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Posts posted by Shadowfax

  1. We learned a lot of information in Oathbringer, and it's taken me quite a few days to process what I've read. A lot of that processing seems to happen as I'm lying in bed half asleep, and that is where this theory comes from.

    TDLR; Surges came first, Honor bound them to Heralds and his Investiture via the Oathpact, and this was done to help stop surges from destroying Roshar during Desolations.

    Now that the TLDR is out of the way, let me actually explain where my brain went with this.

    1. Humans, according to OB, came to Roshar because they'd destroyed their home with Surgebinding. 
    -- I believe that it's being called surgebinding because that's how the powers are known on Roshar at this time. My theory postulates that humans had Surges, ALL surges, in an unchecked manner and this led to the Cataclysm on Ashyn (likely) or whatever their original home was. They were able to use Surges because it it simply just channeled/focused Investiture. It did not *require* Stormlight, but whatever the equivalent is where they are from. 

    2. Humans came to Roshar, as refugees, Odium followed them, and they were accepted there.
    -- At first they settled in fine, but then decided they wanted more... seems plausible. In the book we're told the humans were the enemy in the first Desolation (if not some of the first few Desolations). I can buy this. They would have been seen as invaders, as is evident by the Fused's hatred of humanity. There are still remnants of human worship of Odium on Roshar (in the form of Thaylen Passions, as one example).

    3. Odium is the side with the most Passion.
    -- I believe the reason Dalinar's visions show humans fighting humans fighting parsh, et al, is because there were not distinct sides. Odium basically liked to stoke the coals and cause a ruckus in order to inspire passion. Early Desolations were a manifestation of this I believe, and throughout the years people simply gravitated to the side they were more comfortable with.

    4. Early Surges were unchecked. Hence, the Oathpact.
    -- Here comes part of the meat of my theory. I believe early use of surges were unchecked, and all surges were accessible by anyone who drew upon Investiture to use them. This made them extremely dangerous. Also I believe ANY Investiture could fuel them. Therefore my theory postulates that 9 of the Heralds (not Taln) were men and women who could use all surges AND were in positions of power in Roshar were chosen by Odium during the creation of the Oathpact. The Oathpact was a way for Honor to allow Surges to remain on this world, but be limited and bound by oaths, so as to not destroy it like it did the previous world humans occupied. Taln was selected by Honor. I don't necessarily think the Heralds were told they were selected or by whom. I also think this is why today it's called Surgebinding. Honor literally bound the Surges, and bound them to HIS Investiture, created the Honorblades as a way to limit how many surges of what type could be used in conjunction and that this is the basic idea of the Oathpact. Honor did not want these surges on Roshar all the time, so the agreement was made that after each Desolation the Heralds would go to Damnation to give humans time without them. I don't think Honor counted on the Spren trying to mimic the Honorblades. The KR were then formed to keep the spren in check and to keep humans further bound by oaths in order to use Surges. This was all rolled into the Oathpact.

    EDIT: After reading some WoBs I'm adjusting my theory a bit to account for information I did not have while sleeping...


    5. Odium sidesteps the Oathpact.
    -- Once the Surges were no longer free to be used by anyone, Odium was at a disadvantage. He began by torturing the Heralds, trying to corrupt them. I think their Connection to Honor was too strong to be corrupted, so he turned to the next best thing... the spirits of the dead parsh from the early Desolations. (He still tortured the Heralds, as we know, and he did so to begin new Desolations as soon as he could following the last one). He couldn't allow them to use Surges, since he Surgebinding is bound by the Oathpact, but he sidesteps this with what we know as "Voidbinding", a corrupted version of Surges, likely powered by one or more of the Unmade. This is legal since the Unmade are not likely part of the Oathpact. 

    6. The Death of Honor.
    -- Wild tin-foil part of this theory is that the Heralds themselves, with the help of Odium, killed Tanavast and splintered Honor. WHY??? Why would the Heralds do this?? Because he was weakening. I posit that the Heralds believed that if Tanavast was killed someone would take up the Shard and strengthen Honor and keep the Oathpact strong. Odium swooped in and Splintered Honor before that could happen. This is all extremely unlikely, but it kind of fits the narrative I have going here so I forced myself to write it anyway.

    So, here we have it. This is what I ended up with after digesting the information given to us in Oathbringer. I only have a physical copy of the book, so I don't have actual quotes in this post, but I can probably work to find some. I'm pretty happy with this theory, even though I'm probably wrong in most, if not all, of it, but it's what my brain concluded while I was asleep so I thought I'd share and see what the other more-cosmere-aware folks here thought about it.

  2. Just now, ZenBossanova said:

    Also, why would Jasnah say that everything she learned from the Highspren was potentially wrong, when she hears about the storm.

    We won't know until we learn what Jasnah had learned from the Highspren to begin with. We have no idea what they told her, or how outdated their information is. The Stormfather even commented on how this Everstorm is different. The Highspren, if they're the ones who survived the Recreance, live in the CR and wouldn't necessarily be up to date with what's going on in the PR.

  3. 2 hours ago, Salkara said:

    I'm sure we'll see the magic system get extended at some point, but why do it now when there's already an available mechanic?

    Or this could be a stepping stone into showing us the expansion of the magic system. 


    I proposed theory #2 the resonance/fabrial thing, but I'm willing (and expecting) to be wrong. But if we expect the system to be expanded, there's no reason to brush off a possible expansion of the system simply because there could be other solution already in place.


    I am pretty firm in my belief it wasn't Stormlight though. Again, willing to be wrong, but in this I hope I'm not. Stormlight feels (to me) like a cheap way to fix something this huge.

  4. I think that's a very meta way of looking at it. I think they simply noticed a giant storm and saw it was not going the right direction. The significance of that indicates it wasn't a highstorm. Story-wise, it does give the Parshmen a chance to exist without having been through both storms one after the other, but I highly doubt that was in-world character thinking.

  5. To be fair, Ialai doesn't even have to know the GB exist to still be in acquaintance with Mraize and call in favors or employ him in some fashion or whatever. Her being affiliated is just a theory right now. He could just be some dude with connections to the underworld element for all she knows. Cant' wait to see how this plays out.

  6. 2 minutes ago, SLNC said:

    I mean, as far as he is concerned Veil used the GB symbol to help Adolin.

    This could be true, but only if Mraize is aware that Adolin killed Sadeas. WE know he did, but we should be careful in treating this as in-world knowledge. Mraize and/or Ialai *knowing* Adolin killed Sadeas is also only theoretical at this point. Not poking holes, the theory is interesting, just want to be careful with distinctions here.

  7. While Mraize's motives have never been clear, he has always shown, so far, to be as good as his word. He's not stupid enough to out Shallan in front of someone like Ialai if he thinks there's a remote chance that person (Shallan) is part of his organization. Personally, I think Veil tossing around the GB symbol could be an indicator to Mraize that she's comfortable as Veil being aligned with them and it may look to be in her favor. Mraize wouldn't act against that after all he's done to reign her in. He will wait, see how this plays out, and come to Shallan in private to tell her if what she is doing is wrong or right for the GB and tell her how to behave in regards to it. Her response will then tell him how to act next.

    IF the GB are behind the killings, and IF Ialai is somehow part of or affiliated with the GB, it will be an interesting meeting because there's no way the term GB will be used with Adolin in the room if it means outing members.

  8. On 9/5/2017 at 7:36 AM, The Young Bard said:

    You should probably be able to convert to your timezone from whatever timezone is closest to you. Whatever time it is for you, it will be the same time each week.

    Until November 7th. USA will leave Daylight savings (on Nov 5), so if your own country doesn't do that, the time will change by 1 hour (earlier).

  9. 18 minutes ago, Andy92 said:

    But is the healing Renarin can perform any different than Dalinar using Stormlight to heal himself? Progression is a useful surge if you need to heal someone who can't consume Stormlight, but I always assumed you wouldn't need to use Progression on another Radiant, because the Radiant could simple heal their own wounds. 

    That's actually a fair point! I'm not sure we know enough about Progression to count it out, but this does make it seem less likely of a possibility.

  10. On 10/4/2017 at 4:32 PM, Farnsworth said:

    I think it was Renarin who healed him. He has progression, and might have unintentionally used on Dalinar kind of like how Kaladin used his Suges on bridge 4 without knowing

    My only problem with this is, when would it have happened? I hate the idea of something this important happening off-screen, though until we know for sure it's not off the table.

  11. On 10/4/2017 at 11:25 AM, Knabepicer said:

    For it to change to actual healing would be a major advance in technology and change in design philosophy, which I don't think could've occurred in the months? between the books, especially since it wasn't mentioned.

    I was re-reading the chapters and came across this, and it reminded me of our conversation here. Apparently it has been mentioned that she has been doing much research into this:


    Navani had been working on various forms of pain-related fabrials for use by surgeons, and had mentioned using him as a test subject.

    So, who knows? 

    I'll be the first to agree that this theory isn't perfect, but there is room to consider we are seeing advances in fabrial-tech and it has been in-text that she's been working on it.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Pattern said:

    I like the theory, it is quite imaginative. There is one more problem though: Dalinar wears the clock-painrial around the outside of his uniform sleeve; to activate the painrial Dalinar would have to press his hand on it. There is no mention of Dalinar doing so. As soon as the sparring starts, Dalinar is stripped to the waist, therefore he would also have taken off the clock-painrial by then. 

    I did take that into account. I really should have been more thorough in writing out my initial theory.

    Resonance doesn't require active use of Investiture from what we've seen (Shallan's mnemonics, Kaladin's squires). The painrial was fitted with the source of its power, the timerial also had to have something powering it. I work on the assumption that since they're fabrials they use stormlight-invested gemstones. Dalinar created, unwittingly, a resonance from the Investiture (and the corresponding forces of each) in those gemstones, simply by virtue of his nature as a Bondsmith (I believe their resonance IS the ability to create resonance). I don't believe he had to activate the painrial since the Investiture was already present there and it wasn't the painrial itself that I am claiming helped bring back missing memories.

    It's a bit of an iffy way to look at it, and I am in no way claiming to be right, and I expect fully to be wrong, but this idea is fascinating me and I'm running with it till I hit a wall of text that stops me in my tracks :D

  13. 1 minute ago, Wreith said:

    I think, as an aspiring Skybreaker, Szeth has no higher authority to appeal to in Shinovar than the Shamans, and thus wouldn't have legal grounds to attack them on his own volition. I think his new oaths may prevent the vengeance we've been expecting

    Is he an aspiring Skybreaker though? We know Nale picked him up, and we know he wants him to join, but it'd be up to a spren to decide and I can't recall anything in text that would support that he is in fact becoming one. Until he starts on the path with a spren, I think he's going to be more influenced by Nightblood than any Skybreaker oaths.

  14. Just now, Pattern said:

    Really, you don't see Szeth taking revenge with the Stone Shamans, carrying our well liked cheery Nightblood? I think they will have to take care of their own wellbeing for a while.

    I think he will go for them. The question is: Will ALL the Stone Shamans be in the same place. If only 1 or a few are sent after the blade, but he begins in Shinovar, we can have both Szeth's revenge AND the Shamate fighting to retain the honorblade from Dalinar/et al.

  15. 17 minutes ago, Salkara said:

    Well, they do know about it, but apparently the Shin Shamanate also know about it and have some ability to locate it (Spiritual Fortune anyone?). I'm holding out hope for a showdown between Dalinar & co, Mr. T, and the Shamanate.

    Now that would be interesting to read. I do keep forgetting the Stone Shamans, but you're right. Szeth believed they'd come for the sword, so I don't see why they wouldn't. 

  16. Just now, Salkara said:

    I'm guessing it will be used, but it's going to have to be stolen and recovered first.

    I would be totally okay with this, I just hope it doesn't get used by the wrong person. By wrong person, I mean I want it nowhere near Taravangian or his Diagrammers lol 


    And now great.. I have this awful suspicion that may very be were it ends up <sigh>

  17. 28 minutes ago, Frostlander said:

    And if we're looking at this as diminishing, rather than reversing or curing, I think it's important that this particular "treatment" has, so far, let Dalinar hear Evi's name and see her face. Years of memories did not come crashing down on him. I do think this theory is onto something. :)

    Like @Salkara said, we just don't know quantity of memory yet, but if/when we do learn of it, it will be very telling.

    I'm keeping this theory open to revision as more information comes to light :D

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