynching them or killing them by action.


    RP Pancakes
    If a player's RP in a turn is 250 words or more, they gain a pancake.

    RP Keteks
    If, during a day turn, a player's RP contains a coherent ketek in bold, they gain a free action to use the following night.

    Each player receives one bunny which is either male or female.  If a player has a male bunny and a female bunny, they gain another bunny each cycle.

    Platypus: item. 

    5 platypi will be distibuted into the game. A person with a platypus may steal a bunny from another player each cycle. A player with a platypus gains the win condition "wins if they have 10 bunnies." 
    A player with a platypus may use this ability regardless of whether they or their target are boring.  Platypi cannot be eaten by Bunnies.

    Action Limit
    No one may use an ability or item with the same effect more than once in a turn.

    The Meteor
    A giant meteor will strike the thread on Day 7, killing everyone, reducing their lives to 0. The game will end after the meteor strikes, with win conditions being determined at that time.

    The Lynch



    Each day turn, a lynch occurs.  Each player may vote up to three times, and may vote in either red or orange.  If a player wishes to retract or change one of their votes, they must put that vote in green in the post they retract or post the new vote.

    The player with the most red votes at the end of the day turn is killed.  The player with the most orange votes at the end of the day turn is roleblocked until the next day turn.





    Dula’s Gift
    Each player at the beginning receives one of the following items, chosen randomly:

    Knife (Ka-neef-fay). This item may be used when you make a kill action.  Your kill action applies before any other actions. 

    Machete Throwing Ape (Ma-cheat-tee-throw-ing-app-y). You may kill a player with a 50% of working. If it misses it goes to the other dimension and trolls people. (Interpretation of this is left to the user. (Please discuss with Sheep how you want it to troll people.))

    Monkey (Munk-why). You may target a player.  That player is role blocked.

    Each item, when used, is removed from the player’s inventory.


    No one was lynched!

    Roleblock votes:

    Hemalurgic_Headshot (1) - HH
    wilson (1) - wilson
    Jondesu (1) - Jondesu
    Orlok (1) - Orlok
    Sart (1) - Sart
    randuir (1) - randuir
    Aonar (1) - Aonar
    Lemonelon (1) - Lemon

    Everyone not on this list is Boring.

    Player List
    Straw - Straw
    coal - King Cole
    Qwertyuiop - Hemalurgic_Headshot Hastur Hastur Hastur
    Willow - little wilson
    Hoid - winter devotion
    Kintas - Jondesu
    Locke Tekiel - Orlok Tsubodai
    Non Sequitur - Sart
    Bob the Omnipotent - Ecthelion III
    mysterious Speed Force energy - Flash
    Blade - Sami
    Elias - Bartimaeus
    Insanus - Darkness Ascendant
    Kel - randuir
    Silver Feather - Roadwalker
    Majestic Eagle - Majestic
    Ati - Drake Marshall
    Sol - Eternum
    Ad - DroughtBringer
    Elithanathile - Elithanathile
    Amarthion - Elenion
    Aed - Aonar Faileas
    Bortholomew the Blind - Bort
    Nocturnal Flying Mammal Man - Grumpy Dula
    Bugg - Clanky
    Magestar - Magestar
    Fess - Arinian
    The Lemon - Lemonelen
    Caramelion - Megasif
    Bri - Brightness Radiant
    Olbar - The Young Bard
    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half - Ornstein

    Turn ends:


    Anyone who wants to complain about how long turns are taking can come PM me personally to volunteer to run the game and convince me not to walk away from it completely.

  5. " When the earth first became hot and the heavens churned and the sun was dark, land emerged from the slime of the sea. The deepest darkness of caverns, a male, and the moonless darkness of night, a female, gave birth to the simple lifeforms of the sea. The coral that builds islands was born, and the grub, the sea cucumber, the sea urchin, the barnacle, the mussel, the limpet, and cowry, and the conch and other shellfish. Born was the seagrass, guarded by the tough landgrass on land; born was the Manauea moss of the sea, matched by the Manauea taro plant on land; born was the Kele seaweed, and the Ekele plant of the land." - Kumulipo

    Rule #1 was voted in.

    The Rule Submissions for this turn are:

    #1 - 

    4 factionless are converted to the changeling faction.
    This faction has the following win-condition:
    Have at least one member survive till game end.
    Collectively absorb at least 2/3 of the roles. This refers to the unique instances of the role, not the total amount of roles in the game (so the changelings only need to absorb 1 strong-willed, 1 potato-master, 1 elementalist, etc.)
    1 Changelings can absorb the power of a lynched person (who has to have died from the lynch), provided he/she voted on that person during the lynch with a red(killing) vote. One random role the person had is added to the collective pool of roles the changelings have access to.The use of this faction power is mentioned in the write-up, though the identity of the changeling isn't revealed (For example: Drake Marshall has been lynched. A changeling has absorbed one of his roles).
    Any changeling can decide to start using an absorbed role at the end of a night cycle. He will lose his own roles, but gain the absorbed role until the end of the next cycle. Afterwards, he'll lose the absorbed role and regain his own roles. After use, the absorbed role is put back into the 'pool', and can be used again by another changeling. A role can be used in consecutive cycles, by both the same changeling or by different ones.
    1 changeling can also choose to watch someone during the night. If this person dies during the night, one of his roles is absorbed, in the same manner as when someone has been lynched. However, any actions against the watched person during the night have a 33% chance of hitting the changeling watching him instead.

    Ecthelion III has died!  They were a Potato Master.

    The Rules, as of Day 4:




    The Agents of Chaos
    Win Condition: Create enough chaos
    Abilities: Can use each ability in the game once

    Agents of Chaos may be part of other factions as well.  They have a doc to communicate in.
    The WorldSmiths
    Win Condition: Have the most items by the end of the game

    Abilities: Each night the WorldSmiths can kill someone.  When they kill someone, an item is created and given to the killer which contains one of the victim’s abilities or traits (such as access to a doc or a role ability) as decided by RNG.  The person holding the item is then able to use that trait as if it were their own.

    Items can be given away for one action during the Night.

    The WorldSmiths have a doc in which to communicate in called Celestial Abode.

    The Brotherhood of Peace
    Win Condition: Remove all kill roles and items from the game

    Each cycle, one of the members of the brotherhood can proclaim their peaceful ways to someone else. This has one of several effects, depending on the target chosen.

    If the target has an item that allows for a kill, that item is removed. If the target has more than one such items, all are removed.
    If the target has a role or faction ability that allows for performing a kill, that players is instead role-blocked for a cycle(if the player has both items and roles, he only loses the items, and is not role-blocked).
    If the target is faction-less and did not have a role/item that allowed for performing a kill, they are converted to the brotherhood of peace.
    The Elementalist role does not count as a kill role, though it can be used as such. An Elementalist converted to the brotherhood can not use their element to kill.

    A person can only be targeted once by the brotherhood in the course of the game. The brotherhood has a temple dedicated to peace, in which they can meditate on their peaceful ways (in other words, they have a faction doc).

    Stereotypical Villager
    Overly paranoid, highly xenophobic, and poor losers, they win if they remove all other factions with a mechanically achievable and game-relevant win-con.





    Gunsmith (Unique)
    Win Condition: Hand out all their guns and have them be used before they die.  They must also complete all their faction’s win conditions.

    Abilities:  The Gunsmith starts with 5 guns.  Each night they can give any number of their remaining guns to players of their choosing.

    Using a gun:  If a player has a gun, they may post in the thread at any time “I am shooting [player name]”.  Their target then dies if they do not have any protection (this does not bypass both lives) and thus must stop posting and PMing.  If a player who does not have a gun does this, they instead are the one who dies.

    Potato Master (2-3 players)
    Abilities:  Each cycle you may gift a player a potato.  The potato takes on a randomly decided form out of Raw, Baked or Mashed.

    If the potato given was Raw, then the player it was given to is roleblocked for a cycle.
    If the potato given was Baked, the receiver gains a one-time roleblock ability.
    If the potato given was Mashed, the receiver gains a one-time role-scan ability. 

    After having died, a player with the Strong-Willed role has the ability to make a final post at any time until the end of the cycle.  They are not given access to the dead doc until after this post is made or the end of the cycle has happened, whichever occurs first.

    Each night, a player with the Paranoia role may activate their ability. If they do: If they are attacked that night, they survive the night and execute an attack against all the people who attacked them.  If they are not attacked that night, then they die.

    Dungeon Master
    Each night a person with the Dungeon master role may do two of the following:

    • Create a mob of NPCs, doubling their votes for the next day.
    • Influence the dice, choosing a player and redirecting a random action targeted at the Dungeon Master to that player instead.
    • Deny a player's request, roleblocking them for the Night.”

    You are assigned an element.  Provided you can justify it thematically, you may perform any action that is cleared with the GMs.

    Secret Keeper
    Once per cycle, the Secret Keeper may introduce a rule into the game that is guaranteed to come into play, provided the GM allows it.

    Odium gains a kill action that they may use at night.  They must be the last person alive.  No faction may win until Odium is removed from the game.

    General Abilities



    Role Proposal
    Each turn, a player may submit a rule proposal in their GM PM.  In the following write-up, all the rule proposals are anonymously presented to be voted upon.  The three proposals with the most votes are incorporated into the game, starting the next turn.

    Rule Votes
    Each turn, a player may submit a rule vote in their GM PM.  This vote must select one of the rule proposals presented that turn that the player supports.  The three proposals with the most votes are incorporated into the game, starting the next turn.

    In addition to being able to vote for a rule players, also get a single vote against a proposed rule each cycle. This counts as -1 to its total votes.

    If a given rule has 0 or fewer votes, it won't be passed, even if it is technically in the top three proposals by merit of being the only rule etc.

    At any time, a player may submit an order to propose to another player.  This order is unblockable and unredirectable.  A player who has been proposed to may then submit an order to accept the proposal.  The proposal expires at the end of the following turn.  If the proposal is accepted, the two players are then considered married.  This is irreversible.  The two share all traits, including but not limited to, access to docs, win conditions and faction abilities.  This remains true even if one of the pair dies.

    At any time, a married pair may submit an order to adopt another player, requiring consent from both parties.  A player who has such proposed to them may them submit an order to accept it and become adopted.  In addition, a fourth player must also submit an order to acknowledge the adoption.

    The married pair then becomes aware of their adopted child’s roles, alignment and items.  They are also added in to any PMs the child is a part of or becomes a part of.  After 3 cycles, the adopted child may choose to end the arrangement.

    PM Creation
    During a night turn, a player may create up to two PMs each with up to three players in them.  All PMs must include at least one GM (AliasSheep or Stink).

    Infuse spheres
    A player may put any number of their uninfused spheres out in the highstorm during the night turn.  These spheres are then returned to them the following day turn, infused, unless the spheres are stolen.

    This action does not expend an infused sphere.

    Steal spheres
    A player may target another player during the night turn.  If that player had spheres out in the highstorm, then the first player gains those spheres the following day turn rather than the player whose spheres they originally were.


    Passive Rules



    Each player has two lives.  If a player has two lives, then if they would die, they instead lose one life.

    Each cycle there is a 15% chance that all rules, including but not limited to: win conditions, probabilities and item effects, will reverse.  There is then an 85% chance that the rules will switch back.

    If a player receives no votes, that player is Boring. Boring players can't be targeted by other players because no one pays attention to them. Further, since no one pays attention to Boring players, no one is affected by their actions. No one pays attention to their votes, because they're so boring, unless they vote on themselves, which makes them interesting, and stops them from being Boring.

    Each player starts with a random number of pancakes up to a maximum of 5.  Each day turn, a pancake is consumed.  During the night, one action may be spent to gain 2 pancakes.  If a player runs out of pancakes, they become Hungered.  A Hungered player may not vote and may only use their night actions to gain pancakes.  If a player remains Hungered for a whole cycle, they lose the ability to talk in the game thread and may only use their actions to gain pancakes or create PMs.

    If a player claims their role, either in the thread, PMs or in a doc, they die the turn after.  Their items as a result of this death are then divided randomly among the people they had PMs with.  A player may however, affirm or deny another player’s guess of their role.

    Each player starts the game with 5 infused spheres.  Each action they take uses up a sphere, changing it from infused to dun.  They can be infused again using the “Infuse spheres” action.  

    Random Redirection
    Each night, a single action from any player is redirected to a random target, though it may not affect the original target.

    Family Ties
    A player many not kill, attack or vote for their spouse, their adopted children or the spouse or adopted children of their adopted children, and so on down the family tree.  If a player does attempt to do so, any votes are cancelled and they are roleblocked the next turn.

    If a married couple has a win condition that would require one to kill the other, this particular case no longer applies, and they can win without killing each other.

    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half
    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half must at all times be referred to as Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half.

    Each player is assigned another player with whom they have a Vendetta.  As a part of a secondary win condition, they must attempt to play a direct part in that player’s death, be that through lynching them or killing them by action.


    RP Pancakes
    If a player's RP in a turn is 250 words or more, they gain a pancake.

    RP Keteks
    If, during a day turn, a player's RP contains a coherent ketek in bold, they gain a free action to use the following night.

    Each player receives one bunny which is either male or female.  If a player has a male bunny and a female bunny, they gain another bunny each cycle.

    Platypus: item. 

    5 platypi will be distibuted into the game. A person with a platypus may steal a bunny from another player each cycle. A player with a platypus gains the win condition "wins if they have 10 bunnies." 
    A player with a platypus may use this ability regardless of whether they or their target are boring.  Platypi cannot be eaten by Bunnies.

    Action Limit
    No one may use an ability or item with the same effect more than once in a turn.

    The Meteor
    A giant meteor will strike the thread on Day 7, killing everyone, reducing their lives to 0. The game will end after the meteor strikes, with win conditions being determined at that time.

    The Lynch



    Each day turn, a lynch occurs.  Each player may vote up to three times, and may vote in either red or orange.  If a player wishes to retract or change one of their votes, they must put that vote in green in the post they retract or post the new vote.

    The player with the most red votes at the end of the day turn is killed.  The player with the most orange votes at the end of the day turn is roleblocked until the next day turn.





    Dula’s Gift
    Each player at the beginning receives one of the following items, chosen randomly:

    Knife (Ka-neef-fay). This item may be used when you make a kill action.  Your kill action applies before any other actions. 

    Machete Throwing Ape (Ma-cheat-tee-throw-ing-app-y). You may kill a player with a 50% of working. If it misses it goes to the other dimension and trolls people. (Interpretation of this is left to the user. (Please discuss with Sheep how you want it to troll people.))

    Monkey (Munk-why). You may target a player.  That player is role blocked.

    Each item, when used, is removed from the player’s inventory.



    Player List
    Straw - Straw
    coal - King Cole
    Qwertyuiop - Hemalurgic_Headshot Hastur Hastur Hastur
    Willow - little wilson
    Hoid - winter devotion
    Kintas - Jondesu
    Locke Tekiel - Orlok Tsubodai
    Non Sequitur - Sart
    Bob the Omnipotent - Ecthelion III
    mysterious Speed Force energy - Flash
    Blade - Sami
    Elias - Bartimaeus
    Insanus - Darkness Ascendant
    Kel - randuir
    Silver Feather - Roadwalker
    Majestic Eagle - Majestic
    Ati - Drake Marshall
    Sol - Eternum
    Ad - DroughtBringer
    Elithanathile - Elithanathile
    Amarthion - Elenion
    Aed - Aonar Faileas
    Bortholomew the Blind - Bort
    Nocturnal Flying Mammal Man - Grumpy Dula
    Bugg - Clanky
    Magestar - Magestar
    Fess - Arinian
    The Lemon - Lemonelen
    Caramelion - Megasif
    Bri - Brightness Radiant
    Olbar - The Young Bard
    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half - Ornstein


    The turn will end in 48 hours:

  6. "Long ago, well before there were any people, all life existed in the sky. Olorun lived in the sky, and with Olorun were many orishas. There were both male and female orishas, but Olorun transcended male and female and was the all-powerful supreme being. Olorun and the orishas lived around a young baobab tree. Around the baobab tree the orishas found everything they needed for their lives, and in fact they wore beautiful clothes and gold jewelry. Olorun told them that all the vast sky was theirs to explore. All the orishas save one, however, were content to stay near the baobab tree." Yoruba Creation Myth


    No rules were voted in!

    The Rule Submissions for this turn are:

    #1: A giant meteor will strike the thread on Day 7, killing everyone, reducing their lives to 0. The game will end after the meteor strikes, with win conditions being determined at that time.




    Suspension of the game:

    When this rule is passed, all actions in the game are suspended. They are considered to have been sent, but not received by the target. Until the game is un-suspended, players cannot send in actions, make kill lynch or roleblock lynch votes, use passive abilities, or otherwise interact with the rules. The exceptions to this are that players with PMs and docs can still talk in them, and players may still RP for pancakes and write keteks for action slots.


    The cycle beginning as this rule is enacted is a special voting cycle. All actions that were previously suspended do not resolve until this cycle is complete. For this cycle, all players are limited to one vote. Effects that might affect votes, such as vote multiplication from Dungeon Masters and any vote manipulation from Elementalists, have no effect on these votes. For the purposes of these votes, Seranatha Theranson Thereson the 45th and a Half has a vote. The same is true for any other player that dies before this rule takes effect.

    Resolving the Vote:

    For all rules in the game, players must vote either Keep or Remove. These votes must be made in-thread. Vote retractions are in yellow. For a vote to be removed from the game, it must gain Remove votes equal to half of the number of living players rounded up or greater. A rule with equal or more Keep votes than Remove votes remains in the game; and a rule with more Remove votes than Keep votes, but with Remove votes less than the threshold specified, also remains in the game.

    In the event that fewer than half of the living players have cast votes by the end of the voting cycle, the cycle will be extended by 24 hours until at least half of the living players have voted. (This ensures that we don't have less than half of the players vote and therefore all roles be kept).

    Unfreezing the Game:

    After the voting cycle concludes, the game resumes. All actions that were suspended and are no longer part of the game do not resolve their effects. The same is true for passive effects, such as bunnies eating items. All actions that were suspended and remain in the game after the removal of rules go off as normal.




    Drake Marshall has died!  They were a WorldSmith and a member of the Brotherhood of Peace.  They were a Dungeon Master!

    No one was lynched!

    Lynch results - Roleblock:
    Wilson (1) - Wilson
    Jondesu (1) - Jondesu
    Orlok (1) - Orlok
    Sart (1) - Sart
    Ecthelion (1) - Ecthelion
    Flash (1) - Flash
    Roadwalker (1) - Roadwalker
    Arin (1) - Arin

    The following players are now boring:
    Straw, King Cole, Hemalurgic_Headshot, winter, sami, bart, DA, randuir, Majestic, Drake, Eternum, Drought, Elithanathile, Aonar, Bort, Grumpy Dula, Clanky, Magestar, Lemonelon, Megasif, Brightness Radiant, Bard


    The Rules, as of Night 4:




    The Agents of Chaos
    Win Condition: Create enough chaos
    Abilities: Can use each ability in the game once

    Agents of Chaos may be part of other factions as well.  They have a doc to communicate in.
    The WorldSmiths
    Win Condition: Have the most items by the end of the game

    Abilities: Each night the WorldSmiths can kill someone.  When they kill someone, an item is created and given to the killer which contains one of the victim’s abilities or traits (such as access to a doc or a role ability) as decided by RNG.  The person holding the item is then able to use that trait as if it were their own.

    Items can be given away for one action during the Night.

    The WorldSmiths have a doc in which to communicate in called Celestial Abode.

    The Brotherhood of Peace
    Win Condition: Remove all kill roles and items from the game

    Each cycle, one of the members of the brotherhood can proclaim their peaceful ways to someone else. This has one of several effects, depending on the target chosen.

    If the target has an item that allows for a kill, that item is removed. If the target has more than one such items, all are removed.
    If the target has a role or faction ability that allows for performing a kill, that players is instead role-blocked for a cycle(if the player has both items and roles, he only loses the items, and is not role-blocked).
    If the target is faction-less and did not have a role/item that allowed for performing a kill, they are converted to the brotherhood of peace.
    The Elementalist role does not count as a kill role, though it can be used as such. An Elementalist converted to the brotherhood can not use their element to kill.

    A person can only be targeted once by the brotherhood in the course of the game. The brotherhood has a temple dedicated to peace, in which they can meditate on their peaceful ways (in other words, they have a faction doc).

    Stereotypical Villager
    Overly paranoid, highly xenophobic, and poor losers, they win if they remove all other factions with a mechanically achievable and game-relevant win-con.





    Gunsmith (Unique)
    Win Condition: Hand out all their guns and have them be used before they die.  They must also complete all their faction’s win conditions.

    Abilities:  The Gunsmith starts with 5 guns.  Each night they can give any number of their remaining guns to players of their choosing.

    Using a gun:  If a player has a gun, they may post in the thread at any time “I am shooting [player name]”.  Their target then dies if they do not have any protection (this does not bypass both lives) and thus must stop posting and PMing.  If a player who does not have a gun does this, they instead are the one who dies.

    Potato Master (2-3 players)
    Abilities:  Each cycle you may gift a player a potato.  The potato takes on a randomly decided form out of Raw, Baked or Mashed.

    If the potato given was Raw, then the player it was given to is roleblocked for a cycle.
    If the potato given was Baked, the receiver gains a one-time roleblock ability.
    If the potato given was Mashed, the receiver gains a one-time role-scan ability. 

    After having died, a player with the Strong-Willed role has the ability to make a final post at any time until the end of the cycle.  They are not given access to the dead doc until after this post is made or the end of the cycle has happened, whichever occurs first.

    Each night, a player with the Paranoia role may activate their ability. If they do: If they are attacked that night, they survive the night and execute an attack against all the people who attacked them.  If they are not attacked that night, then they die.

    Dungeon Master
    Each night a person with the Dungeon master role may do two of the following:

    • Create a mob of NPCs, doubling their votes for the next day.
    • Influence the dice, choosing a player and redirecting a random action targeted at the Dungeon Master to that player instead.
    • Deny a player's request, roleblocking them for the Night.”

    You are assigned an element.  Provided you can justify it thematically, you may perform any action that is cleared with the GMs.

    Secret Keeper
    Once per cycle, the Secret Keeper may introduce a rule into the game that is guaranteed to come into play, provided the GM allows it.

    Odium gains a kill action that they may use at night.  They must be the last person alive.  No faction may win until Odium is removed from the game.

    General Abilities



    Role Proposal
    Each turn, a player may submit a rule proposal in their GM PM.  In the following write-up, all the rule proposals are anonymously presented to be voted upon.  The three proposals with the most votes are incorporated into the game, starting the next turn.

    Rule Votes
    Each turn, a player may submit a rule vote in their GM PM.  This vote must select one of the rule proposals presented that turn that the player supports.  The three proposals with the most votes are incorporated into the game, starting the next turn.

    In addition to being able to vote for a rule players, also get a single vote against a proposed rule each cycle. This counts as -1 to its total votes.

    If a given rule has 0 or fewer votes, it won't be passed, even if it is technically in the top three proposals by merit of being the only rule etc.

    At any time, a player may submit an order to propose to another player.  This order is unblockable and unredirectable.  A player who has been proposed to may then submit an order to accept the proposal.  The proposal expires at the end of the following turn.  If the proposal is accepted, the two players are then considered married.  This is irreversible.  The two share all traits, including but not limited to, access to docs, win conditions and faction abilities.  This remains true even if one of the pair dies.

    At any time, a married pair may submit an order to adopt another player, requiring consent from both parties.  A player who has such proposed to them may them submit an order to accept it and become adopted.  In addition, a fourth player must also submit an order to acknowledge the adoption.

    The married pair then becomes aware of their adopted child’s roles, alignment and items.  They are also added in to any PMs the child is a part of or becomes a part of.  After 3 cycles, the adopted child may choose to end the arrangement.

    PM Creation
    During a night turn, a player may create up to two PMs each with up to three players in them.  All PMs must include at least one GM (AliasSheep or Stink).

    Infuse spheres
    A player may put any number of their uninfused spheres out in the highstorm during the night turn.  These spheres are then returned to them the following day turn, infused, unless the spheres are stolen.

    This action does not expend an infused sphere.

    Steal spheres
    A player may target another player during the night turn.  If that player had spheres out in the highstorm, then the first player gains those spheres the following day turn rather than the player whose spheres they originally were.


    Passive Rules



    Each player has two lives.  If a player has two lives, then if they would die, they instead lose one life.

    Each cycle there is a 15% chance that all rules, including but not limited to: win conditions, probabilities and item effects, will reverse.  There is then an 85% chance that the rules will switch back.

    If a player receives no votes, that player is Boring. Boring players can't be targeted by other players because no one pays attention to them. Further, since no one pays attention to Boring players, no one is affected by their actions. No one pays attention to their votes, because they're so boring, unless they vote on themselves, which makes them interesting, and stops them from being Boring.

    Each player starts with a random number of pancakes up to a maximum of 5.  Each day turn, a pancake is consumed.  During the night, one action may be spent to gain 2 pancakes.  If a player runs out of pancakes, they become Hungered.  A Hungered player may not vote and may only use their night actions to gain pancakes.  If a player remains Hungered for a whole cycle, they lose the ability to talk in the game thread and may only use their actions to gain pancakes or create PMs.

    If a player claims their role, either in the thread, PMs or in a doc, they die the turn after.  Their items as a result of this death are then divided randomly among the people they had PMs with.  A player may however, affirm or deny another player’s guess of their role.

    Each player starts the game with 5 infused spheres.  Each action they take uses up a sphere, changing it from infused to dun.  They can be infused again using the “Infuse spheres” action.  

    Random Redirection
    Each night, a single action from any player is redirected to a random target, though it may not affect the original target.

    Family Ties
    A player many not kill, attack or vote for their spouse, their adopted children or the spouse or adopted children of their adopted children, and so on down the family tree.  If a player does attempt to do so, any votes are cancelled and they are roleblocked the next turn.

    If a married couple has a win condition that would require one to kill the other, this particular case no longer applies, and they can win without killing each other.

    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half
    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half must at all times be referred to as Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half.

    Each player is assigned another player with whom they have a Vendetta.  As a part of a secondary win condition, they must attempt to play a direct part in that player’s death, be that through lynching them or killing them by action.


    RP Pancakes
    If a player's RP in a turn is 250 words or more, they gain a pancake.

    RP Keteks
    If, during a day turn, a player's RP contains a coherent ketek in bold, they gain a free action to use the following night.

    Each player receives one bunny which is either male or female.  If a player has a male bunny and a female bunny, they gain another bunny each cycle.

    Platypus: item. 

    5 platypi will be distibuted into the game. A person with a platypus may steal a bunny from another player each cycle. A player with a platypus gains the win condition "wins if they have 10 bunnies." 
    A player with a platypus may use this ability regardless of whether they or their target are boring.  Platypi cannot be eaten by Bunnies.

    Action Limit
    No one may use an ability or item with the same effect more than once in a turn.

    The Lynch



    Each day turn, a lynch occurs.  Each player may vote up to three times, and may vote in either red or orange.  If a player wishes to retract or change one of their votes, they must put that vote in green in the post they retract or post the new vote.

    The player with the most red votes at the end of the day turn is killed.  The player with the most orange votes at the end of the day turn is roleblocked until the next day turn.





    Dula’s Gift
    Each player at the beginning receives one of the following items, chosen randomly:

    Knife (Ka-neef-fay). This item may be used when you make a kill action.  Your kill action applies before any other actions. 

    Machete Throwing Ape (Ma-cheat-tee-throw-ing-app-y). You may kill a player with a 50% of working. If it misses it goes to the other dimension and trolls people. (Interpretation of this is left to the user. (Please discuss with Sheep how you want it to troll people.))

    Monkey (Munk-why). You may target a player.  That player is role blocked.

    Each item, when used, is removed from the player’s inventory.



    Player List
    Straw - Straw
    coal - King Cole
    Qwertyuiop - Hemalurgic_Headshot Hastur Hastur Hastur
    Willow - little wilson
    Hoid - winter devotion
    Kintas - Jondesu
    Locke Tekiel - Orlok Tsubodai
    Non Sequitur - Sart
    Bob the Omnipotent - Ecthelion III
    mysterious Speed Force energy - Flash
    Blade - Sami
    Elias - Bartimaeus
    Insanus - Darkness Ascendant
    Kel - randuir
    Silver Feather - Roadwalker
    Majestic Eagle - Majestic
    Ati - Drake Marshall
    Sol - Eternum
    Ad - DroughtBringer
    Elithanathile - Elithanathile
    Amarthion - Elenion
    Aed - Aonar Faileas
    Bortholomew the Blind - Bort
    Nocturnal Flying Mammal Man - Grumpy Dula
    Bugg - Clanky
    Magestar - Magestar
    Fess - Arinian
    The Lemon - Lemonelen
    Caramelion - Megasif
    Bri - Brightness Radiant
    Olbar - The Young Bard
    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half - Ornstein

    The turn will end in 27 hours:

  7. "In the beginning, neither heaven nor earth had names. Apsu, the god of fresh waters, and Tiamat, the goddess of the salt oceans, and Mummu, the god of the mist that rises from both of them, were still mingled as one. There were no mountans, there was no pasture land, and not even a reed-marsh could be found to break the surface of the waters.

          It was then that Apsu and Tiamat parented two gods, and then two more who outgrew the first pair. These further parented gods, until Ea, who was the god of rivers and was Tiamat and Apsu's geat-grandson, was born. Ea was the cleverest of the gods, and with his magic Ea became the most powerful of the gods, ruling even his forebears." Babylon


    Rules #1 and #3 have been voted in!

    The rule proposals for this turn are:

    #1: An action may be spent to pass any item you hold to another player.  This does not include bunnies.


    The Rules, as of Day 4:




    The Agents of Chaos
    Win Condition: Create enough chaos
    Abilities: Can use each ability in the game once

    Agents of Chaos may be part of other factions as well.  They have a doc to communicate in.
    The WorldSmiths
    Win Condition: Have the most items by the end of the game

    Abilities: Each night the WorldSmiths can kill someone.  When they kill someone, an item is created and given to the killer which contains one of the victim’s abilities or traits (such as access to a doc or a role ability) as decided by RNG.  The person holding the item is then able to use that trait as if it were their own.

    Items can be given away for one action during the Night.

    The WorldSmiths have a doc in which to communicate in called Celestial Abode.

    The Brotherhood of Peace
    Win Condition: Remove all kill roles and items from the game

    Each cycle, one of the members of the brotherhood can proclaim their peaceful ways to someone else. This has one of several effects, depending on the target chosen.

    If the target has an item that allows for a kill, that item is removed. If the target has more than one such items, all are removed.
    If the target has a role or faction ability that allows for performing a kill, that players is instead role-blocked for a cycle(if the player has both items and roles, he only loses the items, and is not role-blocked).
    If the target is faction-less and did not have a role/item that allowed for performing a kill, they are converted to the brotherhood of peace.
    The Elementalist role does not count as a kill role, though it can be used as such. An Elementalist converted to the brotherhood can not use their element to kill.

    A person can only be targeted once by the brotherhood in the course of the game. The brotherhood has a temple dedicated to peace, in which they can meditate on their peaceful ways (in other words, they have a faction doc).

    Stereotypical Villager
    Overly paranoid, highly xenophobic, and poor losers, they win if they remove all other factions with a mechanically achievable and game-relevant win-con.





    Gunsmith (Unique)
    Win Condition: Hand out all their guns and have them be used before they die.  They must also complete all their faction’s win conditions.

    Abilities:  The Gunsmith starts with 5 guns.  Each night they can give any number of their remaining guns to players of their choosing.

    Using a gun:  If a player has a gun, they may post in the thread at any time “I am shooting [player name]”.  Their target then dies if they do not have any protection (this does not bypass both lives) and thus must stop posting and PMing.  If a player who does not have a gun does this, they instead are the one who dies.

    Potato Master (2-3 players)
    Abilities:  Each cycle you may gift a player a potato.  The potato takes on a randomly decided form out of Raw, Baked or Mashed.

    If the potato given was Raw, then the player it was given to is roleblocked for a cycle.
    If the potato given was Baked, the receiver gains a one-time roleblock ability.
    If the potato given was Mashed, the receiver gains a one-time role-scan ability. 

    After having died, a player with the Strong-Willed role has the ability to make a final post at any time until the end of the cycle.  They are not given access to the dead doc until after this post is made or the end of the cycle has happened, whichever occurs first.

    Each night, a player with the Paranoia role may activate their ability. If they do: If they are attacked that night, they survive the night and execute an attack against all the people who attacked them.  If they are not attacked that night, then they die.

    Dungeon Master
    Each night a person with the Dungeon master role may do two of the following:

    • Create a mob of NPCs, doubling their votes for the next day.
    • Influence the dice, choosing a player and redirecting a random action targeted at the Dungeon Master to that player instead.
    • Deny a player's request, roleblocking them for the Night.”

    You are assigned an element.  Provided you can justify it thematically, you may perform any action that is cleared with the GMs.

    Secret Keeper
    Once per cycle, the Secret Keeper may introduce a rule into the game that is guaranteed to come into play, provided the GM allows it.

    Odium gains a kill action that they may use at night.  They must be the last person alive.  No faction may win until Odium is removed from the game.

    General Abilities



    Role Proposal
    Each turn, a player may submit a rule proposal in their GM PM.  In the following write-up, all the rule proposals are anonymously presented to be voted upon.  The three proposals with the most votes are incorporated into the game, starting the next turn.

    Rule Votes
    Each turn, a player may submit a rule vote in their GM PM.  This vote must select one of the rule proposals presented that turn that the player supports.  The three proposals with the most votes are incorporated into the game, starting the next turn.

    In addition to being able to vote for a rule players, also get a single vote against a proposed rule each cycle. This counts as -1 to its total votes.

    If a given rule has 0 or fewer votes, it won't be passed, even if it is technically in the top three proposals by merit of being the only rule etc.

    At any time, a player may submit an order to propose to another player.  This order is unblockable and unredirectable.  A player who has been proposed to may then submit an order to accept the proposal.  The proposal expires at the end of the following turn.  If the proposal is accepted, the two players are then considered married.  This is irreversible.  The two share all traits, including but not limited to, access to docs, win conditions and faction abilities.  This remains true even if one of the pair dies.

    At any time, a married pair may submit an order to adopt another player, requiring consent from both parties.  A player who has such proposed to them may them submit an order to accept it and become adopted.  In addition, a fourth player must also submit an order to acknowledge the adoption.

    The married pair then becomes aware of their adopted child’s roles, alignment and items.  They are also added in to any PMs the child is a part of or becomes a part of.  After 3 cycles, the adopted child may choose to end the arrangement.

    PM Creation
    During a night turn, a player may create up to two PMs each with up to three players in them.  All PMs must include at least one GM (AliasSheep or Stink).

    Infuse spheres
    A player may put any number of their uninfused spheres out in the highstorm during the night turn.  These spheres are then returned to them the following day turn, infused, unless the spheres are stolen.

    This action does not expend an infused sphere.

    Steal spheres
    A player may target another player during the night turn.  If that player had spheres out in the highstorm, then the first player gains those spheres the following day turn rather than the player whose spheres they originally were.


    Passive Rules



    Each player has two lives.  If a player has two lives, then if they would die, they instead lose one life.

    Each cycle there is a 15% chance that all rules, including but not limited to: win conditions, probabilities and item effects, will reverse.  There is then an 85% chance that the rules will switch back.

    If a player receives no votes, that player is Boring. Boring players can't be targeted by other players because no one pays attention to them. Further, since no one pays attention to Boring players, no one is affected by their actions. No one pays attention to their votes, because they're so boring, unless they vote on themselves, which makes them interesting, and stops them from being Boring.

    Each player starts with a random number of pancakes up to a maximum of 5.  Each day turn, a pancake is consumed.  During the night, one action may be spent to gain 2 pancakes.  If a player runs out of pancakes, they become Hungered.  A Hungered player may not vote and may only use their night actions to gain pancakes.  If a player remains Hungered for a whole cycle, they lose the ability to talk in the game thread and may only use their actions to gain pancakes or create PMs.

    If a player claims their role, either in the thread, PMs or in a doc, they die the turn after.  Their items as a result of this death are then divided randomly among the people they had PMs with.  A player may however, affirm or deny another player’s guess of their role.

    Each player starts the game with 5 infused spheres.  Each action they take uses up a sphere, changing it from infused to dun.  They can be infused again using the “Infuse spheres” action.  

    Random Redirection
    Each night, a single action from any player is redirected to a random target, though it may not affect the original target.

    Family Ties
    A player many not kill, attack or vote for their spouse, their adopted children or the spouse or adopted children of their adopted children, and so on down the family tree.  If a player does attempt to do so, any votes are cancelled and they are roleblocked the next turn.

    If a married couple has a win condition that would require one to kill the other, this particular case no longer applies, and they can win without killing each other.

    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half
    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half must at all times be referred to as Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half.

    Each player is assigned another player with whom they have a Vendetta.  As a part of a secondary win condition, they must attempt to play a direct part in that player’s death, be that through lynching them or killing them by action.


    RP Pancakes
    If a player's RP in a turn is 250 words or more, they gain a pancake.

    RP Keteks
    If, during a day turn, a player's RP contains a coherent ketek in bold, they gain a free action to use the following night.

    Each player receives one bunny which is either male or female.  If a player has a male bunny and a female bunny, they gain another bunny each cycle.

    Platypus: item. 

    5 platypi will be distibuted into the game. A person with a platypus may steal a bunny from another player each cycle. A player with a platypus gains the win condition "wins if they have 10 bunnies." 
    A player with a platypus may use this ability regardless of whether they or their target are boring.  Platypi cannot be eaten by Bunnies.

    Action Limit
    No one may use an ability or item with the same effect more than once in a turn.

    The Lynch



    Each day turn, a lynch occurs.  Each player may vote up to three times, and may vote in either red or orange.  If a player wishes to retract or change one of their votes, they must put that vote in green in the post they retract or post the new vote.

    The player with the most red votes at the end of the day turn is killed.  The player with the most orange votes at the end of the day turn is roleblocked until the next day turn.





    Dula’s Gift
    Each player at the beginning receives one of the following items, chosen randomly:

    Knife (Ka-neef-fay). This item may be used when you make a kill action.  Your kill action applies before any other actions. 

    Machete Throwing Ape (Ma-cheat-tee-throw-ing-app-y). You may kill a player with a 50% of working. If it misses it goes to the other dimension and trolls people. (Interpretation of this is left to the user. (Please discuss with Sheep how you want it to troll people.))

    Monkey (Munk-why). You may target a player.  That player is role blocked.

    Each item, when used, is removed from the player’s inventory.

    The way the ruling in proposal #1 went, bunnies would still eat pancakes.  This would, however, have been ridiculous.  They now eat nothing.  I'm letting you all off on this one, because apparently everyone assumed it was working that way anyway.

    Player List
    Straw - Straw
    coal - King Cole
    Qwertyuiop - Hemalurgic_Headshot Hastur Hastur Hastur
    Willow - little wilson
    Hoid - winter devotion
    Kintas - Jondesu
    Locke Tekiel - Orlok Tsubodai
    Non Sequitur - Sart
    Bob the Omnipotent - Ecthelion III
    mysterious Speed Force energy - Flash
    Blade - Sami
    Elias - Bartimaeus
    Insanus - Darkness Ascendant
    Kel - randuir
    Silver Feather - Roadwalker
    Majestic Eagle - Majestic
    Ati - Drake Marshall
    Sol - Eternum
    Ad - DroughtBringer
    Elithanathile - Elithanathile
    Amarthion - Elenion
    Aed - Aonar Faileas
    Bortholomew the Blind - Bort
    Nocturnal Flying Mammal Man - Grumpy Dula
    Bugg - Clanky
    Magestar - Magestar
    Fess - Arinian
    The Lemon - Lemonelen
    Caramelion - Megasif
    Bri - Brightness Radiant
    Olbar - The Young Bard
    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half - Ornstein

    The turn will end in 48 hours:

  8. “Long before the world was created there was an island, floating in the sky, upon which the Sky People lived. They lived quietly and happily. No one ever died or was born or experienced sadness. However one day one of the Sky Women realized she was going to give birth to twins. She told her husband, who flew into a rage. In the center of the island there was a tree which gave light to the entire island since the sun hadn't been created yet. He tore up this tree, creating a huge hole in the middle of the island. Curiously, the woman peered into the hole. Far below she could see the waters that covered the earth. At that moment her husband pushed her. She fell through the hole, tumbling towards the waters below.” Iroquois Creation Myth

    Rules 1, 4 and 7 passed!

    The rule proposals for this turn are:

    #1 - Bunnies no longer consume items and return all items already consumed.

    #2 - Bunnies cannot eat pancakes.  If you spend two full cycles with no items, your bunny dies.

    #3 - No one may use an ability or item with the same effect more than once in a turn.

    #4 - In the wake of the bunny civil war, there is now a ravenous horde of displaced bunnies on the loose. When somebody dies, there is a 50% chance that their body is swarmed by hungry bunnies and devoured, preventing their role, alignment, and possessions from being revealed in-thread.

    Drake has been lynched!  They have lost a life!

    Lynch votes:
    Drake (10): Wilson x3, Winter x3, Straw x3, Dula
    Arinian (1): Roadwalker

    Roleblock votes:
    Flash (1): Flash
    randuir (1): randuir

    The following players are now boring:
    King Cole, Hemalurgic_Headshot, little wilson, winter devotion, Jondesu, Orlok, Sart, Ecth, Sami, Bart, DA, Roadwalker, Majestic, Eternum, Drought, Elithanathile, Len, Aonar, Bort, Dula, Clanky, Magestar, Lemon, Megasif, Brightness Radiant, The Young Bard




    Elenion has died!  He was a WorldSmith and a member of the Brotherhood of Peace.

    The Rules, as of Night 3




    The Agents of Chaos
    Win Condition: Create enough chaos
    Abilities: Can use each ability in the game once

    Agents of Chaos may be part of other factions as well.  They have a doc to communicate in.
    The WorldSmiths
    Win Condition: Have the most items by the end of the game

    Abilities: Each night the WorldSmiths can kill someone.  When they kill someone, an item is created and given to the killer which contains one of the victim’s abilities or traits (such as access to a doc or a role ability) as decided by RNG.  The person holding the item is then able to use that trait as if it were their own.

    Items can be given away for one action during the Night.

    The WorldSmiths have a doc in which to communicate in called Celestial Abode.

    The Brotherhood of Peace
    Win Condition: Remove all kill roles and items from the game

    Each cycle, one of the members of the brotherhood can proclaim their peaceful ways to someone else. This has one of several effects, depending on the target chosen.

    If the target has an item that allows for a kill, that item is removed. If the target has more than one such items, all are removed.
    If the target has a role or faction ability that allows for performing a kill, that players is instead role-blocked for a cycle(if the player has both items and roles, he only loses the items, and is not role-blocked).
    If the target is faction-less and did not have a role/item that allowed for performing a kill, they are converted to the brotherhood of peace.
    The Elementalist role does not count as a kill role, though it can be used as such. An Elementalist converted to the brotherhood can not use their element to kill.

    A person can only be targeted once by the brotherhood in the course of the game. The brotherhood has a temple dedicated to peace, in which they can meditate on their peaceful ways (in other words, they have a faction doc).

    Stereotypical Villager
    Overly paranoid, highly xenophobic, and poor losers, they win if they remove all other factions with a mechanically achievable and game-relevant win-con.





    Gunsmith (Unique)
    Win Condition: Hand out all their guns and have them be used before they die.  They must also complete all their faction’s win conditions.

    Abilities:  The Gunsmith starts with 5 guns.  Each night they can give any number of their remaining guns to players of their choosing.

    Using a gun:  If a player has a gun, they may post in the thread at any time “I am shooting [player name]”.  Their target then dies if they do not have any protection (this does not bypass both lives) and thus must stop posting and PMing.  If a player who does not have a gun does this, they instead are the one who dies.

    Potato Master (2-3 players)
    Abilities:  Each cycle you may gift a player a potato.  The potato takes on a randomly decided form out of Raw, Baked or Mashed.

    If the potato given was Raw, then the player it was given to is roleblocked for a cycle.
    If the potato given was Baked, the receiver gains a one-time roleblock ability.
    If the potato given was Mashed, the receiver gains a one-time role-scan ability. 

    After having died, a player with the Strong-Willed role has the ability to make a final post at any time until the end of the cycle.  They are not given access to the dead doc until after this post is made or the end of the cycle has happened, whichever occurs first.

    Each night, a player with the Paranoia role may activate their ability. If they do: If they are attacked that night, they survive the night and execute an attack against all the people who attacked them.  If they are not attacked that night, then they die.

    Dungeon Master
    Each night a person with the Dungeon master role may do two of the following:

    • Create a mob of NPCs, doubling their votes for the next day.
    • Influence the dice, choosing a player and redirecting a random action targeted at the Dungeon Master to that player instead.
    • Deny a player's request, roleblocking them for the Night.”

    You are assigned an element.  Provided you can justify it thematically, you may perform any action that is cleared with the GMs.

    Secret Keeper
    Once per cycle, the Secret Keeper may introduce a rule into the game that is guaranteed to come into play, provided the GM allows it.

    Odium gains a kill action that they may use at night.  They must be the last person alive.  No faction may win until Odium is removed from the game.

    General Abilities



    Role Proposal
    Each turn, a player may submit a rule proposal in their GM PM.  In the following write-up, all the rule proposals are anonymously presented to be voted upon.  The three proposals with the most votes are incorporated into the game, starting the next turn.

    Rule Votes
    Each turn, a player may submit a rule vote in their GM PM.  This vote must select one of the rule proposals presented that turn that the player supports.  The three proposals with the most votes are incorporated into the game, starting the next turn.

    In addition to being able to vote for a rule players, also get a single vote against a proposed rule each cycle. This counts as -1 to its total votes.

    If a given rule has 0 or fewer votes, it won't be passed, even if it is technically in the top three proposals by merit of being the only rule etc.

    At any time, a player may submit an order to propose to another player.  This order is unblockable and unredirectable.  A player who has been proposed to may then submit an order to accept the proposal.  The proposal expires at the end of the following turn.  If the proposal is accepted, the two players are then considered married.  This is irreversible.  The two share all traits, including but not limited to, access to docs, win conditions and faction abilities.  This remains true even if one of the pair dies.

    At any time, a married pair may submit an order to adopt another player, requiring consent from both parties.  A player who has such proposed to them may them submit an order to accept it and become adopted.  In addition, a fourth player must also submit an order to acknowledge the adoption.

    The married pair then becomes aware of their adopted child’s roles, alignment and items.  They are also added in to any PMs the child is a part of or becomes a part of.  After 3 cycles, the adopted child may choose to end the arrangement.

    PM Creation
    During a night turn, a player may create up to two PMs each with up to three players in them.  All PMs must include at least one GM (AliasSheep or Stink).

    Infuse spheres
    A player may put any number of their uninfused spheres out in the highstorm during the night turn.  These spheres are then returned to them the following day turn, infused, unless the spheres are stolen.

    This action does not expend an infused sphere.

    Steal spheres
    A player may target another player during the night turn.  If that player had spheres out in the highstorm, then the first player gains those spheres the following day turn rather than the player whose spheres they originally were.


    Passive Rules



    Each player has two lives.  If a player has two lives, then if they would die, they instead lose one life.

    Each cycle there is a 15% chance that all rules, including but not limited to: win conditions, probabilities and item effects, will reverse.  There is then an 85% chance that the rules will switch back.

    If a player receives no votes, that player is Boring. Boring players can't be targeted by other players because no one pays attention to them. Further, since no one pays attention to Boring players, no one is affected by their actions. No one pays attention to their votes, because they're so boring, unless they vote on themselves, which makes them interesting, and stops them from being Boring.

    Each player starts with a random number of pancakes up to a maximum of 5.  Each day turn, a pancake is consumed.  During the night, one action may be spent to gain 2 pancakes.  If a player runs out of pancakes, they become Hungered.  A Hungered player may not vote and may only use their night actions to gain pancakes.  If a player remains Hungered for a whole cycle, they lose the ability to talk in the game thread and may only use their actions to gain pancakes or create PMs.

    If a player claims their role, either in the thread, PMs or in a doc, they die the turn after.  Their items as a result of this death are then divided randomly among the people they had PMs with.  A player may however, affirm or deny another player’s guess of their role.

    Each player starts the game with 5 infused spheres.  Each action they take uses up a sphere, changing it from infused to dun.  They can be infused again using the “Infuse spheres” action.  

    Random Redirection
    Each night, a single action from any player is redirected to a random target, though it may not affect the original target.

    Family Ties
    A player many not kill, attack or vote for their spouse, their adopted children or the spouse or adopted children of their adopted children, and so on down the family tree.  If a player does attempt to do so, any votes are cancelled and they are roleblocked the next turn.

    If a married couple has a win condition that would require one to kill the other, this particular case no longer applies, and they can win without killing each other.

    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half
    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half must at all times be referred to as Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half.

    Each player is assigned another player with whom they have a Vendetta.  As a part of a secondary win condition, they must attempt to play a direct part in that player’s death, be that through lynching them or killing them by action.


    RP Pancakes
    If a player's RP in a turn is 250 words or more, they gain a pancake.

    RP Keteks
    If, during a day turn, a player's RP contains a coherent ketek in bold, they gain a free action to use the following night.

    Each player receives one bunny which is either male or female.  Each cycle, a bunny will eat an item or pancake.  If a player has a male bunny and a female bunny, they gain another bunny each cycle.

    Platypus: item. 

    5 platypi will be distibuted into the game. A person with a platypus may steal a bunny from another player each cycle. A player with a platypus gains the win condition "wins if they have 10 bunnies." 
    A player with a platypus may use this ability regardless of whether they or their target are boring.  Platypi cannot be eaten by Bunnies.

    The Lynch



    Each day turn, a lynch occurs.  Each player may vote up to three times, and may vote in either red or orange.  If a player wishes to retract or change one of their votes, they must put that vote in green in the post they retract or post the new vote.

    The player with the most red votes at the end of the day turn is killed.  The player with the most orange votes at the end of the day turn is roleblocked until the next day turn.





    Dula’s Gift
    Each player at the beginning receives one of the following items, chosen randomly:

    Knife (Ka-neef-fay). This item may be used when you make a kill action.  Your kill action applies before any other actions. 

    Machete Throwing Ape (Ma-cheat-tee-throw-ing-app-y). You may kill a player with a 50% of working. If it misses it goes to the other dimension and trolls people. (Interpretation of this is left to the user. (Please discuss with Sheep how you want it to troll people.))

    Monkey (Munk-why). You may target a player.  That player is role blocked.

    Each item, when used, is removed from the player’s inventory.


    Player List
    Straw - Straw
    coal - King Cole
    Qwertyuiop - Hemalurgic_Headshot Hastur Hastur Hastur
    Willow - little wilson
    Hoid - winter devotion
    Kintas - Jondesu
    Locke Tekiel - Orlok Tsubodai
    Non Sequitur - Sart
    Bob the Omnipotent - Ecthelion III
    mysterious Speed Force energy - Flash
    Blade - Sami
    Elias - Bartimaeus
    Insanus - Darkness Ascendant
    Kel - randuir
    Silver Feather - Roadwalker
    Majestic Eagle - Majestic
    Ati - Drake Marshall
    Sol - Eternum
    Ad - DroughtBringer
    Elithanathile - Elithanathile
    Amarthion - Elenion
    Aed - Aonar Faileas
    Bortholomew the Blind - Bort
    Nocturnal Flying Mammal Man - Grumpy Dula
    Bugg - Clanky
    Magestar - Magestar
    Fess - Arinian
    The Lemon - Lemonelen
    Caramelion - Megasif
    Bri - Brightness Radiant
    Olbar - The Young Bard
    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half - Ornstein

    The turn shall end in 24 hours:

  9. The way I saw the "vote doubling" as working would double "3" once for each time it was used, whereas Drake and Len saw it as multiplying the previous total each time.

    So I got 3*4, powerful, ridiculous, but not... this.  Drake got 3**4.
    Might as well let y'all know that I'm going to be going with the former.  Regardless of how the wording of the original rule went, I'm making a call to nullify that for the sake of game balance.

  10. Okay, let's be clear - there will not be a game wipe or restart.  That is not going to happen.

    Wrt "any two of the following thing", I appear to have interpreted it differently to Wilson and Aonar and told the DMs that they may use that to do the same thing.  I'm still not making any clear statements on whether what Drake has done is going to be allowed.

    And, bunny names.  There are exactly 2 valid bunny names and they are Foo Foo and The Rabbit of Caerbanog.

    EDIT:  Another thing.  Elementalists - the elements in use are the Wu Xing classical elements and all the implications that they have.  Keep that in mind.

  11. Couple notes as well:
    First, Stick is helping me out with the game, which is why she is now in all your PMs.
    Second, the Secret Keeper was only introduced this turn due to an administrative error, so keep that in mind.
    Third, I haven't been counting role proposals as actions, so keep that in mind two.
    Fourth, since I've been seeing people messing it up, my pronouns are she/her or they/them.
    Finally, I'd like to apologise for my poor performance as a GM so far.  It should get better now there's two of us working on rollovers.


    "Now when chaos had begun to condense, but force and form were not yet manifest, and there was nought named, nought done, who could know its shape? Nevertheless Heaven and Earth first parted, and the Three Deities performed the commencement of creation; the Passive and Active Essences then developed, and the Two Spirits became the ancestors of all things. Therefore 8 did he enter obscurity and emerge into light, and the Sun and Moon were revealed by the washing of his eyes; he floated on and plunged into the sea-water, and Heavenly and Earthly Deities appeared through the ablutions of his person? So in the dimness of the great commencement, we, by relying on the original teaching, learn the time of the conception of the earth and of the birth of islands; in the remoteness of the original beginning, we, by trusting the former sages, perceive the era of the genesis of Deities and of the establishment of men. Truly do we know that a mirror was hung up, that jewels were spat out, and that then an Hundred Kings succeeded each other; that a blade was bitten, and a serpent cut in pieces, so that a Myriad Deities did flourish." Kojiki, Volume 1

    Rules #1, #4 and #5 have been voted in!

    The rules proposed for today are:

    #1 - If a married couple has a win condition that would require one to kill the other, this particular case no longer applies, and they can win without killing each other.

    #2 - 

    The Lawmakers

    When this rule comes into play, 3 faction-less are converted to the Lawmakers faction. The Lawmakers faction has the following win-conditions:

    - Eliminate the agents of Chaos faction.

    - The members of the lawmakers should have the combined highest number of adopted rules from any faction at the end of the game(laws submitted and accepted prior to this rule coming into effect do count for the total). 

    Fulfilling either condition will be a win for the lawmakers. Only the first condition will end the game.

    Lawmakers are not allowed to vote for any rules, but they each gain a veto vote that they can use to have a rule get 1 vote less (This means that they only get 1 veto vote each, even if another rules also gives people veto votes).

    The faction gets a roleblock as a faction action. Only one member can use this action each cycle. The roleblock lasts a full cycle from the cycle it was initiated.

    #3 - The game immediately ends. Everyone loses except for Arinian, and everyone on Arinian's team. No one can not lose the game unless they are on Arinian's team. No one can win the game unless they are on Arinian's team.

    #4 - All currently Factionless players become ‘Stereotypical Villagers.’ Overly paranoid, highly xenophobic, and poor losers, they win if they remove all other factions with a mechanically achievable and game-relevant win-con.

    #5 - Each family (composing of a living father, mother and at least one adopted child) may choose to adopt an Axehound. Axehounds costing them 1 pancake to feed them every 2 cycles, automatically being deducted from the person with the most pancakes every 2 cycles, as well as a 2 pancake adoption cost. Should a member of the family be killed, the Axehound will retaliate and kill one of the attackers, dying in the process."

    #6 - If a player does not make a lynch vote in a cycle, they have an attack made against them

    #7 - 

    Platypus: item. 

    5 platypi will be distibuted into the game. A person with a platypus may steal a bunny from another player each cycle. A player with a platypus gains the win condition "wins if they have 10 bunnies." Also this action disregards whether someone is boring or not, because bunnies and platypi are always interesting. Platypi are inedible to bunnies, just as bunnies are inedible to themselves. 

    The Rules, as of Day 3:





    The Agents of Chaos
    Win Condition: Create enough chaos
    Abilities: Can use each ability in the game once

    Agents of Chaos may be part of other factions as well.  They have a doc to communicate in.
    The WorldSmiths
    Win Condition: Have the most items by the end of the game

    Abilities: Each night the WorldSmiths can kill someone.  When they kill someone, an item is created and given to the killer which contains one of the victim’s abilities or traits (such as access to a doc or a role ability) as decided by RNG.  The person holding the item is then able to use that trait as if it were their own.

    Items can be given away for one action during the Night.

    The WorldSmiths have a doc in which to communicate in called Celestial Abode.

    The Brotherhood of Peace
    Win Condition: Remove all kill roles and items from the game

    Each cycle, one of the members of the brotherhood can proclaim their peaceful ways to someone else. This has one of several effects, depending on the target chosen.

    If the target has an item that allows for a kill, that item is removed. If the target has more than one such items, all are removed.
    If the target has a role or faction ability that allows for performing a kill, that players is instead role-blocked for a cycle(if the player has both items and roles, he only loses the items, and is not role-blocked).
    If the target is faction-less and did not have a role/item that allowed for performing a kill, they are converted to the brotherhood of peace.
    The Elementalist role does not count as a kill role, though it can be used as such. An Elementalist converted to the brotherhood can not use their element to kill.

    A person can only be targeted once by the brotherhood in the course of the game. The brotherhood has a temple dedicated to peace, in which they can meditate on their peaceful ways (in other words, they have a faction doc).

    Win Condition: Ensure that every other player dies before you.





    Gunsmith (Unique)
    Win Condition: Hand out all their guns and have them be used before they die.  They must also complete all their faction’s win conditions.

    Abilities:  The Gunsmith starts with 5 guns.  Each night they can give any number of their remaining guns to players of their choosing.

    Using a gun:  If a player has a gun, they may post in the thread at any time “I am shooting [player name]”.  Their target then dies if they do not have any protection (this does not bypass both lives) and thus must stop posting and PMing.  If a player who does not have a gun does this, they instead are the one who dies.

    Potato Master (2-3 players)
    Abilities:  Each cycle you may gift a player a potato.  The potato takes on a randomly decided form out of Raw, Baked or Mashed.

    If the potato given was Raw, then the player it was given to is roleblocked for a cycle.
    If the potato given was Baked, the receiver gains a one-time roleblock ability.
    If the potato given was Mashed, the receiver gains a one-time role-scan ability. 

    After having died, a player with the Strong-Willed role has the ability to make a final post at any time until the end of the cycle.  They are not given access to the dead doc until after this post is made or the end of the cycle has happened, whichever occurs first.

    Each night, a player with the Paranoia role may activate their ability. If they do: If they are attacked that night, they survive the night and execute an attack against all the people who attacked them.  If they are not attacked that night, then they die.

    Dungeon Master
    Each night a person with the Dungeon master role may do two of the following:

    • Create a mob of NPCs, doubling their votes for the next day.
    • Influence the dice, choosing a player and redirecting a random action targeted at the Dungeon Master to that player instead.
    • Deny a player's request, roleblocking them for the Night.”

    You are assigned an element.  Provided you can justify it thematically, you may perform any action that is cleared with the GMs.

    Secret Keeper
    Once per cycle, the Secret Keeper may introduce a rule into the game that is guaranteed to come into play, provided the GM allows it.

    Odium gains a kill action that they may use at night.  They must be the last person alive.  No faction may win until Odium is removed from the game.

    General Abilities



    Role Proposal
    Each turn, a player may submit a rule proposal in their GM PM.  In the following write-up, all the rule proposals are anonymously presented to be voted upon.  The three proposals with the most votes are incorporated into the game, starting the next turn.

    Rule Votes
    Each turn, a player may submit a rule vote in their GM PM.  This vote must select one of the rule proposals presented that turn that the player supports.  The three proposals with the most votes are incorporated into the game, starting the next turn.

    In addition to being able to vote for a rule players, also get a single vote against a proposed rule each cycle. This counts as -1 to its total votes.

    If a given rule has 0 or fewer votes, it won't be passed, even if it is technically in the top three proposals by merit of being the only rule etc.

    At any time, a player may submit an order to propose to another player.  This order is unblockable and unredirectable.  A player who has been proposed to may then submit an order to accept the proposal.  The proposal expires at the end of the following turn.  If the proposal is accepted, the two players are then considered married.  This is irreversible.  The two share all traits, including but not limited to, access to docs, win conditions and faction abilities.  This remains true even if one of the pair dies.

    At any time, a married pair may submit an order to adopt another player, requiring consent from both parties.  A player who has such proposed to them may them submit an order to accept it and become adopted.  In addition, a fourth player must also submit an order to acknowledge the adoption.

    The married pair then becomes aware of their adopted child’s roles, alignment and items.  They are also added in to any PMs the child is a part of or becomes a part of.  After 3 cycles, the adopted child may choose to end the arrangement.

    PM Creation
    During a night turn, a player may create up to two PMs each with up to three players in them.  All PMs must include at least one GM (AliasSheep or Stink).

    Infuse spheres
    A player may put any number of their uninfused spheres out in the highstorm during the night turn.  These spheres are then returned to them the following day turn, infused, unless the spheres are stolen.

    This action does not expend an infused sphere.

    Steal spheres
    A player may target another player during the night turn.  If that player had spheres out in the highstorm, then the first player gains those spheres the following day turn rather than the player whose spheres they originally were.


    Passive Rules



    Each player has two lives.  If a player has two lives, then if they would die, they instead lose one life.

    Each cycle there is a 15% chance that all rules, including but not limited to: win conditions, probabilities and item effects, will reverse.  There is then an 85% chance that the rules will switch back.

    If a player receives no votes, that player is Boring. Boring players can't be targeted by other players because no one pays attention to them. Further, since no one pays attention to Boring players, no one is affected by their actions. No one pays attention to their votes, because they're so boring, unless they vote on themselves, which makes them interesting, and stops them from being Boring.

    Each player starts with a random number of pancakes up to a maximum of 5.  Each day turn, a pancake is consumed.  During the night, one action may be spent to gain 2 pancakes.  If a player runs out of pancakes, they become Hungered.  A Hungered player may not vote and may only use their night actions to gain pancakes.  If a player remains Hungered for a whole cycle, they lose the ability to talk in the game thread and may only use their actions to gain pancakes or create PMs.

    If a player claims their role, either in the thread, PMs or in a doc, they die the turn after.  Their items as a result of this death are then divided randomly among the people they had PMs with.  A player may however, affirm or deny another player’s guess of their role.

    Each player starts the game with 5 infused spheres.  Each action they take uses up a sphere, changing it from infused to dun.  They can be infused again using the “Infuse spheres” action.  

    Random Redirection
    Each night, a single action from any player is redirected to a random target, though it may not affect the original target.

    Family Ties
    A player many not kill, attack or vote for their spouse, their adopted children or the spouse or adopted children of their adopted children, and so on down the family tree.  If a player does attempt to do so, any votes are cancelled and they are roleblocked the next turn.

    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half
    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half must at all times be referred to as Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half.

    Each player is assigned another player with whom they have a Vendetta.  As a part of a secondary win condition, they must attempt to play a direct part in that player’s death, be that through lynching them or killing them by action.


    RP Pancakes
    If a player's RP in a turn is 250 words or more, they gain a pancake.

    RP Keteks
    If, during a day turn, a player's RP contains a coherent ketek in bold, they gain a free action to use the following night.

    Each player receives one bunny which is either male or female.  Each cycle, a bunny will eat an item or pancake.  If a player has a male bunny and a female bunny, they gain another bunny each cycle.

    The Lynch



    Each day turn, a lynch occurs.  Each player may vote up to three times, and may vote in either red or orange.  If a player wishes to retract or change one of their votes, they must put that vote in green in the post they retract or post the new vote.

    The player with the most red votes at the end of the day turn is killed.  The player with the most orange votes at the end of the day turn is roleblocked until the next day turn.





    Dula’s Gift
    Each player at the beginning receives one of the following items, chosen randomly:

    Knife (Ka-neef-fay). This item may be used when you make a kill action.  Your kill action applies before any other actions. 

    Machete Throwing Ape (Ma-cheat-tee-throw-ing-app-y). You may kill a player with a 50% of working. If it misses it goes to the other dimension and trolls people. (Interpretation of this is left to the user. (Please discuss with Sheep how you want it to troll people.))

    Monkey (Munk-why). You may target a player.  That player is role blocked.

    Each item, when used, is removed from the player’s inventory.



    Player List
    Straw - Straw
    coal - King Cole
    Qwertyuiop - Hemalurgic_Headshot Hastur Hastur Hastur
    Willow - little wilson
    Hoid - winter devotion
    Kintas - Jondesu
    Locke Tekiel - Orlok Tsubodai
    Non Sequitur - Sart
    Bob the Omnipotent - Ecthelion III
    mysterious Speed Force energy - Flash
    Blade - Sami
    Elias - Bartimaeus
    Insanus - Darkness Ascendant
    Kel - randuir
    Silver Feather - Roadwalker
    Majestic Eagle - Majestic
    Ati - Drake Marshall
    Sol - Eternum
    Ad - DroughtBringer
    Elithanathile - Elithanathile
    Amarthion - Elenion
    Aed - Aonar Faileas
    Bortholomew the Blind - Bort
    Nocturnal Flying Mammal Man - Grumpy Dula
    Bugg - Clanky
    Magestar - Magestar
    Fess - Arinian
    The Lemon - Lemonelen
    Caramelion - Megasif
    Bri - Brightness Radiant
    Olbar - The Young Bard
    Searanatha theranson threson the 45th and a half - Ornstein

    Day 3 will end at:

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