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Posts posted by AscendantButtChugger

  1. The problem with this, which was mentioned earlier though whether it was in this thread or the other one on the same topic I'm not sure, is that Marasi has seen Marsh/Ironeyes in Alloy and he was described as having both eyes spiked at the time. The question I posed to this was, could he have still only had one spike at the time of saving the Malwish people, and only later replaced it? If so then yes I definitely think Kel could be using Marsh's body, whether Marsh is still in it part-time or not.

    Exactly. I thought about that, too. But yeah, came to the same conclusion. Because this seems like an alternate timeline that Sanderson spent a lot of time on directly after writing the first trilogy, then touched it up, before releasing. That definitely sounds like an easy continuity error to make. Also, an easy one to smooth over with some simple things like you just said. We've all seen crazier things happen, in the cosmere. I also went back and read the chapter of BoM where Allik describes The Sovereign to Marasi and I'm just like "Yep, yep. That was clearly Kelsier". Cause I mean there was like a whole paragraph where Wax and Marasi argued about Allik's story, since he claimed The Sovereign appeared to them some 10 yrs after when they figured Harmony came to be. And of course they thought Allik was referring to the LR. Who they knew to be dead.

  2. I see this as a very obvious answer, that no one has put forward yet. But isn't it entirely possible that he chooses Marsh(his brother, Ironeyes, Death) as his new body? He got a sword through the neck from Elend(right before Vin defeated Ruin) possibly killing him. This would explain how in the vision from the coppermind, Wax sees regularly with one eye, and with the spike on the other eye. So, since it is a memory made by Kelsier, who is using Marsh's physical body, he would simply see normally, on the side that Marsh is missing an eye/spike but still, allomantically(like Marsh)on the other side, given that he is using Marsh's hemalurgically infused body. As for the scars, well ever since Kelsier refused to die, and started hanging with Leras(Preservation)... He first mentioned being able to see his own body(scars and all), even his clothes, just as he remembered them, as he kept is Spiritual and Cognitive self, and lost only his Physical being. Leras explains that that is how it will be, from now on, since he can't get his body back. Explaining why he sees the scars, when he looks at his own arms, but still sees partially through a hemalurgic spike, pierced in the body he uses that Spook helped him take: Marsh's. EVEN FURTHERMORE... The part that really convinces me, is that in the copper mind memory viewed by wax, the people dying are Malwish. Then Kelsier, in Marsh's body, told the old women to 'Survive', and then hypothetically proceeded to help the Malwish not only recover from extinction, but shared with them the technological advances he was able to discover concerning Allomancy, Feruchemy, and Hemalurgy. Concordently: in Bands of Mourning, you see evidence of this with the Malwish and their advanced, flying warships, different metallic medallions(similar to fabrials from Stormlight), a Malwish ancient temple sporting technologically advanced traps and Allomantic switches/locks, an unexpected DOUBLE DECOY of the Bands of Mourning(a stunt that only one as smartass and beguiling as Kelsier himself, could think up...remember the guy who always said 'There's always another secret'?...the exact same line that Waxillium heard right before dying, down in the cave next to the second decoy?)..and to finish it all off: a freaking STATUE built by the ancient Malwish depicting Kelsier, as they saw him: IN MARSH'S BODY with one hemalurgic spike in his head. Exactly how marsh looked when he died and the exact same image on the coin/copper mind that Wax drew Kelsier s memory from, at the end of BoM......how'd I do? I know, thanks. I could write this stuff.

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