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Investiture during the Big Bang


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At t = 0, matter and energy would not have been differentiated, neither therefore would have Investiture, I suppose. I don't know the details (if anyone knows them!) about when the force-carrier particles split from leptons and quarks (the "matter" particles), although I am somewhat familiar with the photon-vectron* split and the idea of a prior "electronuclear epoch" when gluons and photons/vectrons were all one. IDK if there was supposed to be an electrogravitational or gravitonuclear epoch, aside from just a "grand unified" epoch.

*[Not the technical name for the weak-force carriers. The tech name is "W+/- and Z bosons," which is an example of the physics community's sometimes questionable lexical decision-making :P. Since the W/Z bosons were originally photons and are also referred to under the heading of "vector bosons," then even though photons and gluons would "technically" be vectrons, I feel like using this word for the W/Z bosons.]

But anyway, in quantum field theory, the division is not of clumps of stuff into other kinds of clumps, but across the multiplicity of fields that occur at the possible coordinates of objects in space. That is, instead of a super-particle breaking up into different types of particles, we'd have a single field somehow "stacking" into a plurality of fields.** So, I wonder, would Investiture be its own single field? Would it have something like negative spin, or spin = 3, or some weirder spin number? I don't know if it could have these even if it was not quite a particle field. In QFT, anyway, particles are considered intensifications of the field, so it might be that we could speak of Investiture particles although not as we would normally think of little flying bits of stuff.

Now, I had this idea of late, that if consciousness is a molecular effect, then during a primordial epoch when matter and energy were closely packed together, then "virtual" molecules might have existed, that would have subserved the dynamics of consciousness. Like Boltzmann brains, I suppose, but only during the initial expansion. So, let's suppose the Investiture meta-field was intrinsically conscious, automatically, and had agency. (Think something like the Rusakov field from Pullman's multiverse, maybe.) Or, as it were, it was the agency-field. Now, if this was so, maybe it had a choice whether or not to inflate/expand along with matter and energy, or of how it would so develop, or whatever. And maybe it had a choice about how its field would interact with the other, emerging fields. I think this would be related to whatever Adonalsium was supposed to be. Indeed, maybe the Shattering of Adonalsium was the decoupling of a single field into 16 fields? (That the Shards' powers are field-like follows from there being Preservation everywhere, to some degree, in the Cosmere, for instance.)

Of course, this doesn't explain why the Investiture-field decoupled from the lepton/quark and force-carrier fields in the first place. Nor does it say what kind of field Investiture has for itself, mathematically-speaking. Like, it seems like it would be similar to a scalar, e.g. the Higgs, field [which brings up the ironic label for the Higgs as the "God particle"], maybe. And if it was a scalar field, then it would have some quasi-fractal aspects, I think, which would help explain why Adonalsium used a quasi-fractal template for the world It directly created [Roshar].

**[The inflaton field is the "place-holder" field for this process. So a model of inflatons, Cosmere-wise, would have to be folded over Investiture as well as leptons, quarks, and the force-carriers/Higgs.]

Edited by Ripheus23
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