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Lightsworn Panda

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Posts posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. Originally, blue text meant out-of-RP or game-related discussion. If you look at some of the earlier games of Sanderson Elimination, you might notice that a large majority of the posts are written in blue text. This rule has somewhat been loosened up, and now black text is acceptable for in-game discussion (although it technically has always been so, it was just that blue text made things more distinguishable). Some players (generally the "older" ones) still adhere to that rule.


    Ahh, blue-text. Brings back memories.

  2. I'm back.


    Vote Tally (Even though we're late into the Cycle)


    Phattemer: Lopen (1)
    Polking: Clanky (1)
    Creccio: Zas, Lopen, Venture, Ripple, Feligon, Elkanath (6)



    Hey everyone. In spirit of the holidays I'm going to do you guys a favor by announcing publicly that I am the Diagrammist Cook. I'm sure some of you are wondering why I would admit that, so before anyone asks allow me to explain. Basically, after PK announced that Sart was a Scholar, a few of us got to talking and realized how incredibly unfair it is that two (Kipper and him) have died already and only one has actually claimed, putting you guys at a severe information disadvantage. Instead of pursuing an easy win we started forming ideas that could help the game progress better without costing us the chance to win entirely, and after much deliberation this is what we've decided. So yeah, I'm evil, and honestly I'm sorry. About an hour and a half before the game began I was actually talking to STINK in the LG15 Dead Doc about how badly I wanted this to start, and he made a comment about me being eager to kill people and I explained to him that it was the part that I regretted most about SE and made a joke about being a Diagrammist Cook. Needless to say I nearly choked to death on seeds when I received the PM not too long after. Anyway, I suggest that players go back and analyze all of my posts (or PMs if you have them). Knowing my alignment, there should be enough hints for you to determine some others. I'm a bit sad that this might mean the end of my Win/Survival Streak as an eliminator, but ultimately I think that the fun of this game should not be spent to preserve my record thus far.


    To my fellow Diagrammists who were not present to the discussion, I'm sorry if you disagree with me taking this action, however so long as I'm the only one who comes out like this then I don't think the damage will be too colossal. I also suggest that the fourth Scholar, whoever you are (if you're even still alive) come out into the open. I can guarantee you protection due to me being in contact with a Son of Honor Surgeon, if it makes you feel any better about it. But if you decide not to and if the village keeps me alive, I promise to honestly reveal if a single dead player, as decided upon by the village, is innocent or evil once every cycle. That being said, you guys can vote for which player's alignment I reveal through a vote like this: Orlok. Keep in mind however that if you continue to keep me alive I will also continue to use my ability to kill inactive innocents. So really it's up to all of you. Keep me alive at the cost of one life per cycle to get some extra info or kill me now and depend on PK. I leave you all to discuss this, as well as possible suspects based off my posts so far.


    Also, for players unfamiliar how to get all of a single player's posts up on one page, here's some instructions:

    1. Go to my profile.
    2. Click "Find content" above the green reputation block on the right.
    3. Click "Only posts" using the menu list on the left.
    4. Read away.

    Happy hunting, mates.



    On a similar note, you could also go to the search bar, make sure the area of search is "This topic" and search a player's name. This pulls up every mention of that player's name, and makes Inquisitions much easier. I believe it's also possible to pull up every post a certain player has made in a certain thread via the search bar, although I've forgotten how.


    In the spirit of revealing things, I'll reveal that my previous scan of Sart was wrong, and that he is actually a diagrammist elsecaller.

    The above is all lies. All of my revealed scans so far have been the truth. I wonder who reads white text.

    Happy Diagrammist hunting!


    I habitually highlight pages for this reason.

  3. Really sorry for not posting. My head feels like it's in a blender going through a roller coaster.


    Before I pass out, I would like to say that we probably should have more votes going around. We've got 29 players, or 18 counting the inactives, so we probably should have more than just 11 votes on the tally. For now, I won't be voting since I'm too uninformed.

  4. Ekko's 










    Here, maybe this will help.


    Thank you for the TL;DR, Adavantos, although I prefer to go over a post by myself. 


    Words cannot describe my tears of gratitude when I saw your vote tallies.


    Alright, time to weigh in with a long post :P Mostly responding to Seonid as I thought it was a good summary. 


    Why did I public roleclaim? There are a few reasons:


    1. Ignore all my actions in previous games, this is SeriousSTINK and not SillySTINK.

    2. Arguably the most important thing is your role and faction. I no longer have that as private information. (Makes the game more fun)

    3. My statement still stands, that all information I know will go public, unless asked to keep it private.

    4. There were reactions to my reveal at the time, use that. 

    5. Most people say that talking is what the eliminators don't want, and while that may be true. They also don't want public information.


    My role wouldn't have mattered in my decision at all, but I happened to be a Runner, and I already know who I will make a PM with. 


    Talking about Protection, this has turned into what everyone knows and loves. An 'I Know You Know', which for all new players is when someone might say or act in a way that implies ' The Eliminators will attack me' but with the Eliminators seeing that, they decide to go for someone else. Basically it's just lots of bluffing.


    If I was a Radiant, then I would be quite contradictory, eh?


    I won't talk about WGGs, as anything I say about them will either make people tunnel on me more or do nothing, so there really is no point.


    My reaction to Venture at this point is to just wait, and that we should deal with suspicions one by one, where everyone can bring up information about that person and we can slowly form an opinion about that person, as we are (mostly) doing now, with STINK.


    (As I was writing this 3 people replied to Seonid) 


    Switching playstyles isn't that easy, from my experience. You'll find your SeriousSTINK will still have traces of SillySTINK all over it (For example, your point 2. If you wanted to play the game seriously, you would have held on to your cards longer and not revealed your role, especially not just for the thrill of it). It took multiple games and a couple of throws before ErraticJain finally started stabilizing. 


    I'm rather undecided regarding STINK's reveal. He hasn't exactly given us much in terms of explanation (admittedly, I do have Wilson-thesis level expectations), so there really can't accuse his reasoning, although we certainly could accuse his lack of it. For now, I'll just put it down as a game-opening gambit. 


    STINK's long post seems somewhat inflated to me. 3 of its paragraphs (The WGG, Radiant and Protection one) are rather unnecessary, or just stating the obvious. To me, you're attempting to look like a helpful and contributing member. Your motives are up for debate, of course, although I won't judge you for them just yet.


    What intrigues me is how Hellscythe and STINK jumped on Creccio. Their reasons of accusation mainly appear to be A) Creccio is attempting to not die and B) Creccio is being suspicious. Reason A) Is understandable. Wanting to stay alive is perfectly normal. I mean, I know the service and community in the dead docs are great, but it just doesn't beat being alive, you know? We shouldn't be condemning a player to death just for suddenly having a spike in survival instinct. Sure, Creccio could be trying to stay alive since she had just gained an important role, but it's equally possible that she's fed up with dying early so often. Also, Hellscythe and STINK's reasoning are also rather hypocritical. Both have been suspected, targeted and voted for. Attempting to bandwagon Creccio just for trying to stay alive doesn't appear to be very selfless to me. As for reason B), you could slap anyone in the game for that one.


    For now, I'm willing to buy Creccio's "Lost" and "Trying to help" stance. I advocate that we give him/her some time to prove herself, and make judgements then.

  5. > Finish Shadows of Self

    > Why Brandon Why

    > The feels

    > Sacrifice own brother to Brandon for giving us yet another excellent book

    > Sacrifice a puppy to spite Brandon leaving us with such a cold ending

    > Immediately go to 17th Shard SoS Spoiler Board

    > Hunt down the first chapter of Bands of Mourning and inhale it

    > Left satisfied yet unsatisfied at the same time

    > Enter cryosleep to weather the long wait for BoM

  6. What does (Cri) mean Jain? \


    Short for "Crying". Meant as a joke, of course, since Alv is indeed a far better player than I am. That being said, feel free to scan me first. 


    I'm going to vote on Jain. It seems to me that all he's done so far is defend himself. He hasn't voted, and he hasn't really added all that much in terms of discussion. The way he's playing really reminds me of the way Winter was playing in MR9. In that game, all Winter did for the last few Cycles she was alive was defend herself. She never tried to help find and root out the eliminators, because she was one. Maybe it's just Jains style, but it seems similar to me.


    Currently, I'm a bit time-gated, so I have to play passive and reactively. Once I get enough time, however, then I can start being more proactive and aggressive. And, like I said before, if I actually wanted to hide, then I wouldn't just be passive and defensive. That'd be far too conspicuous.

  7. Did QF 11 just become a tag...





    After we talked about League of Legends in the thread, he said that day one lynches are a thing we can do to gain information and data. Then after that he votes for "peace" or "no death" or something like that and join me and Alv on the nothing happened club.


    One thing I am wary of is that math like the one he shows is simply flawed. I am (again) a math major and seeing things like that irks me. It is true that blindly choosing we have that much chance, but the way this game operates is hardly blind. Even the first check is not blind. Maybe he is using maths and trying to advocate for lynchs and seem proactive but instead he is following his own agenda.


    Suspicion level: He is up there with Alv. 


    I've already explained why I apparently voted for a "No-Death", so I won't go over that again.


    Math isn't my strong point, as you can see. Nevertheless, scanning is a slow process, and remember that this isn't an entirely mathematical game. You've got to make space and allowance for stupidity, inactivity and other human factors. We can accelerate the process that with discussion.


    I don't see how I'm following my own agenda. If I wanted to, I'd just hide and turtle it out like i have done in other games. All I'm doing is advocating an opinion which you don't seem to be fond of (which is fine, as you are entitled to your own opinion of how the game runs.)




    Of the two I would like to have Alv checked before Jain if not for the fact that Alv is more active and has reputation on SE of being good and experienced, so yea, there goes that.



  8. I do want to hear from Jain. He did say that he was likely to vote and then voted for no one to die? Remember, this is a specific vote that would have to be put in for, not just never putting a vote in like what happened with me. I didn't realize that the rollover was so soon! I thought it was later my


    I sent in a "no-vote" near the start of the cycle, then changed my mind after reconsideration. I forgot to change the vote afterwards.


    I am also quite confused about how this came to be. If I was planning on not voting I wouldn't have sent anything to Maill. Also I think the Rulo was most likely just testing the powers to see how it would show up in the write-up and/or something to prove a claimed role. 


    I will be putting my vote back on Jain. You posted about the how beneficial day one lynches are and said a vote was forhtcoming. Not only did you not put in a vote but you specified (not exactly sure how yet) that you didn't want anyone to die. Why the change?


    Sorry, I don't seem to understand. I've never said that I didn't want anyone to die. I believe you're questioning me for a "no-vote" like Meta. My reasons have already been stated.


    I haven't been able to read over the sign-up thread in detail, so pardon me if I repeat a question, but can a Jindonese soldier protect themselves?

  9. I play ton of league of legends. Long live the ADC overlords of your metagme. I am also a HUGE Jinx fans as you can see.


    My Jax and Yi are equally happy with this new meta (Hybrid Yi and Jax FTW). I myself am a big Zed fan. For a time my signature as "The Unseen Panda is the Deadliest".


    Also, please do NOT think or assume anything in the game except for the Soldier combo. Mail is tricky and he said somewhere i cant recall that he WAS going to mess with us. We have 17 players, i bet we have 4 on the Cult side because thats about 25% I guess..


    Right now we should not bother with the amount of traitors but who IS a traitor or not.


    At this point i believe the "d1 lynch" discussion is meaningless and we should NOT i repeat, NOT have a lynch... Give the scanner some time to work and lets hope that person gets lucky.


    If anyone disagrees please let me know, lets share ideas and come up with a plan to get this going


    I understand that playing passive and not lynching someone on the first day might minimalize our casualities. In some Long and Mid-Range Games, this strategy could be viable. Unfortunately, we are currently playing a Quick Fix game, which encourages faster and more aggressive gameplay. Having a Day 1 lynch provides us with much more data, in the form of votes and reasoning, and can also kick-start discussion. By not having a Day 1 lynch, we are stagnating our own information pool. Letting the scanner/s do his job would take far too long. Statistically speaking, the Priest has a 1 in 4 or 5 chance of finding an Elminator, so it could potentially take the scanner multiple days to tag an Eliminator. Leaving it up to luck is too risky. We must make advances too.

  10. It's set in Australia, it's much earlier in the timeline than the Oregon RPs and has a set game-time:Real-time ratio


    So my fly-spitting kangaroo-riding crocodile-hunting dropbear Epic won't be out of place then...


    Pardon my slowness, but by the set game-time:Real-time ratio, do you mean that if a day passed IRL, a day would have passed in the Wastelands?

  11. Sorry for the intrusion, but what exactly is the Wastelands? From what I gather, it appears to be a RP set in the Wastelands of the Reckoners series. Are there any particular rules that I should be aware of?


    Thank you.

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