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Posts posted by KnightGradient

  1. After digesting the book for the past 24 hours, I can safely say it was awesome. But disturbing.

    Was nobody else deeply disturbed by Odium Passion? I expected some conniving, backstabbing SOB, who would twist your words and destroy worlds. Instead, he actually seemed to care. Every time Dalinar said "Choose your fighter! One duel for all of Roshar!" Odium would back away, and ask "Are you sure? Do you understand what you are asking?" I don't think that's just how Shards are. Ruin or Autonomy would probably have capitalized on those words, and immediately overpowered Dalinar. 

    Moreover, the parsh have it rough. We were promised Voidbringers, and instead got people. Angry people. Angry and right people. Humanity invaded their world, spat on the kindness the Singers offered, and stole their Gods. Then, humans engaged in bloody wars, eventually removed a fundamental part of their existence, made them idiots, and enslaved them. I'm probably in the minority, but Moash was right. Humans don't deserve Roshar anymore.

    Don't get me wrong, I love them good guys. The Knights Radiant were amazing here, and the Battle of Thaylen Field was phenomenal, but I have to side with Passion. Rayse's quest to kill the Shards makes sense now; all they do is meddle and interfere. Without the Shard's, the Cosmere would probably be a lot more peaceful, and more prosperous too. Elantris is proof of this. Even with both Shards dead, their world is the most advanced, and while divided, it seems like they've united since we last were on Sel.

    Maybe I need to reread Oathbringer, but I think we're seeing the perspective of the bad guys. Guess I understand the Recreance now.

  2. While doing my warm-up reread of the Cosmere, I noticed that the chapter "Whitespine Uncaged" has a double Chana portrait at the beginning. This chapter marking the beginning of the super awesome duel got me thinking, maybe Chana is in this chapter.

    Then, I noticed the judge, who is a woman for starters, was acting strange. She seemed to be hellbent on keeping this duel a thing, and Dalinar began to suspect she was bribed. When confronting her, she says 


    "am highprince here, Dalinar," the woman said. "In this arena, my word is the only law, granted me by the authority of the king." She turned to him. "Your son has not surrendered and he is not incapacitated. The terms of the duel have not been met, and I will not end it until they have been. Have you no respect for the law?"

    While I'll admit we don't know much about the Dustbringers, they seem to be the most violent of the orders, as Kalak witnesses in the prelude, 


    Smoke curled from the occasional patches of growth or heaps of corpses. Even some sections of rock smoldered. The Dustbringers had done their work well.

    Considering they share a Surge with the Skybreakers, they probably also stick to some sort of code as well, bordering more on the "Rules of War" or something. While nothing is concrete here, I think the judge of the duel, named Istow, is the most likely fit for Chana.

    This is my first theory in a while, and I'm not entirely sure if anyone has done this before, but what  do you guys think?

  3. The descriptions do match up pretty well. Maybe we're taking the phrase 'godmetal' a bit too seriously as well. We've only seen them on Scadrial AFAIK. Perhaps since the planet's focus is metal, they manifest as metal there? 

    Sel's focus is topography(earth/stone), and that might explain why a god-solid would manifest as a stone there. Do we have a WOB on godmetals being godmetal when made on worlds besides Scadrial?

  4. I guess its kind of dependent on your personality who you like more. Wax and Wayne are generally happier, and they have a lot more direction in their lives. "Find bad guys. Shoot em."

    Vin and Elend are much more complex and muddied. The first book is "How are we going to overthrow a god???" and you already know its extreme. By book two, you expect things to be lighter, but instead, the crew is juggling around all of their problems like madmen, Vin is emotionally confused because of grief and whatnot(only explanation for Zane), and Elend can't handle being hard on his people due to his morals. And if that wasn't an emotional marathon, HoA hits. 

    Everytime I read HoA, I manage to convince myself quite thoroughly that this time, Vin and Elend don't die, and save the day. Instead, I get hit by what I describe as literary vodka. First time around, I didn't even expect anyone to die. But then Elend has an axe in his storming neck, and Vin is Preservation, and I made myself sad thinking about it...

    Vin and Elend are more popular because we got to know them at their worst and best. We got to see them grow up, and they died in an extremely painful way. Naturally, we like them more. I do believe that if we'd gotten to see Wax and Wayne as they learnt who they were, and became the Lawmen we know now, I believe they'd be much more popular. Not to say they're unpopular, just that when compared the the Imperial Pair, they can't hold a candle yet.

  5. In SoS, we learned that Hemalurgic Spikes, when coated in blood, don't lose their charge. I know this is because Hemalurgy only works when it's touching blood, but that poses a question. Does the blood donor gain the Hemalurgic Trait?

    Say I were to find a Coinshot, and spiked him for his steel. I want to save the spike, and prevent it from losing charge, so I coat it in blood. But, I find the Coinshots blood gross, and instead decide to cut my arm, and use blood from there. After coating the spike, I decide to eat a fork(made of steel). Would I be able to burn the fork for Allomantic power, even though I wasn't spiked?

    I ask this because the only situations where a spike won't lose charge are when its in a body, or when its coated in blood, which makes the spike think its in a body. It seems to me like the charge is being applied somewhere, and it would potentially allow for a new method of spiking people, where instead of changing their entire body structure(Inquisitors, Koloss, etc...) to accommodate the metal, a much more painless and invisible method could be used.

    What do you guys think?

  6. My favorite book used to be LotR, but then I read Mistborn. While Two Towers will always hold a special place in my heart, I can't get over the slow pacing compared to WoA. I know what you're going through, but if you ease yourself in with gradually less and less Sanderson-esque books, you'll get there.

    As for your second point, I have developed a system that has hooked every person I've gotten to enter it. You recommend Mistborn, then as they slowly lose their minds, you drop a few seedlings to encourage reading between the lines. By the time they're at HoA, they'll start to notice a few strange things, which is awesome. After that, you get them to read Stormlight, then AoL Era, then Elantris, Warbreaker, and the short stories. Finally, introduce them to Reckoners and Legion, but make sure they understand that its not Cosmere. Then boom, you have your own personal Sharder minion who you can rant to about the cuteness of Syl and the awesomeness of Vin.

  7. And here I was getting used to analyzing text. Now, I have a whole new medium to be confused about.

    On a more topical note, do we know whether or not Taldain was made by Bavadin, or if it was around pre-Shattering?

    I ask because Scadrial is post-Shattering, and its focus is pretty obvious, whereas Roshar is much vaguer, and was created by Adolnalsium. An answer to that question could help a bit I might think.

  8. 2 hours ago, Mason Wheeler said:

    Does Wayne actually have a last name? I don't think it's been mentioned anywhere yet...

    At one point in SoS, MeLaan calls him 'Kid Wayne', so maybe(but probably not) he goes by his last name.

  9. 2 hours ago, Ari said:

    Or it's equally as possible they're just being metaphorical. Occam's razor definitely cuts this to shreds atm as far as I'm concerned, I imagine Brandon will drop some hints if there are any nonhuman Vessels out there and it becomes relevant.

    Most likely is that it's the third race from Yolen if there are any non-human people who became Vessels, as we'd currently have no way to know, lol, wheras there was some pretty pointed language between Hoid and Frost that hinted the letter's recipient was a dragon.


    What I meant is that the Siri's dad knew enough about dragons to refer to a city he found dangerous as their nest, which means their culture at least knows a little bit about dragons.

  10. I think this is a great idea.

    Q: Is Hoids' immortality and health regeneration based, or is it through fiddling with Connection?

    E: If Hoid were to drink punch, which was spiked(heh) with liquor, and he did not know it was alcoholic, would he get drunk?

    C: If yes, then his longevity is due to Connection fiddling.
    A: If not, then his immortality is due to regeneration, similar to pewter/Stormlight.

  11. 20 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

    Granted but you find you never loved the Nightwatcher anyway

    So...a harmless ebola?

    I wish that my parents would agree to fund my gaming set-up :) 

    Granted. However, every time you attempt to do anything with your new PC they sit directly behind you, and tell you what you should be doing instead, until you stop using your PC.

    I wish for a magical table (5 ft long, 3.5 ft tall, and 5 ft wide) that can magically fold to be able to fit in my pocket, and be only a single pound when its folded.

  12. Favorite Magic System: Allomancy, because it's limitations allow for so much creativity in the user.

    Favorite Character: Elend, simply because his backstory and his mannerisms remind me of myself.

    Favorite Book Series: Mistborn(Era 1), because it has the most complete feeling of any book series I've read. All characters get an ending, and all problems(that we knew of) were resolved.

  13. You gain a perfect memory! However, now whenever you remember anything embarrassing you speak it out loud.


    I wish that currency in the US would be replaced with snow cones.

    Granted. since it's June, that may not work out so well, but your choice.

    As a bane, you no longer crave the taste of snow cones, and instead are craving dolla bills. As in you want to eat them compulsively.


    I wish to know why I wet the toothbrush before and after I put on toothpaste.

  14. Every order of the Knights Radiant has to be bound by oaths, right? In order to gain more power, they have to follow their orders' rules. Except the Lightweavers. The only oath they have to swear is the generic, albeit awesome "Life before Death" mantra.


    Basically, this gives the Lightweavers more power and freedom than any other Radiant, because they can choose whatever they want to do, so long as it fits the First Ideal. This is why Shallan has such a common and nasty habit of killing people in cold blood. Because she doesn't have to worry about 'remembering the forgotten' or some really cool thing. All she has to do is admit to her homicidal tendicies, and bingbangboom she gets a Shardblade.


    So I ask, why the disparity? Ishar forced the spren to bind themselves only to honorable individuals, but left out the one's nicknamed 'Liespren'. Why?

  15. Granted. But it presents the series as a one-off film and totally neglects everything after The Lord Ruler dies.


    I wish to be a Sharding Stick of Ultimate Cookie Power!!

    Granted. However, Shallan comes across you after being shipwrecked. And this time, its personal.


    I wish to be a Lurcher, as in the Misting who can burn Iron.

  16. Granted, next week your family and loved ones are tortured before your eyes


    I wish to be able to grant unlimited wishes for myself and others, remove any bane from any person place tim or thing, while not changing or anyone around me getting harmed

    Granted. However, you must first say "I wish" in a random language(dead or current) before each wish. The language changes for each wish, and you have no way to know which language it is.


    I wish for a Way of Kings TV series that rises above every one of my expectations for it, is entirely plot accurate, and is free on Netflix.

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