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Witty Username

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Posts posted by Witty Username

  1. I'm happy to list characters, it'll just have to wait until Thursday (my time) so that I can double check everyone's backstory for more details.

    Rough concepts off the top of my head

    Mistborn with a dose of paranoia from being raised on the streets - he's been burning copper every scene so far, just in case, and is well on the way to becoming a copper savant. His mother was skaa, and was killed by a noble in front of him.

    Terris Feruchemist who is one of the most knowledgeable people in the setting about the Spiritual Realm. His old and relatively kind master was assassinated as a result of noble politics - Lord Straff was jealous of the number of Terrismen working under the man.

    Mistborn Scientist with a penchant for metallurgy. Very interested in the potential of new alloys, and is not too far off from discovering allomantic electrum. He's also looking into the '11th metal' rumours, but Kelsier is keeping that close to his chest.

    A Zinc misting who was made into a Zinc Compounder through his father's hemalurgic experiments. His father doesn't know about Feruchemy - he was just seeing if he could replicate a Steel Inquisitor. In fact, his father thinks that it failed, but kept his son alive because he snapped into a misting due to the experiment.

    We do have another Zinc misting in the party - a high-class prostitute who sees seducing important nobles as a challenge, and one that she very much enjoys.

    A coinshot skaa labourer, who was built to be a stereotypical D&D PC - combat combat combat. He's been very disappointed by the political maneuvering that has taken place so far in the campaign.

    A kandra who prides themselves on being the consummate professional mimic, even among Kandra. She changes shapes quite often, resulting in the necessity of codewords for identifying her, but always manages to keep to her roles perfectly.

    And lastly, we have our spymaster - a brothel owner who is an expert at finding out what the prevailing wind of noble attitude is, and well as the finer currents of the politics. So far he's found a mortal enemy in Straff (although most of the party hates him, which I'm proud of).

    I've actually ruled that anyone who writes a 300 word backstory gets an extra trait, so I'll post those here too.

  2. The timing doesn't fit for that. Odium's been trapped in Roshar's star system for millennia.

    That's the beauty of an AU - canon is a guide, not absolute. The situation on Roshar would be drastically different sure, and that would be a very interesting thing to explore, but this takes place on Scadrial, not Roshar. Since there's no mechanics for the magic systems of other Shardworlds and I feel no need to make some, we can largely disregard the consequences off of Scardial.

  3. well there are 4 that are dead and somewhat up for grabs and assuming odium dies that would be 5

    if a few got it in to there heads to go reform the shattered ones we could have 5 dual shards or other assorted numbers

    4 dead shards? I thought the only dead ones were Splintered anyway. Devotion, Dominion, and Honour are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head, all the rest are either intact or not enough is known about them.

  4. Update on proceedings so far in the campaign are now in my signature, so look over there for concrete stuff on the game.

    As to the Splintering - anyone under the influence of Ruin pre-Splintering (most importantly TLR) has a Splinter of Ruin in them, in the form of his whispers. Until the Well of Ascension stuff happens, there's not going to be any physical Splinters - only what was already present (the mists and the mist spirit being most prominent). Having a hemalurgic spike allows for a Splinter of Ruin similar to the one that speaks to TLR to enter you, but does not necessarily imply it already has.

  5. As promised, summaries of our MAG sessions so far.

    The most unusual PC we have is technically a Twinborn (although it's a result of Hemalurgical meddling rather than interbreeding) with a Splinter of Ruin searching for him. Zinc Compounder, which will be pretty interesting. The party is VERY large - we have 8 players - but they work together very well. 

    The first session was a sort of tutorial - they had to steal a poorly-guarded bead of atium from House Venture (I lowered their usual security simply for the sake of the game, it's now at a much more reasonable level). They already hate Straff and have glimpsed Elend. One of the PCs managed to break into Straff's office, which I hadn't accounted for, so I let him find out about Straff's mistresses as a reward for clever thinking. However, our Mistborn stuffed up with an obligator - made the same mistake as Vin in trying to use emotional Allomancy on him. This resulted in the near destruction of their current safe-house (a brothel), which was narrowly averted by some clever misdirection by the party spy-master.

    The second session (which was just the other day) saw them going to Fadrex City in order to look for a map. They found out that they needed to go into the Canton of Orthodoxy, so they used the cover story of being minor nobles that needed paperwork for a possibly buyout of land. The party stealth expert snuck down to the lower floors and released one of the rebel skaa that had been captured, leading to enough commotion that our feruchemist could store a memory of the map in a coppermind. They were then going to go back to Luthadel, but one PC heard a rumour of House Demoux looking to move their assets out of Fadrex City, so they decided to instead hobnob at the ball, try and squeeze some information out that they could use to destabilise the nobility some more.

  6. Okay so... from what I understand, Big Hero 6 is, or was, a marvel comic once upon a time. Obviously, this film is very different-being CGI and all- but... is it a part of the MCU series of films?


    I haven't seen it yet, and honestly, the answer might decide whether I do or not; I don't want to go to Avengers 2 and not understand some important McGuffin because I skipped BH6.

    Nope, it's not an MCU film. Skip away!

  7. @Username: A counter-example to your theory would be the Divine Breaths, Splinters of Endowment on Nalthis. Brandon said that Commands, not Breath, are the focus on that Shardworld.

    That's a good point, actually. I'd forgotten about the Divine Breaths - they don't really fit, do they? Perhaps Seons and Spren are another facet of the whole "Investiture gives sentience" side of things. 

  8. Wouldn't there prolly be no atium? Atium exists because it's draining power from Ruin. If Ruin has been Splintered... it's like if you're filling a cup from a pitcher. If you shatter the pitcher, you can't fill up the cup anymore.

    That's a good point, actually. The Atium in the Pits wouldn't be growing back like it normally does. Although it is possible that now Atium and Lerasium are true Splinters rather than... well, whatever you would call what they are in canon.

  9. We're still not entirely clear on what Splintering a Shard entails and what effects it has on both the magic and the Shardworld in general, but this has been swimming around my head for a while now.

    What if, when a Shard is Splintered, the Splinters are in the form of the Focus for that Shardworld?

    Seons are formed around an Aon, and those Aons are Splinters of Devotion (WoB). This means that Seons are an instance of a Splinter both being related to the Focus of a magic system and sentient. The second piece of this is the spren - and specifically Honorspren. Honorspren are Splinters of Honor (WoB) and are sentient. Where they fit in in relation to Roshar's Focus is as yet unknown, because all magic on Roshar that we know of in any detail uses both Stormlight and spren. If this theory was to hold any water, spren would have to be Roshar's focus rather than Stormlight.

    There's not a lot to go on here, and I'd appreciate that if someone had WoB that contradicts this to point me along to it.

  10. Well jasnah can't suffocate him by surrounding him with lead since he doesn't need to breathe

    The Stormlight won't last forever - it leaks off his skin too. Plus if he can't move, he can't attack - lashing might work, but evidently Jasnah has good enough reflexes to use her Elsecalling while being stabbed, so it seems unlikely.

  11. True.  I guess very quickly might not be so accurate if she was content to just keep running away.  But that's not really a fight as much as a game of hide and seek.


    She'd have to act extremely quickly though as any barrier she threw up wouldn't last long.  Maybe if she could make it tight enough that he couldn't move she cold suffocate him or something.  There are ways she could win depending on what all is possible with soulcasting.  

    There's also the fact that Surgebinding granted by Honorblades uses more Stormlight than that granted by a Nahel Bond (at least, according to Syl) so if it turns into a battle of attrition Jasnah would likely have the advantage.

  12. I don't know if she could soulcast him the way she did the men in the streets but I think that'd be her only shot of not dying very quickly.

    Soulcast the air around him into lead or similar, Soulcast a barrier between them to buy time, just Elsecall away as soon as she recognises him as the Assassin In White. I mean, it's not like he can follow her if she does.

  13. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is possibly your most fabulous choice - it's not exactly the most subtle series, but the Stand powers are pretty creative and the combat is very much based on wits rather than pure power a lot of the time. Plus, the art in parts 7 and 8 is absolutely gorgeous, some of the best in manga. It's also a good one to look into if you don't like series that take forever to finish - each individual part has a beginning, middle and end, so you get some closure on the story pretty quick.

  14. Jasnah has Soulcasting. Soulcasting is a bit of a game breaker in these sorts of things, particularly when it comes to someone as bright as Jasnah. Add to that the ability to retreat to Elsecall and get out of any sticky situation at a moment's notice and it's hard to imagine any sort of contest.

  15. That's a great question, actually - since I'm a sucker for world building, I have actually thought about that. Khabaranth seems like an interesting city, and one where Highstorms wouldn't be too much of a problem, but then again Taravangian. The Purelake would be wonderful to visit but I don't think I could live there - I don't like fish enough. So I'm gonna say the Reshi Islands. Can't go past islands on the back of living creatures.

  16. A quick update on the game itself.

    Pending permission from all the players involved, I might write up session reports (in various degrees of detail) of what goes down in this campaign.

    As to the Splintering - well, how's this; since both Ruin and Preservation are largely at the Well of Ascension, it's only after someone tries to claim the millennial power that the Splinters are released? That would allow a massive, Sanderson-style reveal for those who are familiar with the Cosmere, and a regular drama bomb for the rest.

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