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Posts posted by iceblade44

  1. 5 hours ago, Wadders said:

    So hoid has stated that to become an elatrian you need to be invited and that an elantrian is able to do this.

    If that is the case what is doing the inviting during the elantris book. There are no elantrians able to do the invite.

    I think it has been said that the land itself is becoming slightly aware due to the amount of investiture which focused by the city itself being an aon could be the cause.

    I don't think invitation is the normal state. From how its described, i think there is something weird going on with the Ire, and that facilitate it. Because note it is possible to become an Elantrian through Forgery, so in theory Aon Dor should also allow it, but maybe their is some stipulations thus the deal. That's where my mind is going anyway

  2. 10 hours ago, Frustration said:

    I do have to say the timing of the omnibus release was rather unfortunate.:P 

    The problem is, I didn't get an order in for the Omnibus, and with how behind they are in print... I think it would be easier to do the page with the books I have access to now(supplimented by Coppermind artilces), and when I get the chance I'll update it.

    it is avaible for digital read, though it is quite the price. Still thats how I read it

  3. On 12/16/2022 at 6:44 PM, Frustration said:


    Comming soon:

    1. Frustration's Firepower Index: Taldain. Only waiting to finish the White Sand Graphic Novels.

    I'd very suggest reading it as the Omnibus. A lot of the Ars Arcanum pages have a lot of details that would be relevant as well as the additional mentions of the Darkside Magic system, which the original ones lack

  4. 31 minutes ago, AquaRegia said:

    I dislike the use of the word "catalyst" in this case.

    In chemistry, a catalyst increases the rate of a reaction (usually by providing a lower energy, i.e., easier, pathway) but is not itself consumed in the reaction.  This does not match the role of water in sprouting Aether spores; water is definitely consumed.  Same for Sand Mastery.

    It reminds me of the role of metals in Allomancy.  The metals are consumed and need to be replenished, but they are not directly transformed into Investiture; instead the metals are described as being a "key", unlocking the Investiture somehow.  Nobody ever refers to Allomantic metals as "catalysts".  And correctly so.

    The idea of the Midnight Mother being an Aether or an Aetherbound entity is certainly tantalizing... and it seems very On-Brandon for "this thing we've seen on one planet" to turn out to be a version of "this other thing we've seen on a different planet".

    Note the metals in Allomancy is also refered to as catalysts by Brandon at points. Its use casually isn't strictly kept to its scientific use

  5. Just having bottled Dor isn't enough, we see Elantrians drink Dor in Secret History and they remained old. Reread the scene in Lost Metal, the drawing of the map of Bilming and how that seemed to stabilized their power. Now think back to the Sorcereress Tower, and the world map of Lumar they had on the floor. Consider that, with their similarities. That is most likely answer on how they figured out getting their full power outside of Elantris 

  6. On 1/2/2023 at 10:15 AM, Koloss17 said:


    Here’s my thought: I don’t think sand mastery is of Autonomy. I personally don’t buy it. It is way too simple a magic system and extremely niche within the world. It is also insanely similar to Aethers, which has never really happened to magic systems made by different shards. I think sand mastery is related to Aethers, and originated there in some capacity, but are not the same as Aethers. Something is weird about them, and I just can’t believe that they started in Taldain. Unless, of course, Aethers are of Autonomy.

    Sand Mastery isn't actually that simple or niche. It only looks like that because we are missing half of the magic system. 

    To explain im gonna do full dive from what I read from the omnibus, but since this is a full spoilers thread. That should be fine. First an explanation of the magic of Darkside then how Sand Mastery fits in with it. 

    This is what we know of the magic of Darkside, known as Starmarks. Its implied that everyone on Darkside has Starmarks but not everyone can access them, the process of which was noted as being similar to how people gain Sand Mastery. Starmarks, from what is implied are invested tattoos that get recharged every seven days by a pulse from the Darkside Star, like how White Sand gets recharged by the Dayside Sun. People who can access the magic of Starmarks are known as Starcarved and what powers you get is implied to be different depending on the colors of your Starmark, of which Khriss mentions include manifesting armor and weapons from the Starmarks.

    Sand Mastery, when analyzed by Khriss was noted to have a couple of similarities to Starmarks. When used in a dark space, Khriss notes its mother-of-pearl shine, and how she could almost see every color of the Starmarks in its light. The initation of Sand Mastery is not exactly genetic, rather it is described as something that needs to be nurtured, requiring a Sand Master to initiate the process. The genetic part comes from the stigma of Kenton having weak Sand Mastery due to being half Darksider but by the end of the comic we see a Darksider be initiated with a powerful manifestation to Sand Mastery. So it can't be all that.

    In terms of capabilities Sand Mastery is actually incredibly diverse, from flight, creating clones near the level of lightweaving and from Khriss speculated, armored suits of sand similar to what the Starcarved can do. It just isn't seen since the focus of power over finesse by Sand Masters in the past. Or that's a least what Khriss speculated in the Ars Arcanum pages in the omnibus.

  7. 4 hours ago, lacrossedeamon said:

    We also see this sorta with Cultivation by way of the Nightwatcher's boon and curses. I also see Xisis's ability grant boons and the knowledge needed to do so such as knowing Ann's condition and prescription as possibly being Old Magic related.

    Oh that is a good catch. We should definitely make that a question for a spoiler stream. Whether what Xisis did with his trades and what happens in Old Magic is connected, even if its just tangential 

  8. I think you might be on to something, granted I don't think White Sand is an Aether. When Brandon made the WoB of the connection between the two, It was most likely just referring to the Luhal Bond, which Sand Mastery operates. White Sand itself is a lichen, which could be similar to aether spores but I think it just two things operating under same mechanics.


    That said, the legends of bone spores most certainly could have come from worldhopping Sand Masters, thus explaining the uncertain nature and the rumors. Its at least a headcanon I most certainly would enjoy.

  9. Mhm. I feel its very likely that Lumar is the Iriali's 5th Land. If it was the 6 it means they would be now in their promised destination which I doubt since that feels like a plot hook for books in Era 4.


    Thus leaving the 5th Land, aka the world they came to immediately after leaving Roshar. And this world they have already left 300 years ago so the gaps between SA and SotD is big huh

  10. 1 minute ago, Zibus said:

    Quite possible... but then why don't we see Hoid use this same method? He seems to need perpendicularities to worldhop like everyone else. At least he did in Mistborn Era 1.

    But yeah, like you mentioned the surges work differently for each order, basically depending on what other surge they're paired with. This is why Dalinar can't fly around with adhesion the same way Kaladin can.

    I feel if my theory is right, it would most certainly have limitations of how it functions. Either a large cost or you can't decide where to go, you must need another factor (which i proposed as Connection). Stuff like that.


    7 hours ago, Myuken said:

    Skipping doesn't seem like a Spren Surge. Transportation seems to mainly allow transfer between Physical and Cognitive. Skipping from what we've seen is Physical-Physical but from planets to planets. If I had to guess that's a Dawnshard ability.

    I don't think we should discount Transportation allowing transfer via the Spiritual Realm. Given a few facts.

    1. The way Oathgates work are not how Jasnah's Elsecall works, despite them being Transportation fabrials. That means there is stuff about the Surge we do not know of. 

    2. Traveling to the Spiritual Realm is possible. Brandon has said that Hoid has done it. If we could find any logic of how someone can instantly teleport between two locations like the Oathgates with what we know of Transportation. I'd say going with the Spiritual Realm would be the bet, since location isn't a thing there. There are probably some caveats of needing Connection between two points thus why Oathgates can move between themselves but not to anywhere. That is at least my theory.


    That said, I don't think what Nomad is doing is using Transportation. I do think he is Skipping with the Spiritual Realm but not through the Surge.

  12. Hm, I would say a slow burn at the start is the typical set up for Brandon's books. Especially ones with multiple viewpoints. So I'd say there is nothing wrong of being put off if it isn't your taste. 


    I guess for myself, its something I'm more accustomed with so I don't really notice it now. Thats just my own view

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