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[OB] The Dawnshards are...


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So here's my theory; The Dawnshards are the 16 shards of Adonalsium. After the shattering some, or all of the shards stayed on Yolen and fought each other. Resulting in the near destruction of the planet. Once the shard vessels see what they have done most of them make an agreement to all go to different planets, so that their powers would never be used against each other again. Odium decides to stop it from happening again by destroying all the other shards. And lastly (t When human refugees on Roshar found out that two Shards(Honor, and Cultivation) have broken the agreement and came the Roshar together, they become afraid that their new home will be destroyed. So they contacted Odium to come save them by destroying Honor, and Cultivation. It's possible humans were more Cosmere aware back then and knew that Odium had defeated Devotion, and Dominion without harming Sel. So they thought the same thing would happen on Roshar. When the fight with Odium turned into a long lasting conflict they sided with Honor.                                                                                                                        My evidence for this mostly come from the word 'Dawn' implies the start of something, or the first. So the Dawnshards would be like the first Shards; the Shards of Adonalsium. Whereas Shardblades, and Shardplate are newer smaller pieces of Adonalsium.     Also the fact that Honor seams to have felt reasonable for the destruction of the planet Roshar humans first came from. If the planet humans came from only had Odium on it, why would Honor feel guilty? 

Edited by AngelDeath
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