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Awkward posting about myself


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Hello all!

Um yeah. So. I.. uh.. read.. things. Like all of you do. Some of these things are BranSan works.
Of late, all of them are.

I like cats, video games, playing pool and long walks on the beach.
Just kidding.

I don't go outdoors.
Hahahahha...... ahem anyway.

BranSan things I've read:

Mistborn Trilogy (have yet to read Alloy of Law, though I own it)
Stormight Archive (What's been released so far)
Emperor's Soul
White Sand
Aether of night
Liar of Partinel (the few, short tidbits of it)

I own Steelheart and Legion but have yet to read either. I love love love the cosmere and reading anything else, even if I have to read the same books over and over, seems so...distracting? But I'm sure I'll get to it..

Erm. Ah. So. Yeah.


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Welcome to the forums LinkasZelda!


Steelheart is fun, I have to admit to somehow not having read Legion yet though. Somewhat embarrassing given I've been here for some time now.


Got any favourite games? (I'm quite a bit of a gamer myself :))

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Thank you for the welcome!

I do play quite a bit. Favorite series' include Legend of Zelda, Assassins Creed, Tales of (Namco) and Suikoden.

Currently playing a ccompletionist run of Suikoden 4.

I also have several tattoos, most of them game-related :)

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