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Will the Champion of Odium know?


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So here's a thought I had.


What if the Champion of Odium doesn't know they're the Champion until the final fight's about to go down? 


That is, the Champion is something of a comparative rather than absolute rank, like 'Person Who Most Fits Odium's Criteria For Being His Champion' rather than 'Person who has personally agreed to become Odium's Champion'. In the same way that one might be the best in the world at something but not technically be aware of the fact, the Champion might not be aware that they're the best personal choice for Champion- and thus the Champion of Odium- until the very end.


Which would be a deliciously tragic twist; after all that anticipation of fighting some dark overlord, servant of Odium in all ways, instead it turns out that Kaladin and co. have to kill one of their friends to defeat the 'Champion'. Hell, it could turn out to be Kaladin himself if Kaladin never gets over his negative emotions.


Or it could be Moash. Moash is basically the best example of a character who still considers themselves good even as they exhibit every attribute that Odium likes to see in a person- and he's also interested enough in redemption that being informed, 'nope, you can't have redemption ever, you are now the champion of the god of evil whether you like it or not' would be pretty horrifying.

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I could see Kaladin turning out to be the Champ, especially if he accidentally kills Syl. Moash could work, but I doubt it. And I don't think you would know if you're the Champion or Not.


Not all the Champions in Mistborn knew. But they were chosen by the shard rather than being a matter of the most appropriate person automatically being Champion.


Ruin didn't let his champions know since they tended to be against the idea, he did like choosing his enemies as his champions.


At the moment it's looking like it might be Adolin. I'm currently thinking Taravangian or Szeth, with Taln as an outside chance.

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Normally I would say that the champions don´t have to be aware of the fact that they are the champion. (See Mistborn) However, the whole champion duel system is, from how I understood it, set up by Honor and seems way to official for it to be unknown. Now, the champion of Odium having to agree is a completly different question. His current MO doesn´t seem to leave a lot of choice to his victims and his champion just offing himself to safe the world would be pretty embarrasing on Ryse´s part. Just taking over someone and stripping them of their free will would make them a pretty bad "champion" though and more of a puppet.

All in all I think that Odium is forced by the Oathpact to leave somekind of decison to the champ but will most likely pull some kind of "sell you soul to the devil" kind of deal with him to change his champion, similar to what happens to the Parshendi when they enter Stromform.

Unless, it will simply be some kind of super Voidbringer but that would be kind of a let down, if big bad O would simply push the "super-minion"-button on someone (Eshonai?)

Edited by Edgedancer
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"Or it could be Moash. Moash is basically the best example of a character who still considers themselves good even as they exhibit every attribute that Odium likes to see in a person- and he's also interested enough in redemption that being informed, 'nope, you can't have redemption ever, you are now the champion of the god of evil whether you like it or not' would be pretty horrifying."



Alright first of all, I am good and there is no way I will be Odium's champion. Perhaps you instead will be his champion and I will do a good deed in defeating you and saving Roshar. If you think I am going to champion the father of hatred, you are stormin mistaken. Adding to this theory, would the person who becomes Odium's champion be "the one who will destroy us"? Recall the info on the back of twok where it said one of the four (Kaladin, Szeth, Dalinar and Shallan) would redeem us and another would destroy us? What if then this champion ends up being one of those people in a cruel joke. It would fit perfectly for Odium's champion to destroy us and if it is one of those four we could in that case have one of them unknowingly become Odium's champion despite having good intentions.

Edited by Moash
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"Or it could be Moash. Moash is basically the best example of a character who still considers themselves good even as they exhibit every attribute that Odium likes to see in a person- and he's also interested enough in redemption that being informed, 'nope, you can't have redemption ever, you are now the champion of the god of evil whether you like it or not' would be pretty horrifying."



Alright first of all, I am good and there is no way I will be Odium's champion. Perhaps you instead will be his champion and I will do a good deed in defeating you and saving Roshar. If you think I am going to champion the father of hatred, you are stormin mistaken. Adding to this theory, would the person who becomes Odium's champion be "the one who will destroy us"? Recall the info on the back of twok where it said one of the four (Kaladin, Szeth, Dalinar and Shallan) would redeem us and another would destroy us? What if then this champion ends up being one of those people in a cruel joke. It would fit perfectly for Odium's champion to destroy us and if it is one of those four we could in that case have one of them unknowingly become Odium's champion despite having good intentions.

That is not entirely correct.


One of them may redeem us.

And one of them will destroy us.


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