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Finishing Words of Radiance


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500 pages in 90 min,OMG.

You went to some speed reading seminar or something? and you actually can recall what you read with that speed?


 My life would be so much easy if I had this skill =)


I will savory  every page of the book looking for hidden facts and tidbits at the same time that i try to form new theories and guess what happen in the end odf the book  =)


And after that I probaly will read again to make the thing fix in my mind =)

Edited by Natans
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I think since the book is divided into Parts that would be a natural stopping and dividing point for progress based spoiler threads.

yes I thought the same thing, I thought I'd read one part per day, well didn't work out that well. There was on point in the book at a little overe half way through where I said ah well now I just have toknow an read through the night.

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For some reason I feel like all of the pre released chapters were really short. But it could be that I was so excited that I didn't even realize how much I was reading


One of my GR friends that already has the book counted for me. She said that the pre-release chapters are about 160 pages (hardcover obviously, but that also included the left out chapters 7, 11, and 13 and did not include the interludes). That fits with my reading speed, since I read at 50 softcover pages an hour, and 160 hardcover pages is around 200 softcover pages. It took me 4 hours to read all the re-release stuff.


And OMG, 500 pages in 90 minutes?!?! I swear that's a super power.

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I'm taking Tues and Weds off work to read!  I'm getting the ebook, so on Monday I'm planning to go to sleep early so I wake up super early on Tuesday and get started!!  Even though I've read all the excerpt material, I'm planning to start at the beginning, I want to make sure I'm in context for the skipped chapters.  Super excited!!!  :D :D :D :D :D

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I have it. I'm from the UK, but got it early. I took 12 hours to read it all, from purchase to finishing it (of those I probably spent 9-10 reading, discounting internet browsing time, two meals, and some travel) although I may have missed some minor details that I'll pick up on with a re read. Are we going to actually make it a competition?

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