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Aiken Frost

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Posts posted by Aiken Frost

  1. On 03/12/2020 at 9:34 AM, Alatar said:

    Also, I petition to use the names dropped in RoW here, they're just names, after all, I don't think they're even minor spoilers, but I submit to Moderator Wisdom.

    Agreed. there isn't even a point in continuing this discussion without them.

  2. On 02/12/2020 at 4:27 AM, MyrmidonOfAchilles said:

    Like I get it. Navani is an incredibly brave woman and a genius scholar who was gaslighted terribly by an absolute piece of crem and that her refinding her confidence is inspiring and a wonderful character arc. It just feels like it's kneecapping the Sibling's agency as a way to sort of crown Navani's accomplishments, and dashed my hopes that we'd either get a Singer Bondsmith as a way of truly bridging the divide between the two sides as it shows even the greatest of roles are open to Singers or that a man like Dabbid who is mentally handicapped and overlooked and ignored almost completely like he isn't even a person can in spite of that become one

    Instead Dabbid is relegated back to the shadows having served his purpose as "weird guy who gets to helps Kaladin and the Sibling," Rlain finds only more proof that all the spren of Honor and Cultivation really are just anti-singer racists and that the only way he could get a spren is if a corrupted one bonds him, and yet another Kholin gets to be Radiant and make a Bondsmith power couple. Joy.

    I really liked this book, even though I think it could have about 200 pages less. Navani's chapters are some of my favorite in this book, even...

    But this criticism here... That was freaking spot on. I was IMMENSELY disappointed with Navani being the Sibling's Bondsmith instead of Dabbid or Rlain. Rlain's ending was specially bitter to me, because he got even pulled a fast one in the end and won't even get to fly with his brothers of Bridge 4, ever.

  3. I think it's something along the lines of "I will also protect myself" because 1: a dead Windrunner protects no one and 2: so they can learn to not suffer from "martyr complex" and not throw themselves in front of dangers needlessly.

    That, ironically, would make Teft "get" the 5th Ideal very quickly, if he had the chance and I was correct...

  4. And "the person who calls himself Taln" is batty too from the torture, But he doesn't have "dead eyes" and is emotionless. In fact, his concern for life kicks in to save Amaram from the darts.


    People can suffer diferent emotional scars from the same torturous event.

  5. I sharpened, upped the contrast, and enlarged the pattern/stamp/cymatic? on the Shadesmar map.  I have no idea what it is :D


    Also...is there script very very faintly on the physical realm landmasses?  It's most "clear" on the plains near the Valley on the map.


    Actually, that patern is all over the place. Take a good look at the maps in Way of Kings, I remember that I and some other people here finding about 10 of them in those maps. I remember one over Karbranth and one in the edge of the map near the Stormfather's face.



    EDIT: Seems like someone have already pointed that out.

  6. Wow, this is exciting! :D Great find, and thanks for sharing!


    The article promises all sorts of cool info on Scadrial. Seeing as how the core rulebook has elements of Realmatic Theory built right into the design, I also can't wait to see if there are any Cosmere hints in the new material! :D


    No problem, KChan. My pleasure to serve. =)

    And actual credits goes to user Dreamstreamer from the CraftyGames forums, he is the one who found and posted this over there.


    And same here, about wanting to see the new Cosmere hints! That Alloy of Law supplement must have LOTS of cool things for us to see. I'm even more excited to see descriptions of Survivorism, Sliverism and the other new religions, as well as how the characters from the trilogy became mythic personae.

  7. See, I'd go with Vin for many of the reasons that people say they wouldn't. She's got issues, but is honest about most of them rather then hiding from them; she's passionate!; she may disappear from time to time, but that's okay because I like my alone time as well (besides, in my universe I'm Mistborn as well, so there's that). She just seems more...real...in many ways to me then some of the other characters.


    Shallan would bug the HECK out of me, probably because we are too much alike...


    Man... This. I agree entirely.



    Yeah, not long ago I had a Calvin and Hobbes moment and essentially met myself. I hated the guy.


    I think one of the biggest problems with Vin is how emotionally volotile she is. It's like handling an unstable explosive wearing oven mitts with her. One slip,and it all blows up in your face.


    Nah... I'm masochistic like that. I have this awful, AWFUL "Knight in Shining Armor" Complex that makes me want to protect and love broken girls... Also, Vin is a good person in the end, not just a broken, problematic kid.



    I don't understand why poeple have issue with finding people too much like themselves. I love people who are much like me. I know a woman who's very much like me, and I call her big sister. she's 20 years olders than me, and married, or I would have definitely tried to date her. my best friend is also a guy very much like me; if I were a girl, I'd definitely try to date him.


    You must be an absolutely lovable person, then.=p


    Most people are just a little bit awful at some level or another and, by meeting someone like ourselves, we face those problems... I've being dealing with a HUGE problem lately with some friends precisely because we are too much alike.

  8. ...direct from CraftyGames forums! Take a look, guys:

    The Gazebo has an interview with Pat and Alex that talks about some of the upcoming Mistborn Adventure Game material! See here:

    (Should be around page 15)

    Highlights include:

    • [li]Between four and five digital supplements just awaiting approvals, the first of which focuses on the Terris people.[/li]
      [li]Alloy of Law supplement is expected to be around 300 pages; first drafts are already in.[/li]
      [li]Additional material on different ways to play, like being part of a noble Crew.[/li]

    Thoughts? What are you most excited about?


    I know I had a little heart attack of excitement.

  9. So, you people have probably already saw this, but in the Reddit, look what Brandon said:


    3. You've said you want to write a book set in the Southern Continent. I did enjoy the Emperor's Soul a lot, so I am curious about you writing that future book. How do they use magic differently, and why should we be excited about reading a book set there?



    3. The southern continent is where people have discovered how to harness the metallurgic arts in a more mechanical method. (I've hinted several places that this is possible. I've been holding off doing it until we go here.)

  10. Copper is the most useful to sazed, but today it won't do anything an electronic data sheet can't do better, so not much use for it. maybe cheat in some test, but I would not like the idea.

    Dude, don't say that! Copper is THE MOST useful metalmind ever! And not only for "serious" stuff but for fun too. Just imagine being able to experience the same excitement you had when you first watched/read/played your favorite movie/book/game, but EVERY TIME you do it!

  11. Probably nothing more than coincidence. Almost every movie or book (fiction, and nonfiction) about knights I have seen or read have them taking oaths of some sort.

    Anything loosely based upon something that actually occured in our world is probably going to have some shared stuff.

    The whole "protect those who cannot protect themselves" is simply a less militaristic rephrasing of the classic medieval Chivalric code. Knights took an oath to "Protect the weak, defenseless, helpless, and fight for the general welfare of all".

    Yeah, I agree with both of you. But the coincidence is less about the vow per se but from the fact that both had orders of knights that got mystical powers from vows AND the fact that the vows are identical.

    Of course, Brandon also could have get inspired by 7th Sea, considering that he is into Magic: The Gathering and that 7th Sea was a card game as well, back in the day. That would be extremely awesome!

    (If that's the case, I hope we see something inspired by Die Kreuzritter as well. =p )

  12. Ok folks, this one just blew my mind.

    I was, just now, reading through old RPG books I have. One of them was a supplement of the the 7th Sea RPG, that described a secret organization called "The Knights of the Rose and Cross", a kind of "gentlemen club" of adventurers that fight for justice, honor and defend the innocent... But why I'm telling you that?

    The members of this secret society have special powers. Powers that they get by taking vows. And the section of the book that talk about the vows (and the motive for my head blowing):

    Balreaux claims that the Knights take three vows when they join the order. The first is that they will protect those who cannot protect themselves. The second is to bring justice to the unjust. The last is to serve the Order and those who wear the Seal.

    Almost exactly the defining Vow of the Windrunners! Very awesome. :lol:

    Anyone else familiar with 7th Sea? What you guys think of the connection?

  13. Problem is that you could only capture him if he ran out of stormlight, if it just came to a duel with him vs. Adolin the only way it could end is with one of them dead, Shadrblade do nothing to living flesh other than kill someone or paralyze a limb forever, so unless they want to make him a paraplegic he does have to die. :(

    That is a good point about if there was a Windrunner there whether he would be able to attack since he could potentially die. Even a direct order cannot make him directly threaten his life, so possibly he just wouldn't attack.

    So I'll add that to my list of hopeful outcomes, he doesn't attack at all or he is released from being Truthless are I think the most likely outcomes.

    They could just crush a few limbs with shardplate-powered punches and kicks... Nothing a surgebinder couldn't regenerate. :P

  14. How do you define selfish/selfless, after all? Actions can benefit yourself and others.

    Selfish: benefiting yourself in detriment to others.

    Selfless: benefit others in detriment to yourself.

    When you benefit yourself AND others with the same action, thats Neutral (I prefer to call it "Practical" :lol: ).

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