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Posts posted by Emphimas

  1. I don't understand why language or sexual references are a hangup for some people. Sure it is "adult," I won't argue against that, but there are plenty more adult themes in the books. Why is a word more offensive than violent scenes of torture, mass murder, and the twisting of people's souls? If I want to protect a child from one, I'd definitely want them to avoid the other as well. Kids are certainly, at least here in the States, more likely to run across swearwords or sexual situations in day to day life than they are to encounter horrible violence. I'm not denying anyone's right to be offended, but I don't personally understand being offended by one and not the other.


    Actually that's what's so fascinating. It's not necessarily about the thing that happens, it's why it happens- the intent. If Wax for instance, didn't have such a noble character, and decided that it's time to start using his mistborn powers for selfish reasons like to acquire fame, fortune, sex and other unworthy pursuits then not only are the books 'adult' but they are now teaching that it's okay to use great power for evil purposes.


    Obviously Wax never does this, nor would Brandon Sanderson ever, ever do this with a hero. The reason we love WoK so much is Kaladins great desire to protect and defend others, even if a violent means must be used. Now, if we know a character is evil in the book, is it understandable that they do terrible things like the bloody torture room in Bands of Mourning? Of course, but the good, honorable people do everything they can to help, save and protect- we look up to them, and our children can too.


    Back to Wayne's language. There is nothing ennobling, uplifting or encouraging about the scenes i described in the previous post. Did Wayne grow up in a rough fashion? There is no question. Is his behavior toward women ever presented in the book as a terrible thing, or something he is working on? No, it is not. If he ever said something like, "I know i shouldn't treat women so, but it's so hard not to" or some such then you can get the idea that this is not acceptable behavior. Wax does do this in Bands of Mourning by convincing MeLaan not to walk through the traps naked, but he doesn't explain why MeLaan should not do it, he just insists that he'll buy her new clothes. 


    This remind's me of Legion. There is a character that is constantly swearing but another character reproves them and encourages him not to swear and he apologizes. Which shows that while some people make bad choices, they are still trying to overcome those weaknesses and be good.

  2. I agree with the opening post, i definitely noticed the increase of vulgarity even if some people are not sensitive to such- it did increase. Now, i'm a diehard Brandon Sanderson fan, but i have to admit that this was the first time i was disappointed with some of the language. There were quite a few scenes with a naked MeLaan, Wayne wanting to see sexy sister action, staring and commenting on MeLaan and Staris's breasts etc- not to mention what happened on the train. No other characters had this problem throughout the book, but each time there was dialogue with Wayne or MeLaan i was just hoping that the unnecessary sexual innuendos and references would stop.


    And it has nothing to do with naviete, and everything to do with the fact that i want to be able to share these books with my children- yes there are all sorts of dark events and evil things, but this has never before been portrayed as even semi-acceptable behavior by a beloved character. Yes, dirty old men exist, but rusts and colors, leave them out of our stormblessedly clean Cosmere of hilarious and fake swearing.

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