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I'm new here so this may have been discussed before, but one of the things I am most curious about is how the different Spren in the book will get along. Will they become friends, rivals, something more...? Here are some of my thoughts.



Syl seems incredibly curious about Pattern during the arena scene.


He heard Syl humming nearby, but couldn't find where she'd gone. "Syl?" He asked. She kept hiding from him here.

There was a Cryptic at the fight,” her voice said softly.

You mentioned those before, didn't you? A type of spren?”

“A revolting type.” she paused. “But not evil, I don't think.” She sounded begrudging. “I was going to follow it, as it fled, but you needed me. When I went back to look, it had hidden from me.



Syl is also one of the most charismatic, curious and intelligent characters in WoR. I am pretty sure that Brandon removed her from the Shallan / Kaladin chasm arc simply so the Syl / Pattern interaction wouldn't take over the chapters.



Unfortunately, Kaladin is about to fly off into the wild blue yonder towards Alethkar and then will probably go to the capital. I would not be surprised if he doesn't reunite with Shallan at all until the end of the next book. That being said, I think that Syl and Pattern could hit it off fabulously once they get together and work through their initial disgust of each other. Both are some of the most visible Spren companions we have seen so far and a relationship between them could even act as a Romeo / Juliet style friendship among opposite factions. This is a trope, but it is a trope that works.



The fact that Syl never mentions Glys throughout WoR demonstrates how shy Renarin's spren is. To be fair, though, I think Renarin having a shardblade didn't help in this regard. Right now, Renarin is the only one of the four with access to the progression (growth) surge. I think this will fascinate the surgeon in Kaladin and he will start to help Renarin learn to heal people. Once this happens, Syl's natural friendliness will draw out Glys and they will become friends.


Unfortunately, this won't probably happen until the end of the next book at the earliest due to Kaladin's jaunt to Alethkar




Jasnah and Kaladin won't start the next book near each other, but I think the chance that they will meet up in Kholinar to be likely. It would be just like Hoid to help engineer such a meeting. If so, Ivory and Syl are both rebels who have “betrayed” their Spren type. This common ground (as well as the stylishness of Ivory and the wiriness of will help Syl) draw out the normally shy Ivory.


Who knows... perhaps we will even see a strong friendship or relationship develop between Kaladin and Jasnah? I don't think age will be as big a deal for the KR because stormlight will most likely extend their lives. Jasnah is probably biologically in her mid / late twenties.



Pattern's intelligence progressed during this book at a rather fast rate. He seems to be genuinely curious about everything and this curiosity will most likely lead him to interact with the other spren.



Already discussed in the Syl Section



Both Shallan and Renarin share the Illumination (Illusion) surge. This, makes them natural study partners as they strive to perfect their skills. In addition, I think Shallan will need to learn to fight in the next book and Renarin will make a better sparring partner for her than Adolin. Primarily I think fighting against a live shardblade will be more comfortable for both Spren. I also think that Shallan might be embarrassed to learn fighting from Adolin because she likes him.


Both of these two items might Allan and Renarin interact frequently, which would give their Spren a lot of chances to interact. Since Glys is most likely also a mental savant like pattern, I think the two will become thick as thieves and we will be rewarded with a lot of smart people talking over everyone else's heads and brainstorming off of each other banter. I think they may also compare notes on training their humans.



I think Ivory might be slightly scared of or intimidated by Pattern based on the one time Shallan sees her in the first book. It is interesting that Ivory is visible to Shallan but immediately disappears once the door opens to reveal Pattern. Would he have stayed visible if only Shallan was there or did he sense Pattern? That being said, Shallan and Jasnah are likely to spend a lot of time together once Jasnah finally makes it to Urithiru. Perhaps these two spren might become friends then... I still think Syl / Ivory is a more likely pairing, however.



We haven't met Glys, but he/she is probably something of a savant given Renarin's powers. I think his/her most likely friendship match in the next book is Pattern.



Already discussed in a previous sections.



Both are shy considering we don't see much of them throughout the book. I think this fact will help Glys draw out Ivory from hiding. I also think that Renarin will spend a lot of time with Jasnah once she finally makes it back to Urithiru because she will want to study his Spren and Renarin seems to like her a lot.


Glys-->Adolin's Shardblade

If anyone can help awaken Adolin's shardblade, it will probably be Glys / Renarin with their Progression Surge. I think that (along with the correct words for the shards order) will be necessary for this (along with other things). I think this may be unlikely, but it would probably be the biggest possible “Hells Yeah!” moment for me in the next book if it does.



Ivory is many things... stylish and shy:


She found Jasnah herself just outside, reaching toward the doorknob, her left hand cupped before her. A small figure made of inky blackness-- shaped like a man in a smart, fashionable suit with a long coat—stood in her palm. He melted away into shadow as he saw Shallan. Jasnah looked to Shallan, then glanced toward the floor of the cabin, where the pattern was crossing the wood.



He is also a rebel, yet filled with anxiety...



It climbed up the wall, then slipped down, then climbed back up, then slipped down again.

“Imbecilic?” Shallan asked.

“Perhaps it simply needs more time,” Jasnah said. “When I first boned with Ivory--” She stopped abruptly.

“What?” Shallan said.

“I'm sorry. He doesn't like me to speak of him. It makes him anxious. The knights' breaking of their oaths was very painful to the spren. Many spren died; I'm certain of it. Though Ivory won't speak of it, I gather that what he's done is regarded as a betrayal by the others of his kind.”




I think the other Spren are going to have to take some time to win Ivory's trust, but he will be a witty character with dry humor once they do earn it. I am expecting at least a couple Jasnah POV chapters next book and am highly looking forward to them.



I think Syl and Glys are the most likely friendships with Ivory. Pattern, being a noble among Spren, will probably intimidate him too much for him to gain his trust.



Wyndle reminds me of the long suffering dry-humor butler from English Sitcoms. I think he would jump at the chance to actually have a conversation with another Spren if one of the main characters come into contact with Lift. I think one of the more mobile characters (Jasnah / Kaladin) is most likely to meet her in the next book.



I can't see the Stormfather condescending to interact with the other Spren except for perhaps showing disdain for Pattern / Shallan and being somewhat protective of Syl. This may all change if another Bondsmith appears.



Could the next bondsmith bond to the Nightwatcher? If so, I think the most likely candidates are Sigzil or Navani. Of these, I think Navani would have the most potential for awesomeness. That would put an interesting twist on her and Dalinar's relationship.


How do you think these Spren will respond to each other?  Do you think we will have a Spren POV in the next book?

Edited by Jerich
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