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Once Upon an Accident


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Like many, I was first introduced to B.S. via WoT.  Waiting for "the next book" is always frustrating... especially when you consume books like Chewy Sweet Tart Mini's (the little chewy ball kind.  You know, the one's you swear are actually crack-in-a -candy-shell to  justify your obsessive and compulsive nature in consuming them... which brings me to an aside:  if I were to add two new Surges, perhaps those are some good ones.  Obsession, Compulsion - heck, maybe even Consumption - but I digress, and end my run-on).


Anyway, I was surging (see what I did there?) through the works of some of my favorite authors while waiting on the final WoT books, and decided to give B.S. a try.  I read some of his other works (all of which are delightful), but continued to jump around to different series of different authors.  After reaching dead-ends of numerous series, (and thus ending up in the "waiting for the next book" stage of all of them), I got frustrated with incomplete endings and too many different cliff-hangers, and decided to look for a completed series.


And thus I found The Stormlight series.  Wait... what?  I thought you were looking for a completed series!? Yeah, I was.  I misread the publication date, and instead of finding a book series that was finished, I picked one that was only 2 weeks old!  I didn't discover my mistake until I was thoroughly hooked and looking for book 2!  Ouch!


On a very positive note:  This is perhaps one of the most fantastic series I've ever read in this genre.  Seriously, it's simply awesome. (That doesn't even get an "!", because it's not an excited comment.  It's simply stating fact - much in the same way that you wouldn't say "Noblekain is Tall!", but instead would say, "Noblekain is tall."  When it's just a part of what defines you, it's not something excitable... it's just fundamental.  So, perhaps it would be more accurate to say: this series is fundamentally awesome.)


In spite of my sadness to know I had to wait another 3 years for Book 2, I have shared my love with anyone who would listen, and have successfully turned at least 4 people into converts.  I didn't realize I was 17th shard, until I found out there was a 17th Shard.  


So, here I am!  Your newest, yet "was-born-that-way" member of the 17th Shard.  Hear me Roar!  (or, don't... but know that I'm banging on my keyboard really hard to imply that I'm "roaring" through it)

Edited by Noblekain
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Surging through... boy, do we have a thread for you. :P


Welcome to the Shard. I haven't been here long myself but already I'm in love with this site.


Oh lord.


Really?  That thread may just become the death of any friendships I might have gained in this forum.  Once I get started, I'll become the Sebarial of the forums, and NO one will want to talk with me.  Must resist the urge...

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Oh lord.

Really? That thread may just become the death of any friendships I might have gained in this forum. Once I get started, I'll become the Sebarial of the forums, and NO one will want to talk with me. Must resist the surge...

Fixed that for you
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