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Posts posted by flying_shadow

  1. 23 hours ago, Ookla the Shadowed said:

    EDIT11: Ok, ADONLASIUM could go to ALUMINA(S) and DAO Which is an oxide of Aluminum and dao is the aon for stability... Don't know if that's significant.

    'Adonalsium' can be rearranged into 'a mind, a soul'. Or 'anal odiums'. Someone on reddit actually put the word through an anagram generator and got interesting results a while back, but I can't find the link now.

  2. I guess I might as well post my theory. So, here's the thing. We read that Sja-anat couldn't corrupt Radiant spren before, but I think that she could, but it was not spoken of and the Radiants that this happened to kept it secret.

    There is the Oathbringer epigraph, "Don't tell anyone. I can't say it. I must whisper. I foresaw this."(chapter 85, OB). This was said by a Truthwatcher, which reminded me of Renarin's visions and how he was affected by them. I immediately noticed the similarity, but there can only be a link if Sja-anat could corrupt higher spren before. Another thing I noticed was in a WOR epigraph. "the enemy’s baleful influence demanded vigilance on all occasions, of war and of peace."(chapter 51, WOR). This does sounds like they are specifically vigilant against the enemy's influence, but they could have been talking about propaganda. This, however, connects with the following epigraph: "Of the Unmade, Sja-anat was most feared by the Radiants"(chapter 97, OB). Why was she so feared if all she could do was make harmless spren act strangely? Of course, we read about what this results in during the Kholinar arc of OB, but it does not appear to be bad enough to make an organized group of Radiants extremely terrified.
    I feel that Sja-anat's ability to corrupt higher spren would have caused such fear, though. We can see how powerful and damaging her corruption is in Renarin's POV, it is definitely something the Radiants of old would have been seriously hampered by if this happened en masse. The sight of a corrupted spren in the city would have meant that any Radiant's spren could be next, so they would have run. And the reason there are no records of this happening is pure propaganda - the Radiants are humanity's shining beacon of hope, learning that there is a danger they can do nothing about would have demoralized the population and perhaps made them more likely to side with the Voidbringers out of hopelessness and desperation.
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