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Article Comments posted by Landis963

  1. You know, despite the change of heart, I read this and recognize it's a very good thing Jenna does not have access to the secret of Tevidian's half-skaa daughter.  She'd use that to burn Tekiel to the ground, before Kel could.  (She might be tenacious enough to survive the house war he fomented, though.  Although that may or may not play merry hob with established continuity)

  2. If you can't use Shadesmar as a hyperspace of sorts, and FTL travel is already accounted for... you'd need a sleeper or generation ship of some variety, with whatever Invested systems were necessary for life support or fuel or whatever, and if you're going that route you may as well use FTL (unless all varieties were inaccessible for some reason e.g. some Scadrian bigwig thought there was profit in selling FTL at an exorbitant price).  

  3. On 3/3/2019 at 0:11 AM, Bigmikey357 said:

    I think the Tenacity Shard WOB could be a stand-in for Ambition. We know Threnody is where the shattered Ambition ended up, and it does seem particularly easy to become a Cognitive Shadow there. Also, tenacity is often a key component for ambitious people.

    I asked the Tenacity question and so far as I'm aware it has no bearing on Brandon's actual plans for the Cosmere.  (I was thinking of using an insane ghost version of a Shard by that name as a villain in a homebrew TTRPG campaign)

  4. 3 hours ago, Talanelat'Elin Stonesinew said:

    I think that the KR Orders that get a spiritual version of their surges are only the Bondsmiths and the Truthwatchers. Idk why, I’ve always thought that because they’re the only orders at the center of the Double Eye of the Almighty, they have a deeper connection to the Spiritual Realm.

    Keep in mind that things like the Allomancy chart and the Double Eye are in-world creations, from sources that are, in some ways, less reliable than Khriss.  (On the flip side, they may be more reliable than Khriss' account in other ways, if only because they have different assumptions than Khriss which have not been majorly contradicted for as long as those resources have been around)

  5. I think Cultivation's going to make a habit of messing with Odium's toys, so to speak.  She's already screwed with the "champion of Odium" idea, in such a fashion that Odium trying it a second time will leave himself vulnerable.  She's gotten a product of the Nightwatcher's into Odium's toolbox, one that he thinks is a valuable source of information but is definitely omitting some really important details (e.g. "the fortune teller you wanted dead isn't.").  Any time we think we see Odium getting ahead, I think taking a side glance at the victory and looking which relevant pies have Cultivation's fingers in them would serve us well.  

  6. I wonder who that Truthwatcher was who contributed to drawer 30-20.  The one who recorded the plan to create the parshmen, and appended basically a footnote saying "Oh BTW I foresaw this."  

    EDIT: Moash does not count as a member of Bridge Four and you know it.  

    EDIT:  Hoid's line re: future sight was, and I quote:


    "Be wary of anyone who claims to be able to see the future, Shallan."

    "Except you of course.  Didn't you say you can see where you need to be?"

    "Be wary," he repeated, "of anyone who claims to be able to see the future, Shallan."

    Anyone who "claims" to see the future, for starters.  That gives them a lot of potential clout, especially so if their predictions come true.  Second off, the fact that Hoid applies the warning to himself is, IMO, much like warning Dalinar not to "trust himself" with him in WoR, a warning that yes, he does have his own agenda, and no, it will not always align with our protagonists'.  

  7. 3rd Letter: Also, Hoid could have been using Nalthis as a sort of base of operations when Fortune wasn't tugging him one way or another.  He'd have needed to amass all those Breath somehow.  RE: w/r/t the letter's writer (the 1st OB letter, that is) saying that Hoid had come to her lands multiple times.  

    4th Letter: I am highly amused by the idea that Bavadin is essentially an MMO player with a severe case of alt-itis.  

    5th Letter: I let out the biggest squee when I realized Harmony was writing that letter.  Even bigger than the one when I twigged to Vivenna.  Also, isn't Mistborn Era 3 during the timeskip after Stormlight 5?  That seems like an excellent opportunity for Hoid to brief Harmony on things.  Although if this many things got dropped during Stormlight _3_ I've no idea what the status quo will be by the end of Stormlight _4_, let alone by the time skip.  

  8. 17 hours ago, FeatherWriter (Alyx) said:

    Heads up guys, I was kind of cagey about reasons because I didn't know whether or not I'd be sharing this around, but now I've started telling people, so:

    The reason there's no Oathbringer Splintercast is because... I'm an Oathbringer beta reader!

    The beta was an amazing opportunity and I'm super grateful to Team Sanderson for letting me help out with this process, but unfortunately, it means there's not really a good way to do a reaction podcast. I couldn't record and take down beta comments at the same time, and the beta drafts change quite a bit from the final version, so there'd be stuff in my reactions that didn't make it into the final draft, which would be weird.

    It just wasn't something that would feasibly work out, so unfortunately, Splintercast will not be, at least for this book. However, I can tell you guys this: it's an amazing book and you're all going to love it. ;)

    IT EXPLAINS SO MUCH.  Also, SO JEALOUS!  (But not too too jealous because I know I'd have too difficult a time keeping to the NDA)

  9. 19 hours ago, Shadow Guardian said:

    Isn't being Hoid reason enough?
    I don't think it's a perpendicularity, though off the top of my head I can't remember any known reason for Hoid choosing to be eaten by a greatshell besides, well, he's Hoid...

    He has allomancy, specifically Mistborn allomancy.  (You can actually spot him using it in WoR if you know where to look)  A known allomantic power (as of Era 2) is the ability to dilate time in an area of effect.  The legitimate reason I was referring to connects these two points.  I would agree with @Shadow Guardian that greatshells probably don't contain perpendicularities, because there need to be at least two on Roshar (for Honor & Cultivation), we know where one is (The Horneater Peaks, where Hoid was spotted), and the other is probably in the highstorms, given what we know about them and about perpendicularities.  

  10. Yup! "Ol' Whitehair" is our traditional Hoid cameo.  Remember back in Words of Radiance when he sidestepped Jasnah's interrogation by claiming that he "once spent the better part of a year inside a large stomach"?  That's how he got there.  (And the funniest thing is, knowing what we know about powers that Hoid definitely has, there's at least one legitimate reason for him to swan-dive into a greatshell's open maw)

  11. @2:30: I seem to recall that the only reason she calls Wyndle a Voidbringer (or rather, continues to call him such) is because it annoys him.  

    @15:16: I think my utmost favorite is that one of Hoid's, talking to the songling, where he talks about audience expectations.  "Give me an audience who has come to be entertained, but who expect nothing special.  To them, I will be a god."  

    @16:56: Hauka is indeed the guard-captain's name.  

    @23:19: "Tashi" is probably one of the Heralds.  One who would not approve of Yeddaw for whatever reason.  (Given how he badmouthed "Yaezir" back in Lift's debut, this is probably not Jezrien.  Another commenter's idea of Ishar is probably the correct one.)  

    And yes, Lift is completely adorable here.  The "I'm taking her home with me" is strong with this one.  

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