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What's your favorite character? Magic system?

Now, onto books:

Elantris is pretty good, but it starts a little slow. It is a great book though. If you're looking for a book outside of the Cosmere, then Skyward is a really good one. The Rithmatist is also one of my favorite non-Cosmere books.

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35 minutes ago, Keeper Exile said:

Welcome to the Shard! Make sure to read up on cookies (it's kind of a big deal here) before you accept any!

What's your favorite character? Magic system?

Now, onto books:

Elantris is pretty good, but it starts a little slow. It is a great book though. If you're looking for a book outside of the Cosmere, then Skyward is a really good one. The Rithmatist is also one of my favorite non-Cosmere books.

For some reason I really like Hoid. I really want to figure him out and learn more about him. As for magic system I like the allomancy from the mistborn. I like the idea of not having unlimited power. 

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29 minutes ago, Hoidwillsaveus said:

For some reason I really like Hoid. I really want to figure him out and learn more about him. As for magic system I like the allomancy from the mistborn. I like the idea of not having unlimited power. 

Nice. Allomacy is one of my favorites too.

If you want to learn more about Hoid, there is a Coppermind article (be very wary of spoilers) and plenty of stuff about him here on the Shard.

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If you haven’t already, you could try Mistborn Secret History, or Edgedancer. They both offer more insight to Mistborn and The Stormlight Archives.

If you have, then I would definitely suggest Elantris. It’s my personal favorite and one of the reasons is because it’s only one book. I don’t have to wait forever for the main conflict to be resolved.

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