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Hello everyone. I've been lurking for quite a while, so I thought I'd finally introduce myself.


Aside from the whole Sanderson thing, I also do video game things, anime things, and school things... sometimes I even do the Sanderson thing while I'm doing the school things, which does not end well for the school things. 


On a less goofy note, I started my Sanderson experience with Mistborn, which I consumed as if it were a gallon of water in a barren desert. I am eagerly awaiting the series of Cosmere works set in the sci-fi era of the Mistborn universe, since I love sci-fi and it promises tantalizing Comsere-related answers!


I've read nearly all of Sanderson's publicly available Cosmere works, but haven't delved into any of his other works as of yet (aside from that short sci-fi story he wrote).


I expect I'll mostly be a lurker for a while, observing the lay of the land, absorbing facts, and perusing some brilliant theories, but my silence may yet be broken again!


Nice to meet you all!

Edited by SphereHere
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