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[OB] another big sentence


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Honor is dead.

We are of Perservation and people of Ruin.

I am Unity.



I smell new shardholder here. With bigger Shard...:lol:

Any ideas about this and possible ways to use Unityum (or Dalinarium) in Allomancy?



Edited by NoiseSpren
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For one thing, Dalinar's still around so he is a sliver


like Rashik

Some of Honor's power but still human, Dalinar is on his way though and by the end will likely be a shard, if not more. We saw Raysium or Bavidium already but if Dalinar becomes a full shard, maybe his godmetal will be amnesium.

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I doubt Sanderson  is going to rehash the same plotlines as Mistborn where the protagonist 


Ascends to Godhood



Wasn't also the "I AM UNITY" his 3rd words since stormfather went "It is accepted" afterwards.

But i do think he's a weird Sliver/Vessel situation with a broken shard since our clue first of all was the lines on their first meeting where Odium was saying in their first meetup about Dalinar telling him to "GTFO and leave us alone" where Odium said that was that it from the man who has the rights of honors name or something(none-verbatim).  And also Dalinar's line going "His remnants, your spirit and my will" to Stormfather about how was he doing that. 

I take it that Dalinar represented Honor around OB and after his stunt with creating Honor's perpendicularity out of nowhere he is now officially the representative of Honor. Considering he has direct access to his investure now(charging people and that weird activation of Oathgate through spiritual realm)

I think this might be special to Dalinar's case too considering that Honor geting splintered in Roshar isn't as big deal compared to the shards in Sel due to Roshar having enough "release valve" of power

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2 hours ago, goody153 said:

Wasn't also the "I AM UNITY" his 3rd words since stormfather went "It is accepted" afterwards.

No, it was something separate. Dalinar has spoken three oaths. 


Hoidonalsium [PENDING REVIEW]

In that one long rejection of Odium, how many Oaths did Dalinar swear before merging the Realms? And is "I am Unity" the fifth.

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

No, that is not an Oath. He swore one ideal in that experience.

Hoidonalsium [PENDING REVIEW]

Okay. How many Oaths is he on?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

The number you think. So, he should have just finished three, right? Or maybe four. I'll have to go look. It's the number that you think it is. I'm not being sneaky on you. There's nothing sneaky there. He doesn't get armor, so I can't remember where he is... He should be at three. "Life before death." "I will unite instead of divide." "I will stand up each time I fall." Yeah, so he's done three.



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