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Mid-Range Game 30/Anonymous Game 2: - Scadrian Black Ops


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@Ivory Dragonfly is actually on right now. Ivory, if you make a post right now, I'll take my vote off of you, and it says you're viewing this topic so I know you can see this. If you stay inactive, however, I'm going to keep my vote.


V heard a faint scraping sound, and turned back to the see the woman who had spoken of making a council scraping a piece of metal against her bionic arm. He wondered how it felt to have something like that, an appendage which responded to your signals but in reality was just a machine.

V wondered how it must have been when people first made guns. It must have been remarkable, he thought. A machine that turned a man into a coinshot. Technology had always been at odds with mysticism, but while Allomancy and Feruchemy stayed the same, technology improved, advanced. Going to space was not an allomantic power, but technology had made it possible.

Nowadays, Allomancy could be mimicked by technology. Just as guns imitated coinshots, vismods (visual modifications) mimicked tineyes, and musmods (muscle modifications) mimicked pewterarms. Technology could enhance a man, and when you could be as smart as a sparker and as fast as a steelrunner, all without any powers whatsoever, that was what matched machines with magic.

V wondered whether the time would come when technology surpassed Allomancy and Feruchemy, when the real gods would be made artificially rather than born. It was an interesting thought, and a scary one at the same time.


Edited by Azure Mouse
Added RP
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Hello everybody!

I am here.  I apologize for the delay.  I was given the wrong password for this anonymous account, and was unable to log in last night.

A few thoughts on the game setup:

  • Bodyswapping+Scadrial = Kandra, probably.  From the powerset that a kandra is likely to have, I am guessing this is either some kind of SK role or part of a traditional eliminator team, with equal odds of either.  Probably not village, because bodyswapping is a disinformation power.  This should probably be treated a bit like an enemy with a conversion mechanic.
  • Kandra don't drain and dismember corpses, so there is probably also something else in addition to kandra.  The writeup implies this other threat is the primary threat in the game, and I am going to conjecture that it is structured more or less as a traditional eliminator team, since the signup thread hints at conspiracy (which implies teamwork), and because it is a common and central game mechanic that would not be excluded without good reason.
  • A pity that PMs aren't allowed.  I am guessing this is because PMs could critically undermine account-swapping powers, so I don't think we should expect there to be any PM abilities at all in this game.  Note that this strongly suggests that the account-swapper(s) is opposed to the village.
  • Incidentally, RP is actually strategically useful in this game, because it makes it harder to get away with account-swapping.
  • I am making minimal (though not quite nonexistent) efforts to hide my identity.  I am almost hoping to be identity thefted at some point, just to watch what somebody else does when they are pretending to be me.
23 hours ago, Indigo Weasel said:

In all seriousness though, I think it's important that we consider some elements of what this *possible* Kandra might be able to do in order to remain in balance.

First off, I would think that they have a limited amount of kills/swaps. Somewhere between 1 and 3 seems likely. That means they probably want to wait to use them until they can swap with a confirmed villager. If the kandra do have multiple, for example 2 or 3, then they might use the first at the end of D1, just to be able to actually use it, then save the others until later.

In other news, can someone confirm if PM's are allowed?

If it functions as a kill+swap, there are several possible limitations.  Common restrictions are that it can be used X times ever, or that it can only be used every X cycles.  It could also be something slightly more exotic, such as needing to correctly guess the target's role to impersonate them.  The particular restrictions also depend on the difficulty of the win condition they have.

If the account swap is part of an eliminator team, than I would bet that their power just piggybacks on the faction kill, instead of adding more kills into a game of this size.

22 hours ago, Fuchsia Ostrich said:

I think I've missed something - where does it hint that we have body swappers, or are able to swap anonymous accounts?

@Melon Dingo - How can you read between the lines, and come up with mechanics? The whole point of this anonymous game was that we went in blind, with no knowledge of mechanics, roles, etc. Granted, this does involve figuring them out for ourselves, but I see nothing that suggests body swapping.

@Indigo Weasel - It says in the opening post, PMs are not allowed.

Since this was posted early in the game, I think it is all but certain that you are not a body-swapper.

And that information has limited usefulness, with the possibility of identity theft down the road.

20 hours ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Based on the information from the books, we can probably assume that the Kandra are neutral or village (and no, I'm not the Kandra trying to convince you that I'm good).

Not necessarily, because this game is set in the far future and a lot could have changed.  The same goes for conventionally evil powers like hemalurgy.  This is part of why a blackout game can be fun :)

13 hours ago, Fuchsia Ostrich said:

D1 lynches are always helpful, and always NAI.

By definition, anything that is NAI is not helpful to a villager :P


Anyway, I am a believer in voting early and often.  Since Seonid has not explicitly said there is no vote, I will assume there is one.  D1 lynches are always a little shaky, but:

I am voting for Weasel for these reasons:

  • Their initial post asking the kandra to step forward felt a little forced.
    • As did highlighting the fact that a kandra might not exist.
  • They automatically assumed that there is an eliminator team.  While I agree that this is probably true, they sounded very sure of it.
  • The vote on Swan felt like jumping for an easy lynch.

It is now my honor to announce that this game no longer has any inactives, for which to park non-alignment indicative votes on. :)

Edited by Ivory Dragonfly
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Aye! Welcome aboard the Pride of Terris, Ivory Dragonfly. Hopefully you will be refreshed by some cold stew over there, next to the dead body :P.

In all seriousness, welcome! I've taken my vote off of you, and not only have you shown you're active now, your also gave a quality post, which is always a good extra.

About a secondary threat, I think someone said that the absense of blood in a body could mean a Hemalurgist taking it, which I think sounds reaosnably fine for now. If you're right about having an elim tea, it certainly wouldn't be out of the blue, having a Hemalurgist elim team. If one exists, it may be enough for me to suspect the Kandra as neutral (don't be found), since having two kills plus a lynch seems too much for 13 players.

About RP, I agree on that front. Your own writing style is going to be hard to mimic unless the Kandra has really been studying your posts, which I guess I would consider flattering to be honest :lol:. Also, we need more RPers! Mauve and I arenthe only ones who've been doing it so far, and it would be cool for others to join in too. Hopefully the threat of a Kandra should be enough incentive.



Magenta Albatross You get my vote for more resons than one, and now that I've looked through your posts again and Ivory has proven themselves active, you are pretty suspicious. Looking through your posts, it's clear that you've made efforts to appear active, though you actually haven't been helping the villagers at all, contrary to Weasel. Though he's still suspicious for other reasons, you haven't made a village helping post at all, while maintaining your guise of being active.

Lets look at your posts, shall we?

  1. Your first post is immediately using the books to say that the Kandra might be good or neutral, though the books themselves speak of a Kandra going rogue. This looks like your trying to defend yourself or the Kandra
  2. Your second to fifth posts are all about how you accidentally switched accounts and about how you can't upvote. Still not helping the village here.
  3. Your sixth post is an immediate jump on the Ivory lynch without a reason, as well as saying your innocent out of the blue. Not helping the village, as well as jumping on a bandwagon.
  4. Your seventh post argues that lynches are good because they give us information, trying to justify why your voting on Ivory. I'm sure you won't think the same when the lynch is on you.
  5. Your eighth post is defensive, and your ninth and tenth posts are just short replys to Seonid. Still not helping the village.
  6. Your eleventh post is where you reply to my comment, still not helping the village.

So, what have you done in your 11 posts? You have:

  • Argued that the Kandra 'is probably' good or neutral, defending it, despite the source itself saying that an evil Kandra is possible.
  • Normal conversation comments and short replies.
  • Jumping on the Ivory bandwagon
  • Arguing why a lynch is good.
  • Defending yourself.
  • Said that your innocent out of the blue with no backing.

Notice how none of them are really helping the village? Sorry if I come out as a bit aggressive but it just strikes me that you've managed to have 11 posts and still haven't helped the village, while in Ivory's one post he's done more.

And before people say I also voted for Ivory I did so by making my reason clear and stating I would take it off if he posted, which I did.

Edited by Azure Mouse
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"Hey," Bailey slurred groggily, joining the throng of other refugees.  "Just woke up. I miss anything?"

"Stew," somebody supplied, pointing at a pot of the stuff next to the captain's mangled corpse.

Bailey blinked to clear his vision, then set his eyes on the stew.  Perfect.  He needed a bite to eat.  He carefully shuffled over towards the captain's dead body, sat down on top of it, and promptly began to slurp up the cold stew.

Much better.

Some of the other refugees looked at him askance.  He wondered if the stew belonged to one of them.  He almost asked, but decided against it, shrugging.  People were weird like that sometimes.

It was a pretty decent stew, even cold.  Not like that soulcast crem they had over on Roshar.

"Now," he said through a mouthful of carrots and a lump of inderterminate meat.  "It's come to my attention that people are gettin' murdered and whatnot.  And while that means more stew for the rest of us, that's still bad.  We need to put a stop to this nonsense.  Any ideas?"


"Also, this is a right proper stew. You sure none of you want any?"

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If anyone's wondering what the votes are:

Coral Swan (1): Indigo Weasel

Indigo Weasel (2): Coral Swan, Ivory Dragonfly

Ivory Dragonfly (2): Amber Vulture, Magenta Albatross

Magenta Albatross (2): Melon Dingo, Azure Mouse

Note: @Indigo Weasel, you've voted twice, once for Amber Vulture, and the other for Coral Swan. I counted Coral Swan because it was your most recent vote, but I highly recommend you colour Amber's name green for the sake of the GM.

Anyway, comments on this. It seems Indigo has gone on his little one man mission to get Coral, which I can't tell if it's a suspicious or non-suspicious thing to do. On one hand, he's not voting what everyone else is voting, and on the other, if he has an elim team, they definitely aren't backing him. Funny thing is, if everyone else keeps their votes (which I doubt), Indigo's the tiebreaker.

Indigo Weasel also seems he's getting some suspicion thrown towards him, I don't think I've seen him defend himself yet, which is odd, but I might just be forgetting. Anyway, if you've read my last post I still find Magenta more suspicious so I thinking voting them would be better, but to each his own.

I don't even know why people are voting on Ivory anymore, but maybe they're sleeping or something like that so I'll give them time to see that Ivory's active. When you do see Ivory is active, I hope these guys see my last vote.

Last but not least, Magenta. I personally think this is who we should vote for, but I'll leave it up to you when you read this.

All in all, it's a three-way tie, and since its Bliackout, we don't know whether the lynched is selected at random or all tied-parties die. Very worrying indeed.

Edited by Azure Mouse
Edited Fuschia out of Ivory's vote.
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Hey good morning, to some of you! Kindof large post as it contains several parts

First part, Defense of myself(I want to live, so duh):

2 hours ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

I am voting for Weasel for these reasons:

  • Their initial post asking the kandra to step forward felt a little forced.
    • As did highlighting the fact that a kandra might not exist.
  • They automatically assumed that there is an eliminator team.  While I agree that this is probably true, they sounded very sure of it.
  • The vote on Swan felt like jumping for an easy lynch.

It is now my honor to announce that this game no longer has any inactives, for which to park non-alignment indicative votes on. :)

1. It was actually meant to sound sarcastic
      1b. I don't remember doing that...
2. I do know from my role that in order for the village to win, that they have to get rid of all of the threats to the village. So it may not be a standard elim team, but there is at least one sort of Elim team
3. I will discuss this later, as other posts specifically mentioned this post

14 hours ago, Coral Swan said:



Swan recalls the intent of having the discussion about D1 lynches stop before it even starts with a minority of the thread as they will always happen regardless. 

Swan does not like the bringing back of the D1 lynch discussion.

Swan votes for Indigo Weasel.

Swan thinks that you are twisting the words of the Swan, which should definitely be a crime.

So, yeah, I did vote for you, Coral Swan, Because I misunderstood, therefore I misrepresented your statement. I thought you were saying a D1 lynch is futile, as I mentioned. Now I understand, and I remove my vote from you.

I'm pretty sure there were other posts that mentioned me, and I thought I pushed the Multiquote button, but I can't find them listed, so I won't discuss them. I'm too lazy to go back and look for them too.

So the next thing I want to discuss is the Kandra Mechanic. I've decided that it shouldn't just be used as a swap. If it's just an account swap, but roles stay the same, then the victim will say something. I find it unlikely that it would be a total swap. If I am village kandra, then I swap totally with someone, there are only a few possibilities. I either swap with another village role, and make that person suspicious, therefore causing a lynch on me. Or I swap with an opposing team role, the previous elim becomes village, and immediately knows who one of the elims was, because they just changed roles, and an elim gets lynched.

It could be an elim traitor role, but I also find that unlikely, that would play out something like this Player A and B and C are Elim, but B is also Kandra with total swap ability. Player B performs total swap with player D, and then can immediately out player D. That has balance issues, so I don't think so for that either.

So that's why I think it would have to be a kill-swap. It gets rid of the victim's voice, which is what causes any balance issues.

Ok, now I'm on to part 3 The Magenta, Ivory discussion.  I think this could potentially help us with alignment indication come the next phase. First off a quick summary: A poke vote was placed on Ivory Dragonfly, Then Magenta added their own vote as well, without much reasoning, IIRC People thought that was suspicious.

12 hours ago, Mauve Crocodile said:

I like the theory, and the Hemalurgist would probably be an Elim, but as Azure Mouse said, if the Elims get a kill as well as the Kandra, then the game goes too quickly. Unless the Kandra doesn't actually kill anyone, and instead can impersonate the dead. Let's say that the Kandra is on the Elim team. The Elims want to kill player A and coordinate so that the Kandra (player B ) impersonates them. When the Cycle rolls over, it looks like B is dead, but in reality A is dead and B is pretending to be A.

That allows the Kandra to take advantage of kills while also allowing the game to move a bit slower. However, it might be that the Kandra is neutral, because neutral roles with cool powers could make the game a lot more interesting. In which case, this theory falls apart.

I'm still not convinced that we don't have a Chimera on the ship, though. We don't know much, but we know that Hemalurgy can make all sorts of strange things, which gives the GM a lot of room to improvise. It's probably worth looking at the game mechanics as they emerge and determine how closely to the canon this game is, and if it's very close to what we know of Scadrian magic, then that narrows our suspect field.

Hold on a moment... This is space-age Scadrial, so don't we have confirmed contact with other planets in the cosmere? Do we have any Worldhoppers on board, perhaps? That could be a neutral faction.

As for my vote, I don't like Magenta Albatross's activity so far in the game.

They jumped on Ostrich's poke vote with no other reasons. Also tried to convince us that they're vanilla, although this seems a bit TWTBAW (or whatever that Damnation acronym is).

Hmm, not sure how much I like this either. The thing about this game is that it's hard to assume anything, because it's designed to be misleading and confusing. However, it's also themed around Scadrial, so there will be nuggets of truth and justification in the mechanics. Any player who seems too sure about anything in this game means that they probably know something more than everyone else. I think that a disproportionate knowledge of game rules is the way that specific roles can be spotted.

This isn't much to go on, but it's more than I have for any other player.

Magenta Albatross.

This seems like a reason as legitimate as any other D1 reason for a lynch. After this, Magenta defended himself. I am not going to discuss his posts, because He is always going to try to sound as village as possible, and it's very hard to get any alignment indication above suspicion D1

11 hours ago, Amber Vulture said:

I'm with Magenta on this one. We will likely only learn a bit more about alignment options with the kill, as there are usually very few clues about actual alignment this early. Because of that, I'll also place a vote on Ivory Dragonfly until they post. If they post, I'll reevaluate and see if there might be a better candidate.

This was the first defense of Magenta I noticed. too lazy to go back and check again. IMO, it was too early in the phase to bandwagon a lynch on an inactive, just because they were inactive. I don't feel like it was necessary to defend him quite yet either. Because, I only think there was one vote on him. This kept Magenta very safe from their lynch at the time

11 hours ago, Azure Mouse said:

Magenta, Mauve's reasoning is making me more and more suspicious of you, but I believe you're right, in that it's probably worth more getting information from someone who is inactive, so we don't take the chance that we accidentally boot an active villager out of the game, which will be bad for everyone. I will be keeping an eye out for your posts, however, since it's the only -albeit slightly- elim thing I've seen. Ivory Dragonfly.

A vote on Dragonfly, even though Magenta is slightly suspicious, because you don't want to run the risk of lynching an active villager. I respect that. Especially since you later removed it. Keeping him in your eye though is good though. After this, we saw a little discussion about his grammar, or wording which must have been corrected, and a post about Magenta apparently accidentally posting from their main account, which was later deleted, and gave Azure a double post. But no response from Ivory that we are able to see.  So Hard to judge, how that discussion ended.

9 hours ago, Emerald Falcon said:

My opinions on the magenta albatross lynch. It just seems too perfecf, to me at least it seems very unlikely that an elim would slip like this. I’m going to wait till tomorrow though before making any final deliberations.

I agree. Rereading all of that it just seems too perfect or almost staged.

7 hours ago, Melon Dingo said:

Can I note that the lynch attempt on Magenta Albatross caused a pretty quick response and pile-up on Ivory? I also disagree that lynching an inactive is the best course of action for gathering information. It's not quite as low information as it would be in other games, because at least we'd get to learn about a role and/or alignment, but I disagree that it's a better lynch than a lynch on an active, as it'll not gain us any information we can use to find out people's alignment, unless he happens to be an inactive elim.

Magenta Albatross for now, as I really dislike the activity that popped up to seemingly protect her.

Edit: Secondary suspicion right now would be indigo weasel, for his misrepresenting of what Swan said.

It could very well be trying to protect a teammate, or bussing or a variety of other things.

Oh, Here's one of the other posts on me. I didn't mean to misrepresent what he said!!

5 hours ago, Azure Mouse said:

Sorry for the late response. Ivory already had two votes before the Magenta vote so he had it coming anyway, but about your other points, I agree, which is why Magenta is one of the players I'm keeping my eye on. As of now, however, I don't feel I've got enough to confidently vote on them, and I don't want to risk lynching someone who is not only a villager but also active, which is marginally better than an inactive villager. So, it's not an act of protecting or defending Magenta, in all likelihood I might vote for them next cycle if I don't get a better target by then and their posts remain dubious.

I'll check on Indigo's posts now for your second suspicion.

I don't personally like that defense. "He had it coming anyway" But I'll let it slide, as I don't know who you really are, and even if I did, I would only know a little bit about your playstyle and personality. 

5 hours ago, Mauve Crocodile said:

I'll Devil's Advocate a little bit here. If Amber and Azure were indeed trying to protect a teammate, then wouldn't they wait? There's still a whole day left in the Cycle for Magenta to account for their errors, and it seems pretty sloppy for two members of an Elim team to jump on defending someone with votes the moment that the person had attracted attention. This is C1 and I was the first person to vote on Magenta, so I feel like it would be a bit of an overreaction for that defence of sorts to appear.

However, both Amber and Azure voted on the same person that Magenta was voting on, which could either be a team coordinating against a single person, or an attempt to piggyback on an existing vote. It could even be that Amber and Azure are trying to pocket Magenta. 

I think that your point is pretty relevant, Melon. Azure has stated suspicion of Magenta, but not enough to constitute a vote on an active. They would rather lynch an unknown and inactive than someone who had some suspicion on them, but I can sort of understand that. It's harder to lynch someone who's been talking when there's someone who hasn't offered any help. However, it might have been an Elim stating suspicion of a teammate to distance.

Hmm, I'm sort of rambling at this point. I was going to consider the Ivory lynch, but you've given me pause.

An interesting discussion is the value of lynching an active versus an inactive. An inactive has potential to be helpful, but hasn't proven anything yet and so it appears like lynching them has a significantly smaller cost than lynching an active. However, I can also see that lynching an active who already has some connection to other players will give more information, and is therefore a higher benefit. I'm just not sure which one is objectively better. Anyone else want to weigh in on that?

I like this post a lot. I have a suspicion of who your main account player is, but I will not disclose it until the end of the game, because it's NAI. First of all, Yes, I agree, It was early. Second, I don't think an Elim team would coordinate so much so early on D1 to try to save a teammate that only has one vote/two later on, I think. Third, I am definitely entertaining the pocketing idea.

My personal playstyle is to try to lynch someone that can give us AI on D1, then after that, only lynch inactives, if I have no other solid or semi-solid suspicions. That's my overall opinion across all games.

 I think it would be good as an AI to lynch Amber Vulture for the reasons of trying to find out Alignment indication. that Mauve discussed.

I also wanted to look into the discussion about Kandra mechanics as an alignment indicator, but I feel this post is getting too long as is, so I will stop for now, and leave with this:

12 hours ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Sorry, I'm switching back and forth occasionally to check another thread.

Still, what I said stands.

I've got my main account opened up in Chrome and this account opened up in IE, and I don't have any problems with accessing them both at the same time from the same computer, then I don't make a mistake about which account I'm on, because my main account is staying away from SE, and lurking in other parts  of the shard.

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Am I the only one getting repeatedly thrown off by all the animal names >> I'm at a point where I'm often not even completely certain who I am. XD

14 hours ago, Coral Swan said:


15 hours ago, Indigo Weasel said:

I'm not vulture, but I'm generally in favor of D1 lynched. The longer we wait, doesn't necessarily mean we get any extra alignment info.

For now, my vote will be on coral swan for trying to argue that D1 lynches are futile, and trying to stop a lynch. 

I'll do more analysis tomorrow though.


15 hours ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

I'm pretty sure they said that asking for whether we should have D1 lynches is futile, bc they're gonna happen regardless. 


Swan recalls the intent of having the discussion about D1 lynches stop before it even starts with a minority of the thread as they will always happen regardless. 

Swan does not like the bringing back of the D1 lynch discussion.

Swan votes for Indigo Weasel.

Swan thinks that you are twisting the words of the Swan, which should definitely be a crime.


Coral Swan, This defensive vote seems a little too defensive and opportunistic. Idk.

12 hours ago, Mauve Crocodile said:

They jumped on Ostrich's poke vote with no other reasons. Also tried to convince us that they're vanilla, although this seems a bit TWTBAW (or whatever that Damnation acronym is).

TWTBAW is correct. :P But yeah, that's my tentative opinion on Albatross as well. I'm like 70% sure we're going to lynch them at some point and they'll flip village. kind of how it goes with Straw lynches

Quick note that the votes piling up on Ivory are slightly sus

5 hours ago, Mauve Crocodile said:

An interesting discussion is the value of lynching an active versus an inactive. An inactive has potential to be helpful, but hasn't proven anything yet and so it appears like lynching them has a significantly smaller cost than lynching an active. However, I can also see that lynching an active who already has some connection to other players will give more information, and is therefore a higher benefit. I'm just not sure which one is objectively better. Anyone else want to weigh in on that?

I personally think that it shouldn't matter whether the lynchee is active or not. If they're sus, they're sus. We often leave the actives alive and they end up being elims. Deep wolves are a thing after all. 

I'm too tired right now to think, and like, make this post more substantial and fill it with words...Sorry.:P 

wow huge Weasel post. I agree with most of that.

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3 hours ago, Azure Mouse said:

Also, we need more RPers! Mauve and I arenthe only ones who've been doing it so far, and it would be cool for others to join in too. Hopefully the threat of a Kandra should be enough incentive.

Swan recalls staying in character for most of this thread so far, but does not understand whatever this RP thing is. Why be someone else when one can be the Swan?

25 minutes ago, Indigo Weasel said:

A lot of stuff

You know, I've always been a fan of Weasels myself. I hope our relations will not sour anymore after this. 

17 minutes ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

Coral Swan, This defensive vote seems a little too defensive and opportunistic. Idk.

It is the first day upon this new refuge, so I am fairly sure that most votes will appear to be like that.

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This is a sci-fi Scadrial setting... Can we please stop talking about "AI"? I'm assuming, given what NAI means, that AI means alignment indicative, but at the same time, AI as in artificial intelligence, is a big staple of sci fi settings, so for all we know, it could be a role, or item or something. Or, in other words... STOP CONFUSING ME!!!

*Goes off to bury my head in the sand*

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Sorry about the AI confusion. I will use the words alignment indicitive from here on out instead. (unless I forget)

On a completely unrelated note, This morning I was trying to log in, but couldn't. Took me like 5 or 10 minutes before I realized that I wasn't the Indigo Ferret...:huh:

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1 hour ago, Indigo Weasel said:

A poke vote was placed on Ivory Dragonfly, Then Magenta added their own vote as well, without much reasoning, IIRC People thought that was suspicious

I did it because I find that single-vote poke-votes are sometimes ignored as they don't have much weight.


1 hour ago, Indigo Weasel said:

This seems like a reason as legitimate as any other D1 reason for a lynch. After this, Magenta defended himself. I am not going to discuss his posts, because He is always going to try to sound as village as possible, and it's very hard to get any alignment indication above suspicion D1

Not mentioning the posts of the person you find suspicious?  That makes SO much sense...

Especially not mentioning my defense of myself.

1 hour ago, Indigo Weasel said:

A vote on Dragonfly, even though Magenta is slightly suspicious, because you don't want to run the risk of lynching an active villager. I respect that. Especially since you later removed it.

You keep saying slightly suspicious, but then you guys act like I'm the most suspicious person in the world.


1 hour ago, Indigo Weasel said:

I don't personally like that defense. "He had it coming anyway" But I'll let it slide, as I don't know who you really are, and even if I did, I would only know a little bit about your playstyle and personality. 

And you won't let what I said slide?


1 hour ago, Indigo Weasel said:

I've got my main account opened up in Chrome and this account opened up in IE, and I don't have any problems with accessing them both at the same time from the same computer, then I don't make a mistake about which account I'm on, because my main account is staying away from SE, and lurking in other parts  of the shard.

For some reason that doesn't work for me.

Also, I'm a he.

Also, short, NAI posts are pretty much my norm.  I am The Young Pyromancer.

Also, the post about me claiming to be good was MEANT as a claim of being roleless, as a defense against the claim that I knew more than I was letting on.

Edited by Magenta Albatross
I added a space.
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I think some parts of my post may have been misunderstood.

16 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:
1 hour ago, Indigo Weasel said:

A poke vote was placed on Ivory Dragonfly, Then Magenta added their own vote as well, without much reasoning, IIRC People thought that was suspicious

I did it because I find that single-vote poke-votes are sometimes ignored as they don't have much weight.

1 hour ago, Indigo Weasel said:

This seems like a reason as legitimate as any other D1 reason for a lynch. After this, Magenta defended himself. I am not going to discuss his posts, because He is always going to try to sound as village as possible, and it's very hard to get any alignment indication above suspicion D1

Not mentioning the posts of the person you find suspicious?  That makes SO much sense...

Especially not mentioning my defense of myself.

So the analysis I was doing was looking for alignment indication in the posts in response to the whole magenta/ivory fiasco. I don't see anything Alignment indicitive in your posts. I'm looking at the others posts. Sorry about that.

16 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:

You keep saying slightly suspicious, but then you guys act like I'm the most suspicious person in the world.

I don't think you're suspicious. I was also trying to summarize Azure's (IIRC) post, and give my two cents worth

16 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:


1 hour ago, Indigo Weasel said:

I don't personally like that defense. "He had it coming anyway" But I'll let it slide, as I don't know who you really are, and even if I did, I would only know a little bit about your playstyle and personality. 

And you won't let what I said slide?

I think I've already answered that. I can't let something slide if it slid past without issue

16 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:


1 hour ago, Indigo Weasel said:

I've got my main account opened up in Chrome and this account opened up in IE, and I don't have any problems with accessing them both at the same time from the same computer, then I don't make a mistake about which account I'm on, because my main account is staying away from SE, and lurking in other parts  of the shard.

For some reason that doesn't work for me.

Also, I'm a he.

Also, short, NAI posts are pretty much my norm.  I am The Young Pyromancer.

Also, the post about me claiming to be good was MEANT as a claim of being roleless, as a defense against the claim that I knew more than I was letting on.

Because anonymity is only secondary importance I don't care much that you reveal who you are. But It is still NAI, because I can almost never get a solid read on you specifically. Sorry, I'm really bad at assuming genders. And I try to use gender neutral pronouns, but I usually forget.

So I hope that clears a little bit up. I did not mean to sound suspicious of you. I was just trying to find out if others were suspicious. That's why I put my vote on Amber Vulture. They seem like the most likely to be elim in my opinion. Because either A, he's pocketing you, or B, you are also an Elim on his team. Azure is actually my secondary suspicion, and then you are somewhere between 3rd and 13th.

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1 hour ago, Indigo Weasel said:


Coral Swan (1): Amethyst Scorpion

Indigo Weasel (1): Ivory Dragonfly

Ivory Dragonfly (2): Amber Vulture, Magenta Albatross

Magenta Albatross (2): Melon Dingo, Azure Mouse

Amber Vulture(1): Indigo Weasel

Where's the bandwagon though

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Seeing as I am becoming somewhat of a Storyteller (though not a Bard), I thought that I should also ask everyone else if they are keen for any other tales, either made on the spot or retold through the lens of something that I oddly want to describe as Sanderson Elimination, though that name does seem to have no reason for it.


OOC: That single line segment has given me away to someone if I'm not given away yet.

Also that Bard part is a pun, please don't miss it.

Also also please follow request before Swan gets bored in-universe.

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I'm not sure what else can add right now (it'd really be best if I where to go get some sleep instead). I can see where Indigo weasel could have misread Swans intentions but, it'd have required a really cursory glance to make that mistake. I don't dislike the rest of his posts, so I'm not really that suspicious of him right now, though I'll keep an eye on him.

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Just a note - although this game is not as strict about revealing whether you are playing the game or not as the Anniversary Game was, please DO NOT reveal your identity. We understand that accidents happen, and we'll hide posts accidentally posted from the wrong account as quickly as we can, but please do not deliberately tell other players who you are or reveal your identity outside of the game, and be as careful as you can to make sure that posts in this thread are using the anonymous account.

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4 hours ago, Indigo Weasel said:

This was the first defense of Magenta I noticed. too lazy to go back and check again. IMO, it was too early in the phase to bandwagon a lynch on an inactive, just because they were inactive. I don't feel like it was necessary to defend him quite yet either. Because, I only think there was one vote on him. This kept Magenta very safe from their lynch at the time.

I had been hesitant to phrase my statement the way I did because of this reason. No matter how Magenta flipped, I could easily be seen as elim for having defended them. However, my intention was not exactly to defend Magenta, but to defend my own vote on Ivory. Magenta's post and the previous discussion just made a good segue for me. I had already been in the process of taking note of who had and hadn't posted yet with the intention to vote on someone who had yet to join. The only person left happened to be Ivory.

45 minutes ago, Coral Swan said:

Where's the bandwagon though

The bandwagon has pretty much disappeared, but as far as my count shows, there had been about 4-5 votes on Ivory before they posted.

4 hours ago, Indigo Weasel said:

So the next thing I want to discuss is the Kandra Mechanic. I've decided that it shouldn't just be used as a swap. If it's just an account swap, but roles stay the same, then the victim will say something. I find it unlikely that it would be a total swap. If I am village kandra, then I swap totally with someone, there are only a few possibilities. I either swap with another village role, and make that person suspicious, therefore causing a lynch on me. Or I swap with an opposing team role, the previous elim becomes village, and immediately knows who one of the elims was, because they just changed roles, and an elim gets lynched.

I hadn't thought about that aspect of things. A true swap would make things... interesting, to say the least. However, it's not impossible. It very well could be not a Kandra. It could be a mask-swap based on the people discovered in Mistborn Era 2. Also, it could be a village role designed to help infiltrate the elim team, making a swap with an elim member the ideal situation (though, admittedly, imbalanced if it were to happen).

As for the lynch, I'm not dead set on Magenta as the best option. I'm going to hold off on a vote for now while I review and take a few more notes.

In the meantime, here's a bit of RP:


Liseran walked confidently through the halls of the Pride of Terris. Light purple strips of cloth wound around her hands and up her arms to her elbows. A similar piece of cloth wrapped around her waist. It helped disguise the slight bulge at her hips, the gun she'd acquired before their departure.

Let people say what they would about this world, she enjoyed their technology.

Liseran watched the people she passed. Even if she couldn't feel it, she would be able to tell most were in a state of languid despair. Their eyes betrayed them. The death of their captain, brutal as it was, had taken a toll on the people. A lack of leadership was not the concern, for someone would always step up. It was the uncertainty of knowing who was friend and who was foe. It was the fear of the dark corners where an unsuspecting victim could easily fall to an even darker threat. It was the fear in their eyes that betrayed they would be willing to kill anyone in order to survive.

Liabilities. That is what each of them were in the end. Liabilities that could get in the way of what she was hunting. But they were liabilities she would try to protect, as always. That was a promise she had made when she had become who she was.

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