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Duralumin with different investiture


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So suppose that a hemiralgic spike is used to take the power of a duralumin misting, then giving to someone on the other planets. Imagine burning duralumin while surgebinding. I imagine the stormlight that the individual would be used in a great big burst. Imagine being able to not just pull arrows but axial people to your shield like the ars ancarnum states might be possible. Or imagine creating powerful aondor magics allowing the elantrians to maybe teleport to other planets or even healing entire populations. I have trouble picturing what an enhanced awakening would be like though

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perhaps not, because with feruchemy the investiture is not stored directly in the body. Duralumin simply exhausts the investiture catalyst directly within your body AKA the metals. With feruchemy the investiture is stored in temporal displacement with the metal minds being used as a medium by which they transfer. There is no net gain. I imagine duralumin when compounding would do some wicked stuff though. 

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Really Swimmingly? I would love to see that citation :D That sounds epic. 


But yeah I always suspected there is more use to the cosmere from aluminum and duralumin and their external counterparts. I suspect they can affect all different sorts of internal investiture. 

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Duralumin doesn't affect Investiture, it affects metals which are themselves not Investiture (except in the case of atium/lerasium). Unfortunately, I don't think burning duralumin will do anything to other magic systems. There's always aluminum/chromium, though.

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Uh damnation citation? What is this citation you speak of? Seriously, I'm sure I heard somewhere that the modern trilogy is going to be about a misting SWAT team chasing down a serial killer Mistborn (nice reversal of Kelsier's antics anyone?), and the main character is going to be a nicroburster. I've never considered the effects of Compounding + nicrobursting before...

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it affects the metals yes, but the metals are simply a catalyst for the investiture to be channeled through. Similar to the Aons on Sel. Also similar to the way storm light isn't the actual energy that fuels surges, simply the catalyst for the energy to channel through. The energy I am sure is the power of the shards themselves. Duralumin simply exhausts the catalyst in one big burn. Imagine creating a surge with all the storm light in your body, or teleporting far by channeling the full power of the aon

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The metal is a catalyst that is consumed in the reaction, a kind of molecular gate. Duralumin catalyses that, making all the molecular gates open at once in a chain reaction triggered by burnt duralumin and burnt other metal/burnt nicrosil and burnt other metal. Now, I have no idea how this works with atium.

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it affects the metals yes, but the metals are simply a catalyst for the investiture to be channeled through. Similar to the Aons on Sel. Also similar to the way storm light isn't the actual energy that fuels surges, simply the catalyst for the energy to channel through. The energy I am sure is the power of the shards themselves. Duralumin simply exhausts the catalyst in one big burn. Imagine creating a surge with all the storm light in your body, or teleporting far by channeling the full power of the aon


Stormlight is the actual energy, actually. Unless we've been told differently? From my understanding, Stormlight is pure Investiture, while metals and Aons just provide a 'low-pressure area' for Investiture to flow through.


I think that I may have been too hasty, though. If we look at duralumin from a Cosmere physics standpoint, we could guess that the mechanism for it working is that it 'expands' the channels that the Investiture takes to go through your body, which results in you being able to channel or hold more Investiture than normal. More Investiture flowing through you burns your metals that much more quickly (maybe?). Normally, you can only take in so much Investiture, but duralumin may alter this. Also, there's this WoB:


So when a person is burning metals, they aren't using Preservation's body as a fuel so to speak—though they are tapping into the powers of creation just slightly. When Vin burns the mists, however, she'd doing just that—using the essence of Preservation, the Shard of Adonalsium itself—to fuel Allomancy. Doing this, however, rips 'troughs' through her body. It's like forcing far too much pressure through a very small, fragile hose. That much power eventually vaporizes the corporeal host, which is acting as the block and forcing the power into a single type of conduit (Allomancy) and frees it to be more expansive.

Basically, I'm speculating that duralumin operates on this part of the body that is a 'fragile hose' and makes it less fragile or expands it somehow. Imagine a hose becoming a tunnel, or something.


So... I'd theorize that using duralumin should let you hold a greater amount of Stormlight (without exploding), and should let you Awaken metals without having the whatever Heightening, though metals will still probably take a thousand Breaths to Awaken.


I'm uncertain though. I am giving duralumin a 40% chance of doing nothing for other magic systems.

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That is also possible, but it seems that of all the metals in allomancy, the enhancement metals are the only ones that deal with change in investiture. Assuming that we could create multi powered characters, I think the magic systems would have some way of interacting with each other. Imagine the possibilities. I agree  that it may be more limited than I am hoping for though. I just hope that we do not have to wait too long to find out haha

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Do other magics have power caps like allomancy does? Surgebinding doesn't seem to: you can take in as much stormlight as you want, though too much will probably harm you. Since what duralumin does is open the gate wide and remove any power caps, I think Surgebinders would end up taking enormous amounts of stormlight into themselves, and get torn up just like allomancers taking in the mists. Probably not the best idea.

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Do other magics have power caps like allomancy does? Surgebinding doesn't seem to: you can take in as much stormlight as you want, though too much will probably harm you. Since what duralumin does is open the gate wide and remove any power caps, I think Surgebinders would end up taking enormous amounts of stormlight into themselves, and get torn up just like allomancers taking in the mists. Probably not the best idea.


Stormlight heals you, though. So... maybe it's like using pewter and steel together? It almost kills you, but the pewter hardens your body to the point where you don't actually get torn apart?


The interactions of magic systems and the physics of magic in the Cosmere fascinate me. I'm so excited for Words of Radiance, since the epilogue apparently has something like this.

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Stormlight heals you, though. So... maybe it's like using pewter and steel together? It almost kills you, but the pewter hardens your body to the point where you don't actually get torn apart?


The interactions of magic systems and the physics of magic in the Cosmere fascinate me. I'm so excited for Words of Radiance, since the epilogue apparently has something like this.

So then you have immense power, with the drawback of crippling pain. Still not very fun, though it could be useful.

Ooh, it does?! Probably involving feruchemy or Yolen lightweaving, then, since I doubt anyone but Hoid is in a position to be fighting surgebinders with foreign magic.

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So then you have immense power, with the drawback of crippling pain. Still not very fun, though it could be useful.


I have theorized that Jasnah will single-handedly kill the Voidbringers off by Soulcasting Roshar into a marshmallow temporarily... maybe she gets a duralumin spike in WoR?



Ooh, it does?! Probably involving feruchemy or Yolen lightweaving, then, since I doubt anyone but Hoid is in a position to be fighting surgebinders with foreign magic.


I'm a fan of it being Hoid with an Awakened sword against a Shardblade, personally.

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And stores a feruchemical attribute in it beforehand?


Why stop there? Make a Hemalurgic spike out of it, too! Make the Shardblade out of copper, it can store someone's identity. Then your talking sword could steal the souls of those it kills, and you could call it Dragnipur. Inside the sword, all the people would be forced around the clock to bake cookies!

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Why stop there? Make a Hemalurgic spike out of it, too! Make the Shardblade out of copper, it can store someone's identity. Then your talking sword could steal the souls of those it kills, and you could call it Dragnipur. Inside the sword, all the people would be forced around the clock to bake cookies!

Then Forge the blade into a cookie, too, and inscribe Aons on it with the formula for creating cookies from air.
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but what there is more, you could make it a fabrial so that it soul casts lighting that turns things into cookies of all different kinds. Then you bind a baking spren to it and give it a seon that is the word for cookies. Hoid you evil genius 

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