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The Pact

Child of Hodor

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We have some new WoBs from the Legion release party. One concerns the pact the Vessels made to settle on the same world together and why Honor of all Shards would disobey it. 



Q: One of the Letters in Oathbringer suggests that the original Shards had a pact to go their separate ways, and some of them held to it while many didn't.

A: Yeah.

Q: How is it possible that, among those who broke the pact was the one whose nature is to obsessively keep your word on everything no matter what?

A: He would say that he did keep his word.

Q: So he found a loophole?

A: He wouldn't even classify it as a loophole.  He would say that he kept his word on that one.

(Note: Just for the record, I heard the Shardcast guys wondering about this one at one point, but by the time that episode came out I had already thought of this question and resolved to ask Brandon about it the next time I saw him.  So @Chaos, here's an answer to one of the questions you guys had!  Albeit one that mostly just raises further questions...)


Is it as simple as Honor technically "settled" on Roshar first and Cultivation came after (maybe RIGHT after), so Cultivation was the one technically breaking it? I think generally the WoBs have indicated that H&C settled on Roshar together, but one may have come just before the other. 

We don't know the exact phrasing of the pact in order to determine what violates it or why they could  break this one when Oathbringer stresses how Shards can't break their word. Maybe they made it before they held the Shards. 

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They came together. 


Lance Alvein

Did Cultivation come to Roshar with Honor, or was she already on Roshar when Honor arrived?

Brandon Sanderson

Good question. They came together.


Personally, I think just like Ati and Leras agreement, the pact bound people to what they think they agreed to. If you are bound by the Intent of an agreement, your bound to what you mean when you say it, not what others think it means. 

We also know that Honor and Cultivation where lovers. I think that Tanavast never even considered splitting from her. He took an oath that he (and his wife/girlfriend/insert whatever relationship word here) would leave the other Shards. 

I think that every shards personal meaning of that pact would allow them to do things the others would consider breaking it. 


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9 minutes ago, Calderis said:

They came together. 

Personally, I think just like Ati and Leras agreement, the pact bound people to what they think they agreed to. If you are bound by the Intent of an agreement, your bound to what you mean when you say it, not what others think it means. 

We also know that Honor and Cultivation where lovers. I think that Tanavast never even considered splitting from her. He took an oath that he (and his wife/girlfriend/insert whatever relationship word here) would leave the other Shards. 

I think that every shards personal meaning of that pact would allow them to do things the others would consider breaking it. 


Haha! I like this idea. 

*Honor pushes up glasses* "Well actually, we're common law married. Technically, in a legal sense we are one person/Shard." 


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I agree, I think the wording of the oact was such that Shards could essentially keep it however they want.

For example, if the pact was "We won't interfere with each others planets".

Then shards that agreed to work together wouldn't see a problem in settling together, it isn't "interference" if it is agreed to.

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The old Ben Kenobi "From a certain point of view". I would be curious to know the exact wording, "interfere" is interesting.

"No good can come of two Shards settling in one location. It was agreed that we would not interfere with one another, and it disappoints me that so few of the Shards have kept to this original agreement." Oathbringer Chapter 39 Epigraph

I wonder what mental gymnastics Odium and Autonomy are doing.

Sazed wasn't part of the original pact, so the other Vessels can meddle with him all they want, but the Vessels of Ambition, Devotion, Dominion and Honor were.  "Splintering isn't interfering!" "You broke the pact first!"

"I promised not to interfere with the Shard, didn't say anything about killing the Vessel. Now that the Vessel is dead the promise no longer holds so I can splinter the shard and shove it into the cognitive realm"

Edited by Child of Hodor
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