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Brightshade the Cunning

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Posts posted by Brightshade the Cunning

  1. In addition to the challenges posed by other islands, we already know that there are small islands that are greatshells from WoR. So the size differential would suggest that these smaller islands would be slower and fall behind, in the same way that larger animals tend to be faster, yet they remain in the same relative location on the planet. You could argue that the continent would be slower, but I find that unlikely.

  2. 4 hours ago, MadhavDeval said:

    But Odium never had the opportunity to go after Harmony anyway?? Harmony only formed about 300 years before SA 5 and Odiums been in Roshar for millenia. Does he even know about Harmony??

    This is what I'm talking about with things I don't remember, the timeline. However, instead of him avoiding it because of Harmony, he could have avoided it because splintering Preservation would have freed Ruin. However, leaving Scadrial alone would leave a weakened shard and an imprisoned shard. Both of which would  be of no consequence to his rule.

  3. Just now, randuir said:

    I don't think Trell is a non-shard with shardic levels of power as it breaks much of what we know of the cosmere, which is thought to be created by adonalsium and later his shards. The sudden appearance of a god-like entity that is not of Adonalsium seems to break this understanding without really contributing anything, which is not generally how Sanderson approaches these things (I think).

    My reason for Trell's origin is the idea of opposites existing everywhere, just like in reality. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, for every push there is a pull, for every deity there is a demon. Assuming this applies to the Cosmere as well, there is no purpose in the cosmere without an anti-Adonalsium. Trell could be this being, if we assume the power levels being similar to that of God and Satan (although both extremely powerful, God is nigh infinitely more powerful than Satan) it gives a reason for the shattering of Adonalsium, to level the playing field, as well as a reason for Trell's existence outside of being a shard. Or, Trell could be a piece of this being (if it was of equal power to Adonalsium), which could have shattered to mirror Adonalsium, or Adonalsium could have shattered to balance the powers in the Cosmere.

  4. I am going to start by saying this is a bit out there, and only applies if Trell is not one or more of the Shards of Adonalsium, but an outside entity of power equal to or greater than that of a shard.

    I believe that Odium is working with Trell in order to conquer the Cosmere. This idea comes from an analysus of Odium's personality. Odium is filled with hatred, but this hatred is directed towards those who have enough power to challenge him. This explains why Odium is seeking to splinter the other shards, as they are the only beings of seemingly equal power to him. This also explains why Odium never went after Harmony, as Harmony would be (potentially) twice as powerful as Odium. 

    This is where Trell comes in. Trell tried to take over Scadrial, but has decided to destroy it instead. This brings up the possibility that Trell is more powerful than Harmony, or has the potential to be more powerful than him, and the only reason Trell does not just destroy Harmony is the people of Scadrial, who were not in a mindset to create chaos, thus weakening Harmony.

    The reason they would be working together is that Odium would likely be threatened by Trell, but Odium is cunning. A person who thinks like Odium would seek to help Trell in order to avoid their wrath, but nice their time for a moment to betray their partner without fear of loss.

    Disclaimer: This is entirely conjecture based on my interpretation of Odium's personality. I also basement of my ideas off of a relatively faulty memory, which means there are almost certainly important details that would make or break this theory that I don't remember.

  5. 10 hours ago, Stark said:

    If anything, it would be the recessive gene, which would lead to why they need breeding programs to increase/decrease its prevalence, and why you would want two people with Feruchemy to have children to increase the chance of producing a ferring.  That would not be as necessary if Feruchemy was the dominant gene.

    The dominant/recessive description was an oversymplification in order to provide ease of understanding. It could be easier to think of it in 3 or more parts rather than 2, where 1 part has to overrule the other. For example, FFF and FFf would be Feruchemists as the  capitol F is more prevelant than the lowercase f. However, Fff or fff would not be Feruchemists. (Order does not apply) This allows for the appearance of Feruchemists to increase or decrease between generations. If we accept as more complex than merely dominant/recessive it also explains the weakening over time. If there is a significantly larger number of factors than 1, 2, or even 10 genes, it allows for the weakening without complete absence of Feruchemical abilities.

    The main reason I decided it couldn't be recessive was that that would either mean that Scadrial started with a limited number of Feruchemists, or else had no way for Feruchemical abilities to be lost. If everyone starts ff (in this example the genetic makeup of a feruchemist), no one will ever have a F in their genetics.

  6. 12 hours ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    When you say that they were near a balance, are you referring to before Preservation used a bit more power to instill sapience in humans? Without sapience people wouldn't be able to perform feruchemy either nor do I think that there were ever any non-sapient humans. My impression is that the first humans of Scadrial were endowed with the extra Preservation, granting them sapience and had the seeds of both metallic arts. In addition, I don't recall anything which would indicate that humans were post-creation modified in order to add the seeds of allomancy.

    My meaning is they had the seeds of Allomany, but they only gained the ability to use Allomancy after their genetics had shifted enough to make them lean significantly more towards Preservation (genetics-wise). While at the time of their creation they were leaning more towards Preservation, but not enough to gain the use of Allomancy.

  7. 2 hours ago, Ookla the Sunrise Watcher said:

    Allomancers did exist pre-lerasium (and I'm not talking about mistfallen).

    I didn't mean that Lerasium was the origin of Allomancers, I'm saying that Allomancers were not likely in the first generation of humans on Scadrial. And since Allomancy is definitely of Preservation, and the first generation of humans were almost certainly at a (near) balance with Ruin and Preservation, they would not likely be Allomancers.

  8. 11 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

    Are you suggesting that Feruchemy is more... "native" to Scadrial than Allomancy?

    Yes, it is native to Scadrial because the people there are products of Ruin and Preservation, unlike how allomancy required a change after the creation of humans. And I discussed this with you outside of the 17th shard before posting.

  9. I don't know if this is breaking the rules, but I'd do the blade and go around trying to exemplify the attributes of any of the orders of the Knight's Radiant. That way I have a shardblade no matter what, and something to tell me if I actually attracted a spren to bond with. Although the screams might be painful...

  10. Disclaimer: This is not a theory or a new idea, the purpose of this post is to make clarifications as to what a savant is, and explain a subtle difference between the personal effects of Allomancy and Feruchemy

    If you look in the Coppermind you will find that a savant is someone who has flared a metal for so long that their physiology changes to adapt. With Feruchemy the creation of a savant is impossible, technically. I believe that the use of Feruchemy makes anyone into a temporary savant, as their physiology changes. For example, Sazed's  muscles grew larger when he saved Vin, and Wayne becomes more susceptible to sickness when storing healing (as it weakens his immune system). This means that Feruchemy will temporarily change an individuals physiology (or at least the physical, cognitive, and potentially hybrid do), while Allomancy will do it permanently.


    10 minutes ago, jofwu said:

    You're saying it's a gene everyone has... It just happens that the ability was bred out of everyone but the Terris people. Only Teris people still have F genes (FF's and Ff's) while everyone else is ff.

    Correct, and that idea could also apply to Allomancy, just with a different start point for the appearance of an A gene for Allomancy

  12. A few weeks ago I started a thread regarding the origins of allomancy and feruchemy. After looking over responses I've come up with the explanation of why Feruchemy is definitely of both Ruin and Preservation, and it's origin.

    We know from WoB that Feruchemy is of both Ruin and Preservation, people on Scadrial were created by Ruin and Preservation together, and from the Mistborn storyline that Feruchemy was the original magic system on Scadrial. I submit that Feruchemical abilities were apparent in the genetics of the first people created on Scadrial, because they were created by shards and not just introduced into Scadrial. This Feruchemical ability was passed through a dominant F gene, and the lack of Feruchemical ability was marked by a recessive f gene. Not all original humans were FF gene type, some were Ff type. This led to an eventual society of Feruchemists and non-Feruchemists, who eventually became the Terris people and all other races. This idea of the abilities being genetic is further supported by the eventual devolution of Feruchemy shown in Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, and Bands of Mourning.

    Disclaimer: This is a theory and not validated fact, and it was written on a phone and will likely have spelling errors I couldn't find.

  13. 12 hours ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    Unless you can suggest a way that "Allomancy is of Preservation" can be interpreted in sone other way which would mislead away from that, I don't see how it can be interpreted as misleading

    I never said Allomancy wasn't of Preservation, I said Allomancy wasn't of Preservation alone.

  14. 2 hours ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    Well, one, it has Brandon directly stating as a Word of God that allomancy is of Preservation, unless you would venture to say that he's directly lying to us, which doubt. Secondly, it explains away your argument in the first and second paragraph of why allomancy increases power, which doesn't follow preservation, when feruchemy would make more sense since it is an actual preservation of power. Yes, as per your original argument, it could just be that our widely held belief on the matter is wrong, but then you would also be arguing that Brandon is just lying to us. 

    In addition, the WoB I posted explain why your mathematical reasoning is wrong. Preservation's intent towards the manifestations of investiture produced from his power deals only with the preservation of the user's power. It doesn't preserve the overall energy of the system because that's just the way it worked. So to re-explain the math: If X is someone's personal power, then Xa is always greater than X, where Xa is the power they possess while using allomancy. On the other hand, looking at feruchemy, a person's personal power is not preserved at every given moment. Xs, the power of the person during storage, is always less than X. Yes, their power is preserved over the entire range of time, but that's not what matters.

    I fully admit that all of that suggests that I am wrong, but you never know how hard Sanderson is trying to mislead you.

  15. I know that it is widely accepted that the power of Allomancy comes from Preservation. This makes sense in that in order to become an Allomancer you must either ingest, or be a descendant from someone who has ingested, Lerasium. This idea is given further weight by the fact that Preservation gave a bit of himself in order to make humans more preservation minded. However, the nature of the shards of Preservation and Ruin, and their combination in Harmony, reject this idea. The easiest example of this is Ruin and his magic of Hemalurgy, power is taken and the result is less than before. Mathematically put, if you have starting power X and received power Y you would say that X > Y. In Feruchemy you give power to receive it back when needed, while in Allomancy you expend power, by burning metal, giving you the the variable Z for expended power. Mathematically put, Feruchemy would be X = Y and Allomancy would be modeled X + Z < Y.

    When you compare these mathematical breakdowns of Scadrial's magic systems to the shards present their, a different reality becomes apparent. With Feruchemy being the only magic system involving the preserving of power, it must be of Preservation. Whereas Allomancy involves the sacrificing of some power in order to gain more, implying it is of Harmony or, more accurately, a balance of the powers of Ruin and Preservation. This idea is given further credit by the fact that even though Preservation gave up some of his power to humans, the only people who cared about preservation as an attribute were the Terrismen, while people in other areas appear to have had a stronger tie to Ruin in their hearts, regardless of the presence of Preservation's power. With that in mind, the ingesting of Lerasium would increase the person's devotion to Preservation, allowing for an equal devotion to both shards, as well as an amount of power that comes directly from a shard.

    Thanks for looking at my theory. If you can show me any place where Brandon Sanderson has said anything that proves me wrong, please add a link in your post.

  16. On 10/14/2016 at 9:04 AM, Entreos said:

    Are pushes on metals inside a dead body resisted?

    If you can push on metals inside a dead body, exactly when is the body considered dead?

    This is a spoiler for Secret History so read my reply at your own risk


    Kelsier sees people's souls the same way he sees metal, until they die and their cognitive shadow talks with Preservation. So death is death as normal, and the "soul interference" that makes it harder to push/pull metals within a body should be gone.


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