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Young Bard

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Image Comments posted by Young Bard

  1. Yeah, I was going to say something similar to what Jofwu said - I think there's a theory out there (I don't believe it's been confirmed) that says we've only ever seen one 'line' coming from a given object because of Cognitive Realm stuff, where the object being Pushed/Pulled perceives itself as one object, so you would only be able to push-pull the object. It's a really neat idea, though - if it were some sort of elevator specifically designed to have two metal plates on the top and bottom, it might work?

    Actually... how much torque would this produce? You're Pushing the top and Pulling the bottom, so my 'elevator' idea wouldn't work either (at least not one I'd want to stand on), since it would end up spinning wildly as it rises.

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