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Posts posted by CarrotInquisitor

  1. But remember that Vasher plucked out some of his own hair to use as part of the Awakening, and there was no wait needed. So, presumably, you could cut off a chunk of the Royal Locks to use as fuel, and growing it back only makes you somewhat hungry IIRC.

  2. I always rolled with the idea that a cape stays behind the shoulders, a cloak comes all the way 'round to the front.

    It's been my opinion that it goes in a sort of progression, cape, cloak, robe.

    Capes stay behind the shoulders, like you said, cloaks go all the way around the front, and robes add sleeves. Any of the three can have a hood without changing the definition, but it's just a matter of preference.

  3. This actually raises some interesting questions. As we know, chromium does the same thing, just to someone else (I'm only using chromium because, let's face it, who is stupid enough to risk their own Investiture). So, would using chromium wipe another form of Investiture, say... Breaths? Which begs the question, could Hemalurgy steal Breaths from someone?

  4. The problem is that a Feruchemist has no limit to his Speed Storage, we saw people store ALL their attributes at once... you can't go further.

    Maybe the Inquisitors can't store too much because they have "imperfect" Feruchemy's power (due the Decay) or their peculiar anatomy (being not exactly an Human were you try to store Human Trait may have some kind of problem I suppose)

    I think it's that, for example, a Hemalurgist would be able to store and attribute, but would take longer to store a given amount of it than the person from whom the attribute was stolen. With TWO spikes, or one and an inborn ability, it might stack to make you store at above normal speeds.
  5. How does the wiping of metal reserves and occasionally foreign impurities (metal and investiture) have any effect on something encoded into your very soul?

    Well, both Feruchemy and Hemalurgy can touch the spiritweb, so I would assume that Allomancy might be able to do the same. Also, a duralumin burst always makes the next metal have a stronger effect, but aluminum already wipes all of your reserves. So, perhaps it would have to wipe (or perhaps weaken, if you were already crazy strong) your ability from your spiritweb since it has nowhere else to go.

  6. So, what if you were to burn duralumin and then aluminum? Could it potentially wipe your very ability to use Allomancy? What about duralumin and chromium? Instead of wiping someone's metal reserves, you destroy their Allomantic ability completely. Not sure if it would even work that way, (and who would be stupid enough to try duralumin and aluminum anyway) but... thoughts?

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