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Aimian-Jasnah Connection?


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I was reading about the Aimian's and one of the thing is that their shadow goes the wrong way.  In WoR in the prologue Jasnah mentions that here shadow goes towards the light.  Is there any connection between these two occurrences?

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There probably is. Shallan also notices that her shadow goes towards the sun when she's in Shadesmar. It may just be that the Aimians, as a race, are closer to the Cognitive than humans. That said, the listeners seem to have minds that are closer to the Cognitive, and I don't recall their shadows being described as abnormal.

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Maybe Aimians are part spren, or have been inhabited by spren (like chasmfiends).  This could give credence to why there are two types of Aimians.  One's that have spren and one's that don't.  I don't have anything to back this up, just spitballing

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Just curious, were you reading my post on the SA subreddit from a day or so ago?  I usually post there because 17th Shard is blocked at work.


I definitely think that the shadows going the opposite direction is due to the person's connection with the cognitive realm, so the Aimians probably have some ingrained attunement to Shadesmar that other races don't have.


As for Shallan's shadow going the wrong way in Shadesmar, I believe that it was Pattern whose Shadesmar representation's shadow was going the wrong way.  I can't recall off the top of my head if Shallan's ever did.

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There probably is. Shallan also notices that her shadow goes towards the sun when she's in Shadesmar. It may just be that the Aimians, as a race, are closer to the Cognitive than humans. That said, the listeners seem to have minds that are closer to the Cognitive, and I don't recall their shadows being described as abnormal.

Perhaps it's related to which of their aspects is leaning towards the Cognitive– Listeners could have entirely Physical bodies, but their minds are way off in the Cognitive and need a spren to bridge the gap, while Aimians could have entirely Physical minds, but their bodies are very strongly in the Cognitive, like a more extreme Lift.
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