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[OB] Ishar's Bond


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I imagine this has been brought up before, and if so someone please point me in the right direction with my thanks in advance.  


Ishar was a Bondsmith.  He is still alive, but seems inactive as a Bondsmith (maybe due to giving up the blade that provided him those surges?).  He would have bonded one of the three, even if he wasn't of his order (Nahel says he is the only one who joined his order).  Would he have been the one bonded to the Sibling, and over time Ishar's decay into insanity (or at least what looks like insanity, Nahel implies he stayed sane) have hurt the Bonded Spren to the point it hibernated?   

Can the Bondsmith Spren unbond themselves?  If not, is whatever he bonded to trapped with him until he dies?  That would seem unpleasant.  

Edited by Dangerous_Pants
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Ishar wasn't a bondsmith. Ishar was a herald, which is an entirely different thing. Ishar is the herald who is patron of the bondsmiths, not a member of them. The Knights Radiant were a result of spren attempting to copy what Honor had done with the Heralds. Ishar could not have been bonded to the sibling because only one herald joined the order they inspired, and that was Nale.

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I don't think Ishar is actually a Bondsmith, just similar. Bondsmiths have unique powers shared with all the Herlads according to in universe WoR quotes. I don't think we have any evidence that Ishar bonded one of the God Spren but its possible I guess. 

Edited by MPHRD
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