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Answer to Hoid [joke title]


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But not a joke thread!

I read a book called Answer to Job in late 2013 and I noticed this interesting passage therein [I had already begun to learn of the Cosmere, having read the first and third Mistborn books]:


The new factor is something that has never occurred before in the history of the world, the unheard-of fact that, without knowing it or wanting it, a mortal man is raised by his moral behavior above the stars in heaven, from which position of advantage he can behold the back of Yahweh, the abysmal world of "shards."^8 {Footnote 8: This is an allusion to an idea found in the later cabalistic philosophy. [These "shards," also called "shells" (Heb. kelipot), form ten counterpoles to the ten sefiroth, which are the ten stages in the revelation of God's creative power. The shards, representing the forces of evil and darkness, were originally mixed with the light of the sefiroth. The Zohar describes evil as the by-product of the life process of the sefiroth. Therefore the sefiroth had to be cleansed of the evil admixture of the shards. The elimination of the shards took place in what is described in the cabalistic writings---particularly of Luria and his school---as the "breaking of the vessels." Through this the powers of evil assumed a separate and real existence. Cf. Scholem, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, p. 267-EDITORS.]}

I can't help but assume this is relevant to the story of the Cosmere.


Wikipedia says this of the number 16 in Judaism:

  • One of two numbers that is written differently from the conventions of writing numbers in Hebrew in order to avoid writing the name of God. The other is 15.

Also the # of the sephiroth is given as 10 or 11, with 10 and 22 emerging as relevant here (22 is not, though, a # of sephiroth). 16 is the average of 10 and 22.

So, I think we can decode some of the unknown Shards, by comparing a list of the sephiroth to the list of the known Shards:




Kindness [Devotion]

Severity [Odium]

Beauty [Endowment]




Kingship [Dominion]


There are 6 sephiroth that do not seem to match up to Shards we know of. So I will propose that the 6 unknown Shardic Intents correspond, at least roughly, to the unpaired sephiroth [although the exact place of the "wants to survive" Shard is not clearly indicated yet, here, since we don't know its direct Intent, wherefore it might be on this list].

EDIT 2: So let's suppose that Adonalsium contained an immense evil in himself. This evil has been transferred to the Shards. To defeat this evil, each Shard's Vessel must be broken/killed. Rayse is thus "on the right track" except he's not going to break/kill himself. If not all the Shards are broken/killed, the evil that was admixed inside of Adonalsium will re-emerge and corrupt/destroy/w/e the Cosmere. QED

Edited by Ripheus23
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