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Unite them


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Unite them


I keep thinking about this phrase and I was wondering if there could be plot twist around the misunderstanding of what is to be united.


So I was thinking what are the things that could be united?


1. The Kingdoms

2. The Parshendi and humans

3. The Parshendi and Parshmen

4. The Parshendi and Spren

5. The Knights Radiant

6. The two halves of Mr T

7. The Heralds

8. The parts of Honour

9. The worlds in the same system as Roshar

10. Odium and Cultivation - gain a balance



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It's reasonably clear that it refers to the Knights Radiant:

“The Knights Radiant,” the Almighty said, standing up beside Dalinar, watching the knight attack the nightmare beast. “They were a solution, a way to offset the destruction of the Desolations. Ten orders of knights, founded with the purpose of helping men fight, then rebuild.”

Dalinar repeated it, word for word, focused on catching every one and not on thinking about what they meant.

The Almighty turned to him. “I was surprised when these orders arrived. I did not teach my Heralds this. It was the spren— wishing to imitate what I had given men —who made it possible. You will need to refound them. This is your task. Unite them. Create a fortress that can weather the storm. Vex Odium, convince him that he can lose, and appoint a champion. He will take that chance instead of risking defeat again, as he has suffered so often. This is the best advice I can give you.”


It's still unclear enough that all I can say is "damnit, Honor, being cryptic for no reason is stupid". The entire world is on the line, and Honor didn't see fit to make his instructions and explanations as simple as possible - his random reference to Cultivation in TWoK is maddening in this respect. Cultivation is important, you can spend a minute explaining who she is Honor!


(Slightly tongue in cheek: This is probably why he managed to get himself killed: poor communication skills, no sense of prioritization, and in general bad decision making skills.)

Edited by Moogle
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