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Posts posted by Ragsiez

  1. Brandon Sanderson's job is not excluding religion. He will write it believably. If all of the people found out that he was an epic...people would either turn in to fear or get angry. Some, that admires Epics, would worship him. That is what would happen and Brandon clearly knows this.

  2. There's only one question...if the Epic's powers are based on fears and then the fear is gone. Wouldn't the power be gone, too? The weakness of an epic, would it stay the same? What if Megan is just using David after all? We know from the first few chapters of Steelheart that she's a really good actor.

  3. If his weakness is unpredictability it seems like a stray bullet would kill him, which I seriously doubt.

    I like the competition idea, but I feel like we might be missing something.

    Oh, no no. I didn't mean accidental unpredictability. I meant when he's aware of the guy trying to do something...like a feint in boxing. You saw something coming but it hits you in another place.

    Although the end-fight with Firefight...I don't think one time would render his powers to none but it weakens his powers.

    It also says the sheilds he tried squeezing David or Firefight, were getting smaller and smaller...from my understanding.

  4. Profs weakness is tricking him. How about that.

    Seriously though, Prof should have told the crew his weakness if he was really all that concerned about going evil.

    Oh? His group was infiltrated by Megan, which I think would be relatively easy for her, since she can make alternate reality. Why would you think he'd risk being sabotaged? He deemed that David was trying to sabotage the Reckoners group. Do you really think he can trust his crew? They're not even friends, they're just a group that goes along together without...y'know knowing each other. I don't think you'd tell your mates you barely know about your weakness. Also there's the risk of forced interrogation out of any captured Reckoners.

  5. Actually, it's not even failure. It's losing something competitive. He failed at killing David so it's not even at all failure. It's the competition of something simple. I don't think competition of other epics would render his powers.

    He's careful and calculating so maybe luck is his weakness. Or or or ooh! Unpredictability.

  6. It was automatic rifle. Bulletproof glass would eventually break with a number of shots, and depending how much concentrated damage it takes. I think Prof's sheilds aren't so much consistent, like AndrolGenhald says. I would think it's how much willpower he puts into these shields...ahem, like Green Lantern, ahem...anyway. We also know he controls the sheilds specific movement. Can make a shape, size, whatnot...

    Perhaps it's JUST the windows and not the walls. Also he was found mumbling in disbelief, maybe he let the sheild down as he realized he made a mistake, which is when Megan entered the building, despite the fire.

  7. SPOILER: (I dunno how spoilers work so here's for good measure.


    GO AWAY:


    A red glowing person with angel wings... A person who can gift powers. Though he is Calamity, a disastrous event.

    Hmmm, wouldn't he be 'GOD'? If he knows every single fear to all epics...

  8. My real biggest fear in life is being a nobody, and become alone. Thankfully, I'm a somebody...but I'll try to base my powers around that.

    1. I would have full immunity. It would be similar to Steelheart's impenetrable skin and Limelight's sheild and healing ability...I would be able to stand on my sheilds and fly around, so I can smash my fist into someone at high speed and not care about /me/. My offensive power would be my knowledge of hand to hand combat. A defensive Epic would be fun for a Reckoners book, eh? Also, this popped in my head, when I fall in love with someone or when I think someone's pretty, my powers would increase tenfold.

    2. The weakness would be when I'm away from everyone, when I'm isolated. My power would be diminished when I'm not surrounded by people, so I have to be in busy streets and converse with people. (An epic that wants to kill everyone but can't, so you can imagine him sometimes being grumpy or frustrated).

    3. My name? Immunological? Dangerous Flowers? Glowing Paradise? Suggestions anyone?

    4. He's commonly viewed as an unpleasant short-tempered guy that likes flirting and hot chicks. (Mwahahaha, A Playa Epic). Um, usually goes to parties and become extremely drunk. Also he punches guys that upset him...a lot.

    I think that would be a good epic to be included. That'd be awesome if Sanderson himself took this into consideration. Wowowowow.

  9. Yes, these are very familiarized along the fans of the Reckoner Series. I'd just like to know the tiers, or classes of shapeshifter, illusionist, and so on. What level or range of power must one be to become an high epic. I'd like to know.

    That led me wondering this: is there a direct way to contact Brandon Sanderson 'cause I'd like to see if he could sketch up a chart...kind of like the 16 allomatic metals chart for the Mistborn trilogy.

  10. Are you thinking of David's organization system?

    Not specifically David's, but they have a set system in the Reckoners. I only know that defensive abilities makes them an High epic but I figured it'd be little tougher than just that.

  11. RIDICUOUSLY HUGE SPOILER! I've read the second book to the Reckoner's series, Firefight.

    It has said that the Epic's weakness is tied to their fear, and it has not revealed much of Prof's past. His weakness would be his nightmare. Once someone know what he has for a nightmare, he would know his weakness.

    I have also noticed that the Epic's are not just creatures, they are intellectual regarding to hiding their weakness and also finds nooks and crannies to use to their advantage.

    Prof, being an Epic towards to the end and turning bad, scares me because not only he is bad. He's bad, intellectual, and extravagantly and ostentatiously strong. I believe he is stronger than Steelheart if he continues to find other nooks and crannies of his powers.

    By the way, David is a nerd! :3

    Also, how do you get Spoilers on your post?

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