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Huge cosmere fan introducing friends to the truth that is brando sando


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Hey so im new here on the forum so hello all

So ive read, actually listened to since im in school and can't take more reading haha, almost all of the cosmere stuff and i am now inducting my roommate into the cosmere through stormlight first

My question to yall is what do ya think i should recommend next, I am thinking mistborn but he is a little intimidated by another multibook series after stormlight so i was thinking maybe warbreaker next, thoughts?

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If you want a single cosmere story, then I would definitely recommend Warbreaker, it's pretty good (and it its a bit important, cosmerically speaking). Sanderson does have some non cosmere books that are really good, like Reckoners, Rithmatist, and Skyward. Another single story cosmere book is Elantris, if you haven't read it before. 

Good luck with the roommate!

Of the books you've read, which one is your favorite?

Edited by Mushroom Catalog
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Hello @Sandoite,

Here are the three pieces of advice I give to any newcomer to the shard.

First, here on the shard, all food offered to you, real or digital, is Hemalurgicaly spiked. Eat it, and you lose your soul. (So risk VS reward, eat the cookies not the pineapples.)

Second, everyone here is unified by a love of all things cosmere. This does mean that we understand if you have ever suffered from S.P.I.K.E.S (Spikes Protruding In Knees or Elantrian Sickness). If you suffer from S.P.I.K.E.S, let us know. This is a [kind of] safe space.

Third, go back and read the terms and agreements before joining. If you did not yodel with a shoe on your head (poorly of course) your soul now belongs to @ChaosTHIS IS NOT A JOKE!!!

That's it. Welcome to the   17th Shard   , and by the way, do you wana cookie?

Edited by ShardShaper
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