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Signatures and other account help


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I feel kind of stupid asking this question, but I can’t find any general website help page or FAQ page to help me with the general mechanics of this site. I have a couple of questions regarding creating my account info. First, what is my signature supposed to be and how do I create it?  Even though I have “see other people’s signatures” turned on, I either don’t see them or know what they look like to recognize them. I’d like to create my screen name in Thaylen glyphs as my signature. Also, what are the rules for finding an image for my profile picture so as not to step on any copyright toes? 

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I don't think we have any FAQ page, but we do have a dedicated subforum for such forum-related questions. If you have anything else you're wondering, you can check through topics in 17th Shard Discussion, or post a new topic. There are no dumb questions (except asking if Reckoners is part of the Cosmere).

The signature is an area below every post, which you can add words, links, or images to. If you're on mobile, I don't believe you won't see other peoples' signatures, even if you have the option checked. You can set up your signature in your Account Settings, from the drop-down menu you get from clicking on your username in the top-right corner of the site. (Or by just going here: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/settings/)

Since your signature will appear after every post you make, typically you don't want to make it egregiously long. Making an image of your screenname in Thaylen script sounds like it will be fine, as far as size goes. Specific guidelines on signature size can be found in this topic: 

As far as your profile pic... since there's no money changing hands, I don't think there are any copyright concerns. It may be good form, if you're going to use a piece of fanart, to run  it by the creator of that piece. 


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But how do you actually ADD a signature? I've checked the Edit Profile function on my Profile page, and I don't see any text box for me to put a signature in. There's nothing that says anything like "Add Signature" or "Edit Signature." Is it the "About Me" section? 

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Your signature is not part of your profile - you need to go to your Account Settings, the same place you would go to update your email or your password. Here's the mobile version of that page:


I've included a direct link to that page in my last post. You can navigate there from the forum menu, which you get as a dropdown from your username in the top right (on desktop) or from the three horizontal bars in the top right (on mobile).

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