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RIFTS RPG Cosmere Races/Classes


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I run a Rifts campaign for close friends and family where I live, and I've recently started making my own classes and races for the game. I started with the Stormlight Archive's eligibility. I've built the Shardbearer class. My biggest issue with it is that I have NO IDEA what kind of durability Shardplate would have in comparison to various weapons. The book is never specific. Just vague. Very durable. Breaks easier with a shardblade than any other weapon after many hits

I'm looking for ideas on what I should do with these classes, hoping some of you also know Rifts well enough. I'm not just doing SA, obviously I'll do Mistborn classes and races, and I'll hit Warbreaker, and they will probably start being developed before I'm finished SA. What are your opinions for some classes or races?


And one of my biggest conundrums, should I take the Elantrian race, and tweak the rules of being stuck to their kingdom to make them fit in to the game?

Edit: I'm adding the file to download what I have here. It's kind of scrambled and extremely incomplete. As I accomplish things, I'll update it. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cuuljndfj95qo04/YQ6f74wCgB">https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cuuljndfj95qo04/YQ6f74wCgB

Edited by BreerEeto
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I love this idea, RIFTS is one of my favorite settings.

For the Shard plate first decide what MegaDamage you want a Shardblade to be capable of. Then compare that to how many hits shardplate takes from a shardblade. It seems to me that a single plate can withstand 3-4 direct hard hits. I would do the limbs at that amount and the chest at double or triple, maybe the helm at 150%.


Shardblade : 10 MegaDamage


  • Arms 30 MD
  • Legs 30 MD
  • Helm 80 MD
  • Main Body 120 MD


This is my 30 second thought, you might want to think about it a little more. You also need to consider the effects of a shardblade in addition to its base damage.


It would be awesome if you posted your work here as you create your classes.


For Elantrians you could say they developed some corridor rune that allows them to channel power from the kingdom.

Edited by Kinson
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I love this idea, RIFTS is one of my favorite settings.

For the Shard plate first decide what MegaDamage you want a Shardblade to be capable of. Then compare that to how many hits shardplate takes from a shardblade. It seems to me that a single plate can withstand 3-4 direct hard hits. I would do the limbs at that amount and the chest at double or triple, maybe the helm at 150%.


Shardblade : 10 MegaDamage


  • Arms 30 MD
  • Legs 30 MD
  • Helm 80 MD
  • Main Body 120 MD


This is my 30 second thought, you might want to think about it a little more. You also need to consider the effects of a shardblade in addition to its base damage.


It would be awesome if you posted your work here as you create your classes.


For Elantrians you could say they developed some corridor rune that allows them to channel power from the kingdom.


That's a great idea. I love it. As I make classes and the like, I WILL post them here, for others to use, in case they (or you) want to use them.

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