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A Wikipedia-esque story


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Some ideas:

  • A fantasy story told in the form of a "fake" Wikipedia-like online encyclopedia about an otherwise nonexistent series of fantasy books.
  • A fantasy story told in the same form but as if it were the Wikipedia of an alternate world.
  • A two-level fantasy story told in the Wikipedia-like format, with the caveat that the otherwise nonexistent books have articles about them with citations that refer to "outside" events in a higher-level fantasy setting (e.g. in an article about Book 5 in the series, say, there would be a footnote that would refer to the inspiration for a scene in the fictional Book 5, and the inspirational event would itself be part of another layer of fantasy storytelling).

OTOH this seems "obvious" enough of an idea to have already been pursued...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can see it working. I already write most of my world building documents in voice like wikipedia entries so it wouldn't be a stretch to take that a step further and turn it into a storytelling medium. I think if there is enough conflict in the story and still some interesting characters that will cover for the potential dryness of it being wikipedia entries.

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