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I've been reading Cosmere stuff for about a year now, and have read all of the published works except for most of Wax and Wayne, Secret Histories, and Alomancer Jak. I've been reading the wikis, reddit, and such, but I've found more answers to my esoteric questions here, so I figured that I should join this lovely community.

I started with Stormlight, and my favorite book so far was Warbreaker (I think).

I found Brandon's work through The Name of the Wind reddit, and The Wheel of Time.

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Hello and Welcome!! Have an upvote!

Word to the wise, dont take the cookies (they usually have spikes in them)

I started with mistborn era 1. Warbreaker is actually my favorite book as well! I would highly suggest reading wax and wayne (im currently reading them again) they are great. Wayne is my favorite character of all the books atm, besides i think Syl. 

Edited by Niteshado
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