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Posts posted by aenea22980

  1. Fixed to say Scadrial, thanks!

    At the Catecendre(sp) no one else seems to have been meddling in Scadrial's business, there's be no need, Ruin and Preservation were foiling each other nicely until then.  But I could see Sazed taking a bit of time to "download" it all, even with an expanded consciousness.  He mentions Adonalsium in the chapter headers of Hero of Ages I believe, so he would have known about something back then...

  2. Water cooler thought - Was listening to 17th Shard on YT and they were talking about how the Shards have access to the memories of what the shard's power did, but not to the personal memories of the person wielding it, or their life before they picked up the shard.

    So. Sazed picks up Ruin and Preservation. He did not actually need his coppermind knowledge store to fix Scadrial, because Ruin and Preservation created the planet and all life on it from scratch. Sanderson's stated those two shards specifically wanted to create something new, not just settle in an existing system. He has both powers, and the powers created everything. All he would have to do is go back to some of the power's oldest memories and... do whatever they did again, or put it back to what they created again.

    I'm sure Sanderson wasn't thinking about all this 2 decades ago, but it's an interesting unintended consequence.

  3. I signed up for the Brandon's mailing list on his official website a while ago, and when I signed up I also included a request that he come to Dragoncon.  I received this message back, but haven't heard anything else since then confirming that he's going or not.  I've already checked the offical websites, so far no news, but I thought someone else might have heard.  Anyone else have any news? 


    Looking at the return path it looks like it probably came from his assistant (is his assistant named Adam?) but still, seems promising.  So far his posted schedule doesn't have any conflicts, though the world Science Fiction Convention is close.


    On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 5:30 PM, Brandon Sanderson <[email protected]> wrote:
    > Jenny,
    > You're in luck. I am more than likely going to attend this year.
    > Best,
    > Brandon
    > On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Jenny Crawford <[email protected]<script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* */</script>> wrote:
    >> Just wanted to be added to the mailing list, but I'd love if Brandon can come to DragonCon some year! Please! :D ~Jenny

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