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Hi everyone,

Just started posting here so figured I'd say hi.

Hi, I've read all Cosmere books and The Reckoners series. Discovered Brandon when I found out he'd be completing The Wheel of Time. Been a huge fanboy ever since,

More than willing to chat to anyone and to prove fanboy status here's a picture of my Szeth half sleeve (maybe quarter sleeve, it covers half my lower arm so that)



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Hard question.
I think the most intriguing one is awakening and colour from Warbreaker, I'm interested to see how other sentient items (like Nightblood) act.

Spoilers for Mistborn below


Overall I'd say Mistborn, the idea of 16 metals, and 3 different implementations of those metals (Alo, Feru and Hema)  and then combinations within. The number of possible permutations and abilities are mind blowing and that's even before taking into consideration things such as 'Conservation of Momentum' that Wax does. 


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