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Posts posted by anarchitect

  1. I was also wondering, isn't Nightblood very dangerous on Scadrial for the humans there because they are created by R&P and are direct manifestation of investiture? Couldn't Nighblood feed on humans or is he similarly limited as he is to higher spren?

  2. So I just discovered the wob section on coppermind and found a reference to a new shard in a late November tour for Oathbringer.

    I searched the coppermind wiki in the shards page and could not find any reference if this is truly confirmed.

    Could someone correct me if maybe I'm reading this wrong and it's not a new shard?


    Yurisses [PENDING REVIEW]

    Investiture on First of the Sun is associated with a Shard?

    Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

    Yes, it is. That one is even closer associated with a Shard, the actual Investiture of the magic. Remember when I say Investiture, I mean matter, energy and magic. Sometimes the word Investiture just to the magic such as the Aviar and in that it is associated directly with one of the Shards...

    Yurisses [PENDING REVIEW]

    Which one?

    Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

    Patji is a Shard of Adonalsium. *silence*

    Overlord Jebus [PENDING REVIEW]

    Sorry, can you say that again?

    Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

    Patji is a Shard of Adonalsium

    Aurimus [PENDING REVIEW]

    Is that one of the Aviar?

    Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

    No that is the island.

    Overlord Jebus [PENDING REVIEW]

    Island or islands?

    Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

    The island but Patji is one of the islands.

    Yurisses [PENDING REVIEW]

    It's a Shard?!

    Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

    Yes, big asterisk! But yes.

    Aurimus [PENDING REVIEW]

    Shard as in equal or Shard as in a mass of Investiture?

    Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

    As in one of the 16 Shards of Adonalsium is represented and involved in First of the Sun. In fact, one of the letters references First of the Sun in this *Indicates Oathbringer*

    Sorry, I probably killed some theories on that one.

    Overlord Jebus [PENDING REVIEW]

    Yup, but by doing that you've confirmed some as well so it's fine


  3. I was mostly under the impression that Terris society are migrating worldhoppers given the Worldbringers/Worldsingers parallels. That would make them part of a normal biological evolution and offer an explanation to why their skin is tanned differently than the rest of Scadrial population. 

    Another option is that Ati was differently tanned than Leras. Creating beings in their image that are differently tanned might just be a result of their own different origins.

  4. 2 hours ago, Kylede said:

    Could it be Red shifted by a really large cadmium or bendalloy bubble...like one a shardholder could create (maybe around a whole system, so that he can speed up time inside it, and let the people there develop some sort of space travel and FTL, so they could travel to a different world purely in the physical realm?

    Do we know that a bubble is red hue?

  5. Except that the worldbringers where very cosmere aware and knew evan about Adonalsium. (edit: my bad, there is actually no mention of adonalsium. Still, being or not cosmere aware doesn't necessarily mean brandon wouldn't let that slip)

  6. In the WoA novel this epigraph transpires. Now I've just noticed the bit about Anticipation and how it fits in the text, sounding somewhat like a shard, so I thought that it was some nonsense already discussed and debunked on some forums yet after some surfing i found nothing on the topic.

    If this was indeed a new shard then in my mind it was somehow connected to the worldbringers, wordsingers, etc. groups.

    I'm curious what the scholars on this forum now about this, if it's relevant in any way or if it has been disused.


    "As the one who found Alendi, however, I became someone important. Foremost amongst the Wordbringers. There was a place for me in the lore of the Anticipation—I thought myself the Holy Witness, the prophet foretold to discover the Hero of Ages. Renouncing Alendi then would have been to renounce my new position, my acceptance, by the others.

  7. Ok, I just fetched this from another post. Might be relevant, might just be a stretch.


    "Ruin was good at influencing minds but couldn't read them, where Preservation could read but not influence."


    Also this WoB:


    Q: Since it seems you're still answering questions here (Wow! That's some serious dedication!), I thought I'd ask one myself. Are things that are written by scholars on Roshar suspect? In Mistborn, Ruin could change anything that was written down, so can Odium do the same? Are written words on Roshar: untrustworthy, trustworthy because that ability was somehow limited to Ruin, or trustworthy because Odium COULD do it but just won't because it's not his style/he doesn't consider it?


    A: Odium didn't have a hand in creating Roshar, and his essence doesn't permeate it in the same way as Ruin permeated Scadrial. This gave Ruin a great deal more power over things like this--except when he ran into metals, of course.

    Another difference is that Odium has a fully-living, fully-aware, and very powerful Shard opposing him. (Contrasted to one that was half-dead and going mad.)

    So yes, you can trust much of what was written. Odium can be subtle when he needs to be, but his primary avenue of attack has been along a different line than the one Ruin used.




    1) Do we have any evidence of Ruin influencing a Terrisman? I think we only got Sazed, Tindwyl, and Rashek for clear sources if they were or were not. From what I recall that doesn't happen in the series. Might just be a coincidence that it was not applied in the books for them to be influenced.

    2) From the WoB we can expand on the fact that Ruin and preservation had influence in what they created. Might be that they lacked influence on Terrisman because it was not their creation.


    Possible conclusion from 1)+2) = (with SPOILERS from the free chapters of Shadow of Self): Wax meets with his grandmother. She is a full Terrisman and apparently living in a Terrisman community. The community does not like to mix with the rest of the world to much. This could be because they do not want their blood to be mixed with that of the ones created by Ruin and Preservation so they won't be influenced by Harmony. Or it might be that they are still as traditional as they were 300 years ago. Excerpt from the chapter:

    There should not have been a thatched log hut in the middle of Elendel, and yet here it was. Wax stooped to enter, seeming to step backward in time hundreds of years. The air inside smelled of old leather and furs.

    The enormous firepit in the middle would never be needed in Elendel’s mild weather. Today, a smaller fire had been constructed at its very center, and over it simmered a small kettle of hot water for tea. However, charred stones indicated that the entire firepit was sometimes used. It, the furs, the ancient-style paintings on the wall—of winds, and frozen rain, and tiny figures painted with simple strokes on slopes—were all fragments of a myth.

    Old Terris. A legendary land of snow and ice, with white-furred beasts and spirits that haunted frozen storms. During the early days following the Catacendre, refugees from Terris had written down memories of their homeland, as no Keepers had remained."


    Also, they still fear what mixing does:


    “Allomancy is not so evil as you make it out to be, Grandmother.”

    “Neither power is evil,” she said. “It is mixing those powers that is dangerous."


    Their fear seems unjustified.... UNLESS, as they are still so traditional, it's based on an ancient fear. They didn't mixed AT ALL 300 years ago when the real danger (Ruin) was there and now they might be doing it out of tradition towards meaningless results. Also, 300 years ago The Lord Ruler had Terris men castrated and the women put into his own breeding program, maybe to avoid the danger of mixing as well. During the first series Ruin has the entire Synod murdered, because maybe they were out of his influence.


    If all these wire cross we might be close to proving some alien origin... just maybe


    I could probably make more absurd connections but I have sleep fatigue and that's why this post is so long and unorganized. (sorry for that)


    Lastly, i think there might be something important in Shadow of Self, if we find out what religion the Terris people believe in now. It might connect more dots :)



  8. More or less, I now imagine Ruin and Preservation as two control systems simulating sandbox VR-Scadrial. They're hooked up to everything, but they grief each other nonstop due to programming.

    Odium is trying to hack into Honor and Cultivation's server (which Adonalsium just left lying around to be used years ago) over from Braize, but has to use roundabout methods to get things done because he's dealing with two Admin abusers. He finally managed to kill Honor's account with a surprise move, but Cultivation is still around and the NPCs are walking around with Honor's inventory drops.


    This is how Neal Stephenson would have written the cosmere

  9. Can someone confirm that the Terrismen are originally from Scadrial?


    I mean they have very distinct features from the other nation of the planet (they are tall, with long faces, etc).


    Also, I don't think that when Ruin and Preservation started creating life on Scadrial, that they also planed to make people with distinctive racial traits just to create future cultural diversity.


    I can imagine something totally different happening in the Southern Continent because... it's another continent, but The Final Empire and the Terris Dominance where right next to each other which makes me wonder how they could have evolved so differently. 


    Adjusting Tinfoil Hat:


    So I'm thinking along the line that Terrismen, having ancestry in the Worldbringers sect, whom in turn seem to be connected with the Worldsingers from Roshar (there is a WoB for this), might suggest that Terrispeople are originally from somewhere else, and established on Scadrial with some personal agenda.


    ...which, after thousands of years in Scadrial history, kinda makes them Ancient Aliens.





    EDIT. There's also this WoB which tells us that they are isolated... maybe running from something:



    Since the dawn of Scadrial, why was Feruchemy isolated in a single distinct population in the world, namely the Terrismen? Allomancy, while rare within the population of Scadrial, at least was not isolated to one population, it was spread evenly, it seems. What is special about the Terrismen that only they get the power of Feruchemy? Does it have something to do with the previous Ascensions before Rashek, with the guardian keeping the power for a time?


    It's all in the spiritual DNA, which is passed on like normal DNA. However, they are a separate people. They've kept themselves isolated, similar to the jews in our world. When I asked he said there have been some Feruchemical-mistings in the past, but they are very rare."


  10. Just thought of something. Let's assume that this theory is correct, and that Vo was heavily invested in creating Nightblood and worldhopped for his research.

    Firstly, based on this theory, we know he travelled to Roshar to study shardblades/honorblades.

    SECONDLY, I'm quite sure he travelled to Scadrial because Warbraker is inspired from Sazed's theological discussion with Clubs on the Dadradah religion. The Dadradah believed in one god (Endowment), they practiced art and studied color, hue and poetry. What's very interesting, if this is correct, is that their symbol was a wooden disk. Maybe Vo came to Scadrial to study different metals and how to input them into Nightblood. I'm not sure how this fits in the bigger timeline (Vo in warbreaker, old roshar, pre ascension scadrial).

    Thirdly, if this is correct, then we can assume Vo traveled to many different worlds for his research. I am currently reading Elantris and will look for clues there.

    In conclusion (with tinfoil hat on):

    -Vo is a major worldhopper

    -Nightblood is a work of art and might be the single most important weapon in the cosmere

    -(possibly) Vo is the founder of the 17th shard

    -(possibly) Vo is Hoid

  11. So, this may be a ridiculous stretch, but do we know who, precisely, founded Vorinism? Because there's a fellow from another particularly vibrant planet who's name seems suspiciously similar. (Though, of course, it's probably just coincidence...)

    I'm speaking of Vo, the FIrst Returned. Hear me out:

    There seems to be a bit of history of interplay between Nalthis and Roshar, spanning centuries at least. Someone among the Five Scholars were at least aware of Shardblades.

    The monks of Austre seem to have a very similar style and some similar traditions to Vorinism's ardentia. (Though these could simply be following traditional monk-like themes).

    And finally, perfect pitch always seemed like a non sequitur among the abilities granted by advanced Heightenings. When I hear the phrase "Iridescent Tones" I first thought musical tones, not hues of color. Could this have some connection with cymatics? Pure tones to resonate holy symmetry?

    Eh, it's probably all the ramblings of a sleep-deprived lunatic, but I thought it would be fun to mention, at least!

  12. Basically, I'm curious which major characters escaped or reached the last bastion in the whole apocalypse scene in The Hero of Ages novel. I'm thinking that if there is an easier way to resurrect long dead characters then there should at least be some bones to work to magic on.

    From what I remember we got the remains of:
    And then we also have the bodies of:


    I was curious in case you need the bodies to resurrect, then how much of the old gang can be reunited?

    (also Sazed, Marsh and TenSoon could still be in the teamup)

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