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[OB] Copper and Bronze


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I'm getting close to the end of my second read through of Oathbringer, and I noticed something on Captain Ico's ship.  In the chapter titled "Reachers," Kaladin makes some observations about the spren.  Namely the bronze-ish skin they have, and the copper webbing running through the ship, that seems to run pulses of information.


Is this a more scientific copper-wiring/electricity based form of communication that the Reachers use?  Or, does the Bronze and Copper of the Reachers have any relation to Allomantic Bronze and copper?  Here they are using Copper to transmit pulses, that they can detect and interpret through their Bronze skin.  On Scadrial, Allomancers use Bronze to detect and interpret investiture pulses. 


Does anyone more realmaticly savy than me have thoughts to add to this?

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