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Is Mist Sickness inspired by Miasma Theory?

Son of Ruin

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If you don't know what Miasma Theory is, there is a Wikipedia article, but I can't add links yet, sorry.

Miasma theory is the theory that was believed to be correct by most of the scientific community until germ theory was proposed. It theorizes that diseases were caused by miasma, which was basically "bad air", or "night air". 

What does this sound similar to? Mist comes out at night, and it causes sickness to scadrians.

I think Brandon might've been inspired by Miasma theory when creating the concept of the mists and mist sickness. Kind of farfetched, but hey, maybe its true. Does anybody know if this idea has been discussed before, or if Brandon has ever talked about Miasma theory?

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Possible.... Here's a link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miasma_theory

Also this made me think of the old medical idea of the Four Humors (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humorism), which has a chart about colors/elements/organs/etc that struck me as very similar to the one regarding Roshar's 10 essences/Heralds chart found in the Ars Arcanum.

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