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MB Era 2 Newspapers


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As far as I can tell, in each of the newspapers featured in MB Era 2, there has been an article that seems preposterous but is in all truthfulness, probably accurate. (In my interpretation at least) For example,


5ba921ae4fa35_ScreenShot2018-09-24at1_39_26PM.png.72778ef64872f150e5fb48fd5ee0afe7.pngFrom the "Elendel Daily" in Alloy of Law, and 5ba921c63692b_ScreenShot2018-09-24at1_38_15PM.png.7e820d3ebb34d6e65f497ecaa7e81802.png From "The House Record" in Shadows of Self

These articles indicate the existence of life across the ocean, which we know to be true, and that people with terrible visages (southern scadrians in masks) exist, and possibly Harmony's perpendicularity.

In the bands of mourning, is this seemingly bizarre advertisement.



As MB era 2 is chronologically after the events of Warbreaker where we learn about the existence of type IV Biochromatic entities, is it possible that some of these breath-infused metal tools have made their way to Scadrial?


TL;DR Type IV Biochromatic Entities may be on Scadrial.

Edited by Kal-Eldin
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It's certainly possible.  Brandon has RAFO'd this:



Are there Awakened objects on Scadrial because it talks like, "Hello, do any of your metal objects talk to you?" Or is that just you having fun with the broadsheets cause the broadsheets may not be a hundred percent true?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

The broadsheets are definitely not one hundred percent true, but we didn't put anything in there that didn't have a reason. So that is a RAFO.





So, in Bands of Mourning there was an advertisement in the broadsheet from "K and N" asking about talking metal. Does that have anything to do with a certain knife that Nazh lent Kelsier?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

I'm gonna RAFO that, mostly cause I'm gonna make you ask Isaac and Ben, cause they came to me with pitches for things to put in those and they wrote a lot of the broadsheet stuff themselves.


Okay. But, does Nazh want that knife back?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

The knife? Yes, he would like that knife back.

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