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Thought I'd make a token post here and talk a little bit about what brought me here and my history reading Cosmere books.

I, like many others, Brandon included, cut my teeth on the Wheel of Time series. I devoured them once I got through the first book, and actually got detention for reading in class more than once. My 9th grade Language Arts teacher actually recommended I check out a guy called George RR Martin when I came to her class after school to reclaim my confiscated Wheel of Time book c.2002.

I started reading Sanderson after Jordan died, and I sought out Mistborn, reading Final Empire and then The Well of Ascension. No joke, I literally threw the book (The Well of Ascension) across the room when I finished it because I hated the ending so much. I dropped the series after that.

It wasn't until sometime after the 12th Wheel of Time book was published that I gave Brandon's original works another chance, reading The Way of Kings, and boy did I love it. I went back and finished the Mistborn trilogy (the third book helped so much), then consumed the other ones. My particular favorite is Warbreaker, even though I don't think it's as good a novel as some of his others.

Since I first read The Way of Kings, I've been a huge fan, and since Pterry's death, Brandon has become my favorite living author. 

It's taken me long enough to sign up on this board, but with all the Cosmere-relevant reveals, and the overall quality and quantity of timely discussion on this site, I decided I couldn't stand on the sidelines any longer.

Now let me tell you what I think about the Heralds and the Oathpact...

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Hi.  New here myself, but there are plenty of people offering cookies around here, so it can't be all bad.  I would say take them.  I took mine to join the dark side long ago, and never looked back.  Wait, wrong universe...

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Short answer is that the gap between books 5 and 6 is the gap between Desolations, and that the 10 Heralds going to Braize are our 10 founding Radiants aka all of our main characters. It came to me in an aha moment when we learned that Ishar was the founder of the original Oathpact. However, if I could find it, others surely have, so I'm not claiming originality.

Dalinar founds the next Oathpact, you heard it here first (I hope).

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