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The Semi-Retired Gamer

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Posts posted by The Semi-Retired Gamer

  1. The WORST adaptation I have ever seen was Eragon. That piece of crap haunts me to this day, making me physically ill when I think of it. The ONLY thing they did well was Durza's casting. Idiots.

    Ugh...the ERAGON film was just plain brutal! There was so much cut from the book that it turned into "generic fantasy movie 57 with some vague nods to the original ERAGON novel". A BIG thumbs down.

  2. Thomas Covenent the Unbeliever. I am about 60% of the way through the first book and I can't make myself finish it. I am so bored. I think if I read this book when it came out in the 1970s, it would be new and fresh and I would like it. However, today it seems like it is really generic. All the fantasy tone stories and just the prose bores me to tears. I don't think it is a fair criticism, since the stuff that bothers me about it is that it seems generic. However, it probably seems generic because so many other authors have copied him.

    I still can't make myself finish the book.

    This is the series I have had trouble with several times. I've tried to read it - more than once - but my interest leaves about halfway through the first book. I kind of feel a nagging to try again with the new books released in the last several years...
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