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Posts posted by CalaCrisp88

  1. I mean, FTL isn't the same as worldhopping, but it can be a natural consequence of it, depending on the method you use to worldhop. If you're going between planets in the CR, where there is empty space and no cognition at all, it'll be super compressed. Per this wob: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/87/#e5671 (it's long, so I won't paste it) you can literally "pass lightyears in steps" once you get far away from centers of perception and thought.

    Of course, using ships will be significantly faster than walking, and more effective in other ways. That's probably the direction things are going to move for most peoples in the cosmere. But it's certainly not the only way it can happen.

  2. In the acknowledgements, I believe "subject exports" is written instead of "experts", and "or" when I think he meant "on time".

    In the interlude between parts 2 and 3 


    Moash's interlude, at the end when Odium is speaking. He just says "how?", but this should be capitalized.


  3. Drawing and visual arts are not strictly one-to-one. You can draw scientific/mathematical diagrams or graphs without it being art. Art is typically something that is inherently emotional, based on feelings rather than science or fact or logic. Of course there can be some overlaps in the two fields; for example, artists may apply mathematical concepts to make their art more realistic or aesthetically appealing. But at its core, art is more about emotions than logic, and Jasnah obviously cares about logic much more.

  4. On 3/1/2019 at 10:01 AM, Green Hoodie Mistborn said:

    The phrasing “and the one who brought it to your land” to me has always seemed a misdirect. 

    I don’t think she’s after Vasher at all because I think his separation from Nightblood happened well before Nightblood was brought to Roshar (personal theory, no proof).

    We have wob to the contrary.



    Were Vasher and Nightblood separated before going to Roshar, or after?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Arcanum Unbounded release party (Nov. 22, 2016)

    Of course, someone else could've "brought" both Vasher and Nightblood to Roshar at the same time, and that wouldn't necessarily contradict anything. But that seems wrong to me. Vasher has lived for hundreds of years. He knows how to worldhop and wouldn't really need help. He probably wouldn't let Nightblood tag along if he weren't actually bringing him himself.

  5. On 2/4/2019 at 8:38 PM, Kramerfarve said:

    This is the precise reason why I believe it cannot be sprenblades. The back blurb has been confirmed to have been written by a sleepless, who are known to be at the very pinnacle of information gathering. They surely would have known that sprenblades still exist and are being used by every generation of skybreakers. Further just because “it was at the beginning” does not mean it couldn’t be something we’ve never seen before (ala dawnshards) as we’ve seen this type of twist before, particularly in another prophecy-esque way (See Mistborn Era 1).

    But Surgebinding still existed too... In fact, those who who had sprenblades were all Surgebinders. The blurb probably means that they will become more commonplace rather than hidden, which doesn't exclude sprenblades.

    I like the Dawnshard idea, but we know too little to say for sure.

  6. On 11/5/2018 at 1:38 PM, Stormfather-in-Law said:

    I never stopped thinking that the actual effect of a speed bubble would be to mess up anything that went in or out. Like a bullet leaving would have the forward part moving faster than the rear, causing it to rip itself apart and leave more like a shotgun blast than a bullet. Or if a cadmium bubble, it would compress itself into minimum space as it leaves. 

    Same thing with an arm or leg, really. Pretty much anything that goes in or out should be destroyed.

    Objects are either in or out. They don't split.



    If you are standing inside of a time bubble, and throw a spear out of the bubble, what happens to that spear as it traverses the border of the bubble? Are different parts of the spear ever in different "time zones," going fundamentally different speeds?

    On that line of reasoning, what would happen to a train and its occupants if Marasi stood next to railroad tracks holding up a Cadmium bubble while that train sped by?

    Brandon Sanderson

    In general, a large object going through a time bubble is not going to notice. An object is either in or out, and it depends in part on how the object views itself. People inside the train would be inside of its influence, and wouldn't notice the bubble. The spear would go from one to the other, but would never be in both.



  7. I'm thinking about going to the Naperville signing. Wondering how many books I should bring? I know he says he'll sign as many as you want, but I don't want to go overboard, lol. I was hoping to get at least 4-5 of mine signed, plus Skyward. I might bring a few of my cousin's as well, that would make 7-8. Think that's reasonable, or too much?

    Also, what's the most amount of books one person/party has brought to a signing at once? Just curious :P

  8. 14 hours ago, Juanaton said:

    I don’t think Gavilar gave a sphere to Eshonai at all. He showed it to her, and talked about it, but he only gave it up to Szeth when he was dying.

    Yes, it was made clear in the books he had multiple spheres. He gave one to Eshonai, then one to Szeth. There's also a WoB on this.



    Gavilar's black sphere. What was inside of it and how many does he have?

    Brandon Sanderson[PENDING REVIEW]

    Well, it is what you think it is. And he had... yeah... He had access to several. Did we canonize this Karen?

    Karen Ahlstrom[PENDING REVIEW]

    *shakes head*

    Brandon Sanderson[PENDING REVIEW]

    No, we haven't canonized it. I'm going to say RAFO on the number, but it is what you think it is and what the third book implies that it is.



  9. Just wanna put this here. If a platypus could store his special senses in a tinmind (given that it somehow got Feruchemy) then I think that it would be possible to steal animal attributes with Hemalurgy without having to involve other godmetals and hacks and stuff.



    Let's say we had a platypus Feruchemist, who can sense electric fields. Could he make a tinmind for that sense?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Platypus tinmind should work.



  10. It's not impossible that Nightblood inspired the idea, but I doubt his killing actually "taught" Odium's forces how to do it. Some pretty wacky stuff happened at Nightblood's creation, so I don't know that simply seeing it in battle would teach Odium how to create something like it. Also, imo, there wasn't enough time between Thaylen and Jezrien for Odium to create a weapon like that, and have it work exactly as intended, simply by trying to imitate another shard's weapon. If it was brand new, something could easily have gone wrong. It felt like Odium had had his blade in store for quite some time already.

  11. I'd never thought about this before, but I looked through a few wobs. It looks like you're not wrong, but not quite right. Apparently it's kinda being stretched across all three realms, not just in the spiritual.




    How do visions in the cosmere work? And I'm thinking Realmatically.

    Brandon Sanderson[PENDING REVIEW]

    So almost always [it's] glimpsing into the Spiritual Realm. But you are often seeing it through the Cognitive, and so like a vision that...

    *interrupted for a picture request*

    So like the vision that Dalinar sees. What's going on is...being pulled, and kind of stretched a little bit through the Realms, into the Spiritual Realm.  Where a Cognitive construct is adding a framework to seeds that are set in place.


    So that you can kind of comprehend the Spiritual?

    Brandon Sanderson[PENDING REVIEW]

    You can comprehend...and also there's a little bit of a life to it. Meaning it can respond to you to an extent. So imagine, it kind of works like an AI. Imagine there's some..you've got that power in the Spiritual Realm and you're adding a framework to it, that it is shining through, and that is giving you the vision.  Complicated, I know. Spiritual Realm is supposed to be weird, and we aren't supposed to quite comprehend it, and that's why we've got the Cognitive framework there.



    Also, the spiritual realm is not the beyond.




    When Harmony Ascends, he admits he doesn't have a good view of the Spiritual Realm. Does he develop a better one over time? And are there other Shards that already have a very good view of that?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. But it is still something that is hard to grok, so to speak, in-canon, *inaudible*, hard to understand. But he has a much better understanding, and the other Shards, some of them have a very good understanding. The thing is, the difference between the Spiritual Realm and the Beyond is not something that is immediately obvious.


    So, the Spiritual Realm is not the Beyond?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, Spiritual Realm is not the Beyond. There are three Realms of existence. The Beyond, some would say... There are philosophers would would say, the Spiritual Realm and the Beyond are one, that the soul gets sucked into and joins the Investiture. That's the idea of the One. But, most people would say the Beyond is not...



  12. 14 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

    Yeah, but we don't know exactly for sure if Taravangian went to the Nightwatcher before or after Dalinar did. If he did, then it makes it highly likely that Culti could've showed up for him and her statement to a Dalinar still be true. And it wouldn't be impossible for her to have visited Lift either.

    Given that Brandon specifically differentiated between 5 years and 5 1/2 years, I think it's safe to say that Dalinar went before Taravingian. Though I do get that the characters aren't always gonna be totally accurate.

  13. We do have some info about when T and Lift went to the Nightwatcher. In OB we learn that T supposedly disappeared with a "mysterious illness" about 5 years ago, according to Dalinar. Lift, in her WoR interlude, claims that she's been ten for 3 years, which probably means that's when she visited the Nightwatcher. And I believe Dalinar's Nightwatcher flashbacks were 5 1/2 years ago.

    I know it's not necessarily exact, but it is a rough time frame for each of them.

  14. 3 hours ago, recneps said:

    Ruin and Preservation had to fight over Scadrial -- It was the center of their conflict. Preservation had made sentient life there, because that was part of his original goal. Ruin had to have something to destroy, and so he helped make it. Ruin had to continue to fight over Scadrial because Preservation hid his power there. Except attacking Scadrial makes no sense to curb Harmony's power. Harmony won't be reduced by it. If anything, it's a foolish move. Harmony has lots at stake on Scadrial, and he is quite content to stay here. Why would Autonomy disturb that?

    Scadrial, and all creatures on it, were directly created by the power of Ruin and Preservation. They didn't just invest in a planet and the life there, they literally created it themselves. Think of it almost like a massive splinter. I know it's not exactly that, but it's still like a big solid ball of their investiture. You attack the planet, it harms the Shards.

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