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Surgebound Rainspren

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Posts posted by Surgebound Rainspren

  1. My username is from a combination of two things. 

    I always pictured Rainspren as the cutest spren and the image of one flying through the sky was pleasing to me.

    Also its similar in layout to the username name I use for non-17shard stuff  (SentientBowtie). Notice the same Adjective followed by noun layout.

  2. Dude, yes.

    But sadly, my dad would never let me, if he found out he'd be so angry. He doesn't even let my brother voice chat on the xbox.

    That sucks.

    My parents used to be like that until I convinced them that their idea that everyone online is a not actually a serial killer.

  3. Anyone here know how annoying it is to organize Voice actors. Because if you have to in the future I'll give you a tip:

    Pack patience and ice-cream (Patience is required and the ice cream is to soothe the emotional damage.).


    Also I'm proud of you Kobold we all know Bacon science is better than Baloney science!

  4. BioChromatic breath may not be able to improve your personal fashion sense but it would definitely make you appreciate others more. No one wants to see someone wearing a pink and green color scheme, especial not those who've surpassed the first heightening. 

  5. Alien race!

    I'd be to afraid to embarrass myself around Brandon Sanderson. At least with aliens the worst that could happen is I doom the entire human race.


    Would you rather have to plan an revolution against the Lord Ruler or serve Steelheart coffee when he's in a bad mood?

  6. "School is in session," Prof said nonchalantly. He slipped on a pair of sunglasses and walked away, the school suddenly exploding for no reason behind his back.

    or possibly:


    *Walking away from burning wreckage* "Class dismissed" 

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